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四年級英語下冊Review Module Unit 2

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四年級英語下冊Review Module Unit 2  
1 Choose,ask and answer.
1、A:Did you go to London?
B:No,I didn't.I went to Beijing.
2、A:Did you eat an apple?
B:No,I didn't.I ate noodles.
3、A:Did you read a book?
B:Yes,I did/No,Ididn't.I watched TV.
4、A:Did you play football?
B:Yes,I did.
5、A:Did you buy toy bears?
B:No,I didn't.I bought balls.
6、A:Did you drink milk?
B:Yes,I did.
7、A:Did you see trees?
B:No,I didn't.I saw lakes.
8、A:Did you help your mother?
B:Yes,I did.
9、A:Did you walk to the supermarket?
B:No,I didn't.I walked to school.
10、A:Did you jump?
B:Yes,I did.
規(guī)則                           例詞
一般動詞詞尾加-ed            look-looked play-played walk-walked watch-watched
以字母e結(jié)尾的動詞詞尾加-d    live-lived like-liked dance-danced phone-phoned
變y為i再加ed                 cry-cried dry-dried study-studied carry-carried
動詞雙寫尾字母再加-ed        nod-nodded  hop-hopped stop-stopped drop-dropped
現(xiàn)在                  過去
listen to music   Listened to music
play games        played games
sing and dance    sang and danced
eat some food     ate some food
drink some drinks drank some drinks
活動       現(xiàn)在          過去
去游泳  go swimming  went swimming
去釣魚  go fish      went fishing
去購物  go shopping  went shopping
去滑雪  go skiing    went skiing
2 Match the sentences to the pictures.
a)Yesterday Lingling and Amy went to the park.
b)Then they played in the park.
c)They were hungry and thirsty.
d)So they bought some bread and some juice.
e)They ate the bread and drank the juice.
Look and say
Yang Ming played basketball yesterday.
She cleaned the window last Sunday.
She watered the flower yesterday.
She washed the clothes last Sunday.
She played the computer last Sunday.
Daming listened to music at home yesterday.
Sam talked with Amy yesterday.
We rowed the boat last Saturday.
Yesterday Sam played the computer.
Yesterday Amy washed the clothes.
Yesterday Mr Smart watched TV.
3 Now tell the story.
Find a very,very tall tree.
Find two lakes.Go to the small lake.
Next find two birds in a tree.
Find two boats.
Go to the old boat.
Find two tigers.
Go to the big tiger.
Find two chameleons.
Go to the big chameleon.
Activity Book
1.Listen and match.
2.Now point,ask and answer.
A:Did Amy go to the park?
B:Yes,she did.
A:Did Sam go to the zoo?
B:Yes,he did.
A:Did Daming buy a toy car?
B:No,he didn't.He bought a bike.
A:Did Lingling read a book?
B:No,she didn't.She watched TV.
A:Did Tom eat a watermelon?
B:No,he didn't.He ate an apple.
A:Did Mr Smart have a headache?
B:No,he didn't.He had a cold.
A:Did Ms Smart go to school?
B:Yes,she did.
3.Listen,read and circle"True"or"False".
1)She wasn't thin then.      True False
2)They were young then.      True False
3)They weren't naughty then. True False
4)Her hair was short then.   True False
5)He wasn't tall then.       True False
6)It wasn't dirty then.      True False
4.Read,choose and write.
small tall strong long old fat
1)This boy is tall
2)This man is old.
3)This car is long.
4)This cat is small.
5)This panda is fat.
6)This man is strong.
5.Listen and tick(√).
What will Fangfang do on Saturday?
                       Yes     No
Visit her grandma      T
Go to the park         T
Watch TV               T
Eat noodles                    T
Draw a picture         T
Go home                        T
6.Now ask and answer about Fangfang's plan.
Will Fangfang visit her grandma?
Yes,she will.
A:Will Fangfang visit her grandma?
B:Yes,she will.
A:Will Fangfang go home then?
B:No,she won't.She will sleep at Grandma's house.
Think and circle




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