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三年級英語上冊Module 6 Unit 2《He's got a new shirt》(2)

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三年級英語上冊Module 6 Unit 2《He's got a new shirt.》(2)

This is Zhangjie.He's got new trousers.

這是張杰。       他有一條新褲子。

This is Qiqi.She's got a new dress.

這是琪琪。   她有一條新連衣裙。

This is Jiang Fei.She's got new shoes.

這是蔣飛。        她有一雙新鞋。

This is Xiaoxiao.He's got a new shirt.

這是笑笑。       他有一件新襯衣。

Look and say.

This is Alice.

She's got a new dress.

This is Betty.

She's got a suit.

This is David.

He's got a new sweater.

This is Mary.

She's got a new coat.

This is Lucy.

She's got a new skirt.

This is Mike.

He's got a new T-shirt.

This is Mike.

He's got a new jacket.

This is Sam.

He's got a new scarf.

This is Lingling.

She's got a new coat.

5.Read and guess.

It's got long ears.It can run.What is it?

它有長長的耳朵。   它會跑。   它是什么?

It's got a very long nose.It's big.What is it?

它有很長的鼻子。          它很大。 它是什么?

It's got green eyes.It's black.What is it?

它有綠色的眼睛。    它是黑色的。 它是什么? 

It's got two legs.It can fly.What is it?

它有兩條腿。      它會飛。   它是什么?

pet 寵物

I have got a pet.

It's a lovely dog.



The lovely cat

Mickey and Minnie are good friends.


This is a little mouse.

His name is Jerry.

He's very clever.

The riddles

It's got two long ears.

It's got two red eyes.

It can jump.

What is it?

It's a rabbit.

It's got long tail.

It can climb.

What is it?

It's a monkey.

It's got very long nose.

It's big.

What is it?

It's an elephant.

It's got eight legs.

It's black.

What is it?

It's a spider.

It's got two legs.

It can fly.

What is it?

It's a bird.

It's got two big eyes.

It's got two small ears.

It can catch the mice.

What is it?

It's a cat.

It's got a big mouth.

It's got two big eyes.

It's got a long tail.

It can run fast.

What is it?

It's a tiger.

It's got two small eyes.

It's got four short legs.

It is fat.

What is it?

It's a pig.

It's got two small ears.

It's got four short legs.

It is black and white.

What is it?

It's a panda.

It's got long body.

It can't run.

What is it?

It's a snake.

6.Do and say.

Help the children.




Boys and girls:

     In our life,there are many students,they have difficulties in their life.For example,they can't go to school.Please help them!

I've got a new schoolbag.




2.使用“He's/She's got ...”描述他人所擁有的物品。






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