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二年級英語下冊Unit 11《I Can》(2)

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二年級英語下冊Unit11《I Can》(2)
Words to Learn
read sing listen carry see
write dance talk climb draw
I can climb the tree.Can you?
No,I can't.
Can you see Uncle Booky's house?
Yes,I can.
Be careful,Mocky.
Look out,Ken!
Don't worry.
Ann,I can catch Mocky.
Be more careful,Mocky.
Are you all right,Ann?
Can you walk?
No,I can't.
What's the matter?
Ann can't walk.
Can you carry her?
Yes,I can.
Once upon a time...
I can't walk,but I can listen!
I can 動原
I can't 動原
Can you 動原?
Yes,I can./No,I can't.
Read and Say
Can you draw?
Yes,I can.
Can you read?
Yes,I can.
Can you sing?
Yes,I can.
Can you dance?
Yes,I can.
Can you dance?
No,I can't.
But,I can jump.
Can you read?
No,I can't.
But,I can write.
Can you write?
No,I can't.
But,I can draw.
Can you draw?
No,I can't.
But,I can read.
Can you sing?
No,I can't.
But,I can dance.
Can you dance?
No,I can't.
But,I can sing.
Can you draw?
No,I can't.
But,I can dance.
Can you write?
No,I can't.
But,I can draw.
Can you write?
No,I can't.
But,I can swim.
Can you swim?
Yes,I can.
Can you sing?
No,I can't.
But,I can dance.
Can you dance?
No,I can't.
But,I can draw.
climb the tree 小心
look out 爬樹
once upon a time 好;好吧
all right 從前
A.many B.much C.more
()2.Can you carry__?
A.she B.he C.her
()3.I can't walk,__I can listen!
A.but B.and C.so
()1.What's the matter?
A.怎么啦? B.你呢?
()2.Can you walk?
A.你能走路嗎? B.你能講話嗎?
()3.It's all right.
A.小心。 B.沒事。
()4.Can you see the house?
A.你能看見那所房子嗎? B.你能看見那棵樹嗎?
A.Look out! B.Help!
A.Are you all right? B.It's all right.
A.He can see a bag. B.He can see a house.

()1.He can carry his bag.
()2.She can sing.
()3.Mocky can climb the tree.

1.Can you climb the tree?
Yes,I can.
2.Can you dance?
Yes,I can.
3.Can you swim?
No,I can't.
4.I can walk.
5.I can draw.
()1.I can sing.
A.我會唱歌。 B.我會跳舞。
()2.I can catch the ball.
A.我會抓住這個球。 B.我會踢球。
()3.I can't climb the tree.
A.我不會游泳。 B.我不會爬樹。
()1.A.hand B.house C.ruler
()2.A.sing B.read C.help
()3.A.swim B.see C.listen
()4.A.read B.write C.listen
read climb run carry

1.I can__.
2.He can__.
3.Can you__you bag?
4.Can you__this tree?
Good Bye





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