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四年級(jí)英語下冊Unit 1 Days and Months Lesson 2 Days of the week

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Days of the week

Let\'s say the days of the week.    我們一起說說一個(gè)星期里的每一天吧。

Mondy is the first day of the week.    星期一是一個(gè)星期里的第一天。

Tueday is the second.       星期二是第二天。

Wednesday is the third.       星期三是第三天。

Thursday is the fourth.       星期四是第四天。

Friday is the fifth.       星期五是第五天。

Saturday is the sixth.       星期六是第六天。

Sunday is the senventh.       星期天是第七天。

Let\'s chant

一個(gè)星期有七天,            每天每日都新鮮。 

周一Monday 起得早,         周二Tuesday來做操。 

周三Wednesday 學(xué)英語,       周四Thursday上體育。 

周五Friday 要努力,         為了下周來復(fù)習(xí)。 

周六Saturday 串親戚,       周日Sunday 來休息。


To look two ways to find Sundays——斜著眼看 

Girl Friday——得力助手 

Friday face——神色不佳之人 

Black Friday——不幸的禮拜五 

Good Friday——耶酥受難節(jié) 

What day is it?

What day is it today?       It\'s Wednesday.

今天是星期幾?                是星期三。

Let\'s sing!

Monday is the first day of the week.

Then comes Tuesday. Let\'s take a peek.

Wednesday, then Tursday. I like those days.

But Friday is great in so many ways.

Saturday is fun. We like to play.

Sunday is a time to rest. What do you say?



Friday,Saturday,Sunday !

本課重點(diǎn)句型: Monday is the first day of the week. …is the …day of the week. What day is it today? It\'s …



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