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四年級(jí)英語上冊Unit 4《Asking for Help》Lesson 3

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四年級(jí)英語上冊Unit 4《Asking for Help》Lesson 3
Read and choose
Steven goes to the park with his father.
They have a lot of fun,but now he can't
find his father.
He goes to the Information Centre.
"Excuse me.Can I use your phone?I can't
find my dad."
The man in the centre says."Sure.Here you are."
He calls his father.His father says,"I'm at the
hamburger shop."
Steven thanks the man.Now he can find his dad.
1.What does Steven ask for
phone pen paper
2.Where is Steven's father?
hamburger shop toy shop
Let's write
Steven can't find his dad.How does Steven ask for help?
Steven:Excuse me.I can't find my dad.
Excuse me,can I use your schoolbag?
Sure.Here you are.
Excuse me,can I use your activity book?
Sure.Here you are.
Excuse me,can I use your dictionary?
Sure.Here you are.
Excuse me,can I use your crayon?
Sure.Here you are.
Excuse me,can I use your ruler?
Sure.Here you are.
Activity Book
Read,think and write
Thanksgiving Day is coming.Joy is making a card for
her mother.She wants to stick some pictures on the
card,but where is her glue stick?Oh,no.She can't
find it.She asks Yaoyao for help.
Joy:Yaoyao,I need a glue stick.Do you have one?
Yaoyao:Sorry.I don't have one,but Lily has one.
Joy:Excuse me,Lily.__?
Lily:You're welcome.
A:Can I use your_?
B:Sorry.I'm using it.
A:Do you have_?
B:Sorry,we don't.
A:Can I use your_?
B:Sure.Here you are.
()Can I use your pen?
()What's the matter?
()Where is my eraser?
()What's the weather like here?
A.I can't find my book.
B.Sure.Here you are.
C.It's in your bag.
D.It's very hot.
Maomao:Hi!Yaoyao.What are you doing?
Yaoyao:I'm drawing.
Maomao:What will we have at nine?
Yaoyao:We will have art.
Maomao:Art?Oh,I forgot(忘記)to take crayons.
Yaoyao:I can help you.
Maomao:Can I use your art book?
Yaoyao:Sure.Here you are.
Maomao:Thank you.
()Yaoyao is writing letters.
()They will have art at nine.
()Yaoyao forgot to take crayons.
()Yaoyao doesn't have the art book.
()They are in the same class.
()Can I use_?
A.knife B.your knife C.your a knife
()_,can I use your eraser?
A.Yes B.Excuse me C.Sure
()Sorry,I don't_.
A.has a B.have one C.had on
A.here you are B.here are your C.here your is
()Can I_your ruler?
A.using B.use C.uses
Look,think and say.
I want to make a card.Can I use your scissors,please?
Sure.Here you are.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Can I use your glue stick?
Sure.Here you are.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Can I use your ruler?
Sure.Here you are.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Can I use your pencil?
Sure.Here you are.
Thank you.
You're welcome.




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