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五年級英語下冊Unit 6《Growing Up》Lesson 3

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五年級英語下冊Unit 6《Growing Up》Lesson 3

Let's talk.

Hello,everyone!I'm Gao Wei.


I'd like to tell you about our English learning.


We began to learn English three years ago.


We have learned a lot of words and sentences,and we can use them in and out of class.


We are very interested in topics like school life,daily life,family,sports,holidays and animals.


Our English teacher often asked us to practice listening,speaking,reading and writing.


Now we can play games and do tasks in English.


Our teacher often us,"You are all good students!"


1.Look at the picture.Guess what you will read.Then read the passage.

    My name is Nancy.I was born on April 5th,2004.I learned to speak at six months old.I learned to climb when I was eight months old.I climbed out of my bed and hurt my head.I learned to walk when I was one year old.One day I walked out of my home and into the street!


   I learned to eat with chopsticks when I was three.I got food all over my face!I learned to swim when I was four,but I only went swimming in the bath.When I was five I learned to wash clothes,but I got myself all wet!In grade four I learned to cook-I cooked eggs,but they tasted very bad!Now I'm in grade five.


Write down the ages.

When was Nancy born?


She was born on April 5th,2004.


When did Nancy learn to climb?


When she was eight months old.

C.Let's write.

When was Nancy born?When did she go to school?How old is she now?What grade is she in?

Nancy was born on _April 5th,2004.She went to school at six years old.Now she is ten years old.She is in Grade Five. 

Good morning,everyone!I'm Li Yan.Let me tell you how we learned English.

Three years ago we began to learn English.Our English teacher taught us in many ways,so we were very interested in English lessons.We often

sang,danced,chanted and played games.Our teacher usually let us do things by ourselves.We did interesting tasks.Sometimes we did role play.We 

used words and sentences to tell stories.We often worked in pairs and in groups.In groups we always helped each other and learned from each 

other.We all did a good job!

Look and say.

feed a rabbit

I learned a lot from field trips.I fed a rabbit.

I learned a lot from radio programmes.

make animals

I made animals.

interview people

I learned by interviewing people.

do experiments

I learned by doing experiments.

observe things

I learned by observing things.

visit famous places

I went to Xi'an.I learned by visiting famous places.

Read and order.

Norman Bethume

Born in Canada

A doctor

Came to China in 1938

Thomas Edison

Born in 1847,USA

An inventor

Made over 1000 inventions

Mark Twain

Born in 1835,USA

A writer

Wrote Tom Sawyer

Bill Gates

Born in 1955,USA

A businessman 

Own Microsoft Company

Cerline Dion

Born in Canada

A singer star

Sang "My Heart Will Go On "for the film Titanic


Born in the UK

A writer

Wrote Harry Potter




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