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六年級英語下冊《Reading for fun》What Will Be,Will Be

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六年級英語下冊《Reading for fun》What Will Be,Will Be

Making the mark
What Will Be,Will Be
The Ugly Duckling

What Will Be,Will Be
A long time ago,in the nirth of China,there lived an old man.He was a farmer.He had many nice horses.His family was happy.
很久以前,在中國的北方住著一個老人。                         他是一個農(nóng)民。  他有很多匹好馬。它的家庭過得很開心。
One night,a big black horse ran away from the farm.The old man was sad.
一天晚上,一匹黑馬從農(nóng)場跑走了。                   這個老人很悲傷。
His friends came to say how sorry they were.The only thing the old man said was "What will be,will be."And he went on with his work.
他的朋友都過來安慰他。                      這個老人只說了一句“順其自然吧?!?                        然后他繼續(xù)工作了。
Months later,some people near the farm saw the black horse coming home with two beautiful white horses.They told the good news to the old farmer.
幾個月后,農(nóng)場附近有人看到那匹黑馬帶著兩匹白馬過來。                                                   他們告訴了老人這個好消息。
He thanked them and said quietly,"What will be,will be."And he went on with his work.
他謝謝了他們,然后輕聲地說:“順其自然。”              然后又繼續(xù)工作去了。
The old man's son loved the big black horse.He wanted to learn to ride.So,his father began to teach him.
這個老人的兒子喜歡這匹黑馬。                他想學習騎馬。             所以,他爸爸開始教他。
But during the boy's first lesson,he fell from the horse and broke his leg.He could not walk well.The boy was sad.
但是在這個男孩的第一節(jié)課期間,他從馬上掉下來摔斷了腿。                     他不能正常行走了。     這個男孩很悲傷。
The old farmer's friends came to say how sad they were.The old man just said,"What will be."And he went on with his work.
這個老農(nóng)夫的朋友過來安慰。                             這個老人只是說:“順其自然吧?!?   然后他繼續(xù)工作。
A few weeks later,it began to snow.It snowed all day and all night.It was very cold.
幾個星期之后,開始下雪了。         雪整天整晚地下。                天氣非常寒冷。
The king ordered all the boys from each family to get catch fish in the cold river water.The old farmer's son could not walk,so he didn't have to go to the river.
The old man watched the boys working hard in the cold water.He said to himself,"What will be,will be."And he went on with his work.
這個老人看著在寒冷的江上辛苦工作的男子們。                 他自言自語地說:“順其自然吧?!?          然后他繼續(xù)他的工作。
1、What was the old man?
He was a farmer,and he had many nice horses.
2、What did happen on one night?
One night,a big black horse ran away from the farm.
3、Did the black horse come back?
Yes,it did.And it coming back with two beautiful white horses.
4、Then,what happened with the old man's son?
The old man's son fell from the horse and broken his leg.
5、Did the old man's son go to catch fish in the cold river water?Why?
No,he didn't.
Because old man's son could not walk,he didn't have to go to the river.

This is Aesop's Fables.You can find many animal stories in it.

The fox and the grapes
The fox is hungry and thirsty.
He can see some grapes.
Oh,grapes!They're round and purple.
What nice grapes!
The fox cannot get the grapes.
It's yummy!
Wait a minute,Bird!You can't eat the grapes!
I like grapes.These grapes are very sweet.
The fox cannot eat the grapes.He is sad.
Those grapes are sour.They're not sweet.

1、閱讀理解What will be,will be




高級教師,名師,骨干教師 ,學術(shù)帶頭人,多次榮獲省市優(yōu)質(zhì)課一等獎。

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