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六年級英語上冊Unit 1 lesson 6《Round Up》

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六年級英語上冊Unit 1 lesson 6《Round Up》

a.Mocky had a dream last night.


  Lulu was in his dream.

c.in space

  They were in a spaceship.

  They were in space.

d.on the moon

  They were on the moon.

e.a robot

  There was a robot.

f.had a good time.

  They had a good time.

Round Up

1.Find words in the circle.

2.Mocky had a dream last night.Tell it to your friends.

3.Write three sentences about Ann's dream.

Who was in her dream?Where were they?What were there on Mars?

Ann had a dream last night ...

Ken was in her dream.

They were on Mars.

There were Martians on Mars.

1.Miss Yang helps people.She is a doctor.

2.Mrs Jones teaches children.She is a teacher.

3.Mr Wang files a plane.He is a pilot.

4.Mr Smith cooks nice food.He is a cook.

5.Miss Green drives a taxi.She is a taxi driver.

My dream

I want to be _a writer__ in the future.

I want to _write stories for children_.

To make my dream come true,I will:

_study hard___________________

_read a lot of books__________

_experience different kinds of life__

_play with children___________

_travel around the world______

Let's enjoy

Froggy's new job

Froggy wants to be a pilot.He wants to fly a plane,but he is afraid of flying.

Help!Help!It's too high!

Froggy wants to be a singer,but he is not good at singing.

One day,a chick falls into the lake!

A lifeguard jumps into the lake.Froggy jumps into the lake too.They save the chick.

You're good at swimming.Do you want to be a lifeguard?

Yes,I do!

Froggy becomes a lifeguard.He likes his new job.

Write T(ture) or F(false).

1.Froggy likes flying in the sky._F__

2.Froggy likes singing,and he is good at it._F_

3.Froggy is good at swimming._T__

4.Froggy becomes a lifeguard._T__








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