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五年級英語下冊Unit 3《Making Contact》Fun Time

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五年級英語下冊Unit 3《Making Contact》Fun Time

     There are some interesting old ways to send messages.Some people use smoke to show they need help.Their friends can see the smoke,and they know there is a problem.Then they will go to help.


    Other people use birds to send messages.They take a bird from its home.They write a small message on some paper and put the paper on the bird's leg.Then the bird will fly back home with the message.


    Of course,there are many new ways to send messages today.Many people use the Internet to send messages.The messages travel around the world very quickly.People also send text messages on their phones.It's very fast,too.



Daming:Look!I've got an email from Lingling.It's about English food.


Fanfan:What does it say?



Can you send the email?


What's an email?

It's a computer message.

It goes one computer to another computer.

Daming:Yesterday she had an English breakfast.


Fanfan:What did she have?


Daming:She had eggs and sausages.


Fanfan:And what did she have for lunch?


Daming:She had sandwiches.


Fanfan:What did she have for dinner?


Daming:She had fish and chips.


Fanfan:Fish and chips?


Daming:Yes.It's a traditional English dish.


Fanfan:Does Lingling like English food?


Daming:Yes,she does.She says it's delicious.


Today,we're going to learn from the Internet.

We're going to collect pictures from the Internet.This is a plant in China.Do you know its name?

We can watch a video on the computer.

The Internet helps me to find information about these plants.Now I'm going to write a report in my notebook.

                      on the Internet

     Today,many people like to surf the Internet.Of course,students also love it.They can send emails to their e-pals,chat with their friends,play computer games on the Internet,and download the information they need.Over the years,scientists have improved computers.Now computers can do a lot of everyday work quite well,and people can use computer in many different ways.The Internet has become a part of students' daily lives.

     However,as they are students,they shouldn't spend too much time online.That is bad for their eyes and bodies.They should study hard and spend less time on their computers.

send me a letter,a long,long letter.


Send me an email,too.


Send me short messages every day.


I want to hear from you.


Give me a call,a long,long call.


Send me a present,too.


Send me some cards every day.


I love to hear from you.




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