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五年級英語上冊Unit 2《I'd like a hamburger》(2)

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五年級英語上冊Unit 2《I'd like a hamburger》(2)

hamburger 漢堡包

sandwich 三明治

Coke 魚;魚肉

chicken 雞肉

beef 牛肉

Guess and say.

Coke       sandwich

hamburger  beef

chicken    fish

What would you like?

I'd like some chicken,please.

What would you like?

I'd like a sandich,please.

What would you like?

I'd like a Coke,please.

What would you like?

I'd like some fish,please.

What would you like?

I'd like a cup of coffee,please.

What would you like?

I'd like a hamburger,please.

Let's play.

a cup of tea

What would you like?

I'd like a cup of tea.

a glass of juice

What would you like  a cup of tea?


I'd like a glass of juice.

a piece of cake

Would you like a piece of cake?


D.Let's Read.

Tom:I'm hungry.I'd like some fish and beef.I'd like two sandwiches and some coffee.

Mike:I'd like some chicken and a Coke.

 Name      Food     Drink
 Tom  some fish and beef,
 two sandwiches
 some coffee
 Amy  a hamburger and some  fish  a cup of tea
 Mike  some chicken  a Coke

Listen and say.

Fanfan:What did she have for breakfast?


Daming:She had eggs and sausages.


Fanfan:What did she have for dinner?


Daming:She had fish and chips.


I had eggs and milk for breakfast.

I had bread for breakfast.

What did you have for breakfast?

I had _rice__.

What did you have for breakfast?

I had _cakes__.

What did you have for lunch?

I had _fish__.

What did you have for breakfast?

I had _rice__.

What did you have for dinner?

I had _hamburgers_ and _milk__.




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