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五年級英語下冊Unit 5《Have a Great Trip》Lesson 3

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五年級英語下冊Unit 5《Have a Great Trip》Lesson 3

watched TV

jumped rope

cleaned the window

stayed at home

played computer games


visited grandparents

climbed a hill

listened to music

rowed a boat

played the piano

played chess

Let's chant.








Come on!

動詞原形   動詞過去式不規(guī)則變化

meet        met

run         ran

eat         ate

go          went

do          did 

buy         bought

A.Let's read.

1.Look at the pictures.What can you see?

Wednesday.May 20th

   It was sunny and hot.We went to the park.We rowed a boat there.and we made some new friends.We climbed a hill together.It was wonderful.

五月二十日 星期三


Sunday,June 21st

   It rained.We visited an old friend.We bought some gifts for him.We talked and watched TV.I was sad when we left.

六月二十一日 星期日


Saturday,August 25th

   It was cool.We went to Anderson Mall.In the morning,we swam and saw a film.Then we had some French fries and hamburgers for lunch.We were very happy.

八月二十五日 星期六

   今天涼爽。我們?nèi)チ税驳律徫镏行?。上午,我們游了?span style="font-size: 9pt;">,看了場電影。然后午飯我們吃了炸薯?xiàng)l和漢堡。我們很開心。

Read Betty's diary.What is it about?

A:Interesting books

B.Interesting things  √

C.Interesting people

Answer the questions.

What did they do in the park?

They rowed a boat and made some new friends.They climbed a hill together.

What did they do with their old friend?

They talked and watched TV.

What did they do in Anderson Mall?

They swam and saw a film.Then they had some French fries and hamburgers for lunch.

How was your trip?


Where did you go?


When did you go?


   I had a wonderful trip last summer vacation.I went to Hangzhou with my parents.I climbed hills,rowed boats,ate delicious food and drank 

   去年暑假我有一次精彩的旅行。                我和父母去了杭州。                 我爬了山。劃了船,吃了美食,喝了龍井茶。

Longjing tea.My father and I bought a silk dress for my mother.I felt very happy there.

            我爸爸給媽媽買了一條絲綢裙子。                     在那兒我感到很開心。

I went to Beijing with my parents.I climbed the Great Wal,visited the Summer Palace and ate Beijing Duck.It was wonderful.

I went to Harbin last year.It was very cold.I saw many ice latterns there,they were very beautiful.I took some photos.I felt very happy.

I went to Shanghai last summer vacation.I visited some famous places and took some photos.I felt very happy.

I went to Xi'an with my parents.I visited the famous places there.And I ate the delicious food.We bought some interesting things.I had a wonderful trip there.

I had a wonderful trip last summer vacation.I went to Sanya with my parents.I saw the sea,swam in the sea,and ate the seafood.I felt very happy there.

Read the first part of the diary and answer.

1.Where did Betty and her friends go?

2.What did they do there?

3.How did they feel?

_1.They went to the park.____

_2.They rowed a boat,made some new friends,climbed a hill.____

_3.They felt wonderful.___




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