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六年級英語下冊Module 1 Unit 2《What do you want to eat?》(2)

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六年級英語下冊Module 1 Unit 2《What do you want to eat?》(2)
Words and Expressions in Each Moudule
Be careful!當心!
1.Listen and answer the questions.
①What does Daming want to eat?
②What does Simon want to eat?
③What does Simon's dad want to eat?
④What do they want to drink?
⑤How much is the meal?
⑥Who takes the meal?
Simon:What do you want,Daming?
Daming:I don't know.
What's a hot dog?
Is it really a dog?
That's a hot dog.
Daming:It looks good!
Cashier:Can I help you?
Daming:I want to a hot dog,please.
Simon:And I want a hamburger.
Simon's dad:A hamburger for me too.
Cashier:And to drink?
Simon:I want a cola.
Daming:A cola for me too.
Simon's dad:Three colas,please.
Cashier:That’s two hamburgers,a hot dog and three colas.
Simon's dad:How much is it?
Cashier:It's thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.
Simon's dad:Here you are.
Cashier:Thank you.Enjoy your meal!
Daming:Let me take them.
Simon's dad:Be careful.
Daming:Oh,no!I'm sorry!
My new shorts and shoes!
1.Listen and answer the questions.
①What does Daming want to eat?
He wants to eat a hot dog.
②What does Simon want to eat?
He wants to eat a hamburger.
③What does Simon's dad want to eat?
He wants to eat a hamburger.
④What do they want to drink?
They want to drink cola.
⑤How much is the meal?
It's thirteen dollars and Twenty-five cents.
⑥Who takes the meal?
Daming takes the meal.
2.Read and match.
1) a)I want a hamburger and a cola.
2) b)I want a hot dog and a box of milk.
3) c)I want to eat some chips.
4) d)I want to drink some orange juice.
3.Listen and write the numbers.
At a fast food restaurant.
Cashier:Hello!Can I help you?
Girl:I want a hot dog,please.
Boy:And I want a hamburger,please.
Cashier:And to drink?
Girl:A cola,please.
Cashier:And you?
Boy:A cola for me too,please.What about you,Dad?
Man:I want a hot gog,a hamburger and two colas,please.I'm really hungry and 
4.Now ask and answer.
What does the girl want?
She wants...
5.Now read,think and write.
The man pays fourteen dollars and ninety centy for the meal.At this fast food 
restaurant,a hamburger is three dollars and forty-nine cents.A hot dog is one 
dollar and eighty-six cents.How much is a cola?
The price(價格)of cola is one dollar and five cents.
1.Look and write.
Now write the letters in the circles here.
This is a restaurant.
2.Read and circle"True"or"False".
A hot dog is not really a dog.It is a long sausage in a bread roll(面包卷).It is 
one of the Americans' favourite foods.You can buy hot dogs in many fast food 
restaurants in the US.
The sausages in hot dogs are usually pork(豬肉)or beef(牛肉).They can also be 
chicken.People like eating hot dogs with sauces(醬汁)like tomato sauce.Do you like 
hot dogs?What sauce do you like?
1)A hot dog is a long sausage in a bread roll.  True False
2)The Americans don't like hot dogs. True False
3)You can buy hot dog in the US. True False
4)The sausages in hot dogs are all pork. True False
5)People like eating hot dogs with sauces. True False
3.Listen and take the order.
Waitress:Can I help you?
Woman:I want fish and rice,please.
Waitress:And to drink?
Waitress:And what about you,sir?
Man:I want chicken and rice.And tea too,please.
Waitress:And you?
Small girl:I want vegetables and noodles,please.
Waitress:And to drink?
Small girl:Milk,please.
NSE Restaurant
Food Number Price
Fish 1 8
Rice 2 2
Chicken 1 9
vegetables 1 5
Noodles 1 3
Tea 2 2
Milk 1 4
Total 33
Eating Outside
The Top Ten
of Chinese Delicacy From forgiener
腰果cashew nut
懂的,我們盡可以大方地問侍者詢問菜色的做法和內容。通常的問法是:“How is this 
done/cooked?”(這道菜是怎么做的?)和“What is in That?”(那個菜里面都有什么?)
湯和一份飯), entree/main cours主菜edesert甜點和drink是飲料。
在餐廳就坐后服務生一般會遞給一份wine list(酒水單),你看了一會兒后它們會回來問你:
Are you going order?(您準備好點餐了嗎?)這時就可以點餐了。
服務生在顧客點了牛排之后會問:How would you like steak done?您對牛排要幾分熟?
回答一般有三種:well done(全熟)。medium done(半生半熟)。rare[re?](生一點的)。如
果你想要介入well done和medium之間的,也可以說“mudium well”;介于medium和rare之間
的,可以說“medium rare”。
西餐中吃牛肉或羊肉一般會搭配紅葡萄酒(red wine),魚肉和雞肉等更習慣搭配白葡萄酒,
(white wine)。
如果點了咖啡,侍者會問你:“How would you like your coffee?”(咖啡要哪種調法的?)如
果要不加糖和牛奶的純咖啡,應該說“black pleas”;如果要加糖和奶精,應該說:“with 
sugar and cream,please.”
Thank you!





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