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五年級英語上冊Unit 1《My family》Lesson 6 Maddy's family

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高級教師,名師,骨干教師 ,學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人,多次榮獲省市優(yōu)質(zhì)課一等獎。

五年級英語上冊Unit 3《A travel plan》Lesson 13 Beijing is great!

五年級英語上冊Unit 2《My country and English-speaking countries》Again, please!

五年級英語上冊Unit 2《My country and English-speaking countries》Lesson 12 Maddy's family photos

五年級英語上冊Unit 2《My country and English-speaking countries》Lesson 11 Australia

五年級英語上冊Unit 2《My country and English-speaking countries》Lesson 10 The U.K.

五年級英語上冊Unit 2《My country and English-speaking countries》Lesson 9 The U.S.

五年級英語上冊Unit 2《My country and English-speaking countries》Lesson 8 Canada

五年級英語上冊Unit 2《My country and English-speaking countries》Lesson 7 China

五年級英語上冊Unit 1《My family》Again, please!


五年級英語上冊Unit 1《My family》Lesson 6 Maddy's family

五年級英語上冊Unit 1《My family》Lesson 5 Having fun together

五年級英語上冊Unit 1《My family》Lesson 4 What do they like to do?

五年級英語上冊Unit 1《My family》Lesson 3 What do they do?

五年級英語上冊Unit 1《My family》Lesson 2 What do they look like?

五年級英語上冊《The story of Nian》

五年級英語上冊《A little horse crosses the river.》

五年級英語上冊《A wonderful trip》

五年級英語上冊Unit 4《Jenny and Danny come to China》Again, please!

五年級英語上冊Unit 4《Jenny and Danny come to China》Lesson 24 Year Animals

五年級英語上冊Unit 4《Jenny and Danny come to China》Lesson 23 What do we need for the trip?


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[河北省唐山市] good


2017-08-03 08:43:37

[河北省保定市] 孩子使用的這段時間在班里提高了好幾個名次。


2016-12-07 19:02:21

[河北省保定市] hao


2016-07-16 18:00:38

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