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五年級英語下冊Unit 12《Where did you go?》(3)

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五年級英語下冊Unit 12《Where did you go?》(3)
Let's chant
Where did you go?What did you see?
What did you do?Please tell me.
Lingling went to London Town.
She met John,a little boy.
The visited the London Eye,
and saw the city from
above the ground.
Let's Write
Write the correct words in the blanks.
made notes
took pictures
asked questions
went home
wild animals
Last Saturday,my friends and I went to the_.
We saw many_there.We saw a panda and we_.We
_about the tiger and we_.At 12:00,we_.
Monday,May 11th
On the weekend,I usually stay at home on Saturday
morning and go to an English class on Saturday
afternoon.On Sunday,I sometimes visit my grandparents
and sometimes play with my friends.
But last weekend was special.On Saturday,I visited my
friend Ann because it was her birthday.We danced and watched
cartoons all morning.In the afternoon,we climbed a hill and
rowed a boat in the park.
Let's Have Fun
Let's play game
Group work
1.Put an eraser each in the HOME box.
2.Take turns to throw the dice.
3.More your eraser and try to be the winner.
Let's enjoy
Big Ben
the London Eye
the British Museum
The Buckingham Palace
Hyde park
Let's practice
Where did Amy go at the weekend?
She went to Big Ben.
What did Amy and Lingling do at the weekend?
They visited the British Museum.
Where did you go last week?
I went to Buckingham Palace.
What did Lingling do at the weekend?
She visited the London Eye.
Where did you go last week?
I went to Shanghai.
What did you do?
I visited Huangpu River.
Where did you go at the weekend?
I went to Beijing.
What did you do?
I visited the Great Wall.     
Where did you go last Sunday?
I went to the Yellow River.
What did she do last weekend?
She played the computer.
What did your mum do at the weekend?
She went shopping.
Lucy's Busy Weekend
Lucy had a busy weekend.She went to her English club and
learned English on Saturday morning.In the afternoon,she
went to the park with her friends.They rowed a boat and
then played ping-pong there.On Saturday evening,Lucy visited
her grandparents with her parents.She washed the dishes after
dinner.On Sunday morning,Lucy cleaned her room and played the
piano.It was raining on Sunday afternoon,so Lucy stayed at home
and watched TV for a while.In the evening,she played chess with
her father.
What a busy weekend Lucy had!
1.What did Lucy do on Saturday morning?
2.What did she do on Saturday afternoon?  
Let's Sing
Where did you go?What did you see?Who did you meet in London?
Where did you go?What did you see?What did you buy in London?I went
to the park.I saw lots of places.I didn't buy anything at all,but I
had a lovely time!




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