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五年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)《Revision 2》Let's Review

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五年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)《Revision 2》Let's Review

cleaned the window 


watched TV


climbed a hill


jumped rope


listened to music


rowed a boat


played computer games


stayed at home


played the piano


played chess


washed clothes






won (win的過去式)贏;獲勝(48)

went to the beach


drank cold drinks




ate ice-cream


the Stone Forest


bought some gifts


took photos


saw flowers






felt happy


sad 悲哀的;難過的(60)



French fries 法式炸薯?xiàng)l(60)

were (are的過去式)是(60)

was born (過去式)出生(68)

started to speak


learned to walk


learned to ride a bike


went to kindergarten


went to school


learned to swim


fifteenth(15th) 第十五(68)

started to buy things


started to study English


started to use a computer


all over 到處;各處(72)

out of 離開(某處)(72)

into 進(jìn)入;到......里(72)

chopsticks 筷子(72)

wet 濕的,潮濕的(72)

Find out who went there with you.

Where did you go?


When did you go there?


How did you go there?


What did you do there?


I did the same as these students:________

Our Wonderful Vacations


   My name is Jane.Ann is my cousin.We both like travelling,but I like the sea and she likes old towns.Last summer vacation,I went to Sanya in

 the sea and she likes old towns.Last summer vacation,I went to Sanya in Hainan province with my mother.We went there by plane.I played on the

 beach and picked up some seashells.I swam in the sea and drank some juice.I also ate some seafood.I had a wonderful trip.  



   Ann went to Lijiang in Yunnan province with her mother.They went there by train.She took some beautiful photos and ate some delicious food

 there.She bought a bag of souvenirs.She enjoyed her trip very much.We both had good vacations.



Read and write.

   Jane  Ann
 place they went to   Sanya in Hainan province  Lijiang in Yunnan province
 whom they went with  her mother  her mother
 how they went there  by plane  by train
 things they did there  played on the beach;
picked up some seashells;
swam in the sea;
drank some juice;
ate some seafood;
 took some beautiful photos;
ate some delicious food;
bought a bag of souvenirs;

I went to the Great Wall with my parents last year.It is very old and very long.I took many photos.We had a happy time there.

I went to Shanghai with my parents last July.We visited Oriental Pearl TV Tower.I took many photos.We had a happy time there.

I went to Hangzhou with my parents last year.We visited the West Lake.It is very beautiful.I took many photos.We had a lovely time there.

I went to Hainan with my parents last July.Hainan is in the south of China.I went swimming in the sea.I took many photos.We had a lovely time there.

I went to Xinjiang with my parents last year.It is in the west of China.I took many photos.We had a happy time there.




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