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九年級英語Unit 9《Culture Shapes Us》Lesson 50 Tips for Good Communication

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九年級英語Unit 9《Culture Shapes Us》Lesson 50 Tips for Good Communication

New words
1.interpersonal adj.人際的;人際關系的
2.passort  n.途徑;手段;護照
3.proper  adj.正確的;恰當?shù)?/div>
4.listner  n.聽者
5.contact  n./v.接觸;聯(lián)系
6.promise  n.承諾;許諾
7.cancel   v.取消

Think about it
1.How do you communicate with a new friend?
2.In your opinion,what are the best ways to communicate?

    Do you have many friends?Do you have fun together?Do you feel comfortable when talking to others?Have you ever found it hard to make new friends?Here are some tips for good interpersonal _communication__:
    Remember other people's names.Make a great effort to do this when you first meet someone new.Then when you meet again,you will easily make that person feel comfortable if you remember his or her name.It shows you care.
    Smile.Make sure you smile and greet others in a friendly way,especially the first time you meet them.Smiling can be a _passport__ to good communication.
    Find a _proper___ topic.Talk about the weather,sports or news.You can also ask questions or tell jokes.The main thing is to find a topic you are both interested in.
    Be a good listener.Good _listeners___ show others that they are interested in the conversation.People will be a happy to talk to you if you are listening carefully.One simple way to show you are a good listener is to make _eye contact__.
    Be honest.Tell people the truth.No one wants to waste time _talking__ to someone who is not honest.
    Keep your _promises___.Try not to be late.If you set a time to meet your friends,do your best to be on time.If you have to change your plan or cancel it,let your friends know _ahead of time_.People will trust those who always keep their promises.

Language notes
1.Do you have fun together?
  have fun doing (feel like doing,give uo doing )
2.Do you feel comfortable when talking to others?此處when talking to others相當于when you are talking to others.
3.Make sure you smile and greet others in a friendly way,...
  make sure確保;查明;弄清楚
  Make sure you get there on time.
  拓展:make sure of,be sure of
  make sure of表示“弄清楚”,而be sure of則表示“對......有把握”。
4.Smiling can be a passport to good communication.
  passport n.途徑,手段,護照
  拓展:a passport to 通向......的途徑
5.Talk about the weather,sports or news.
  talk about談論;討論;
  拓展:talk to;talk with
6.You can also ask questions or tell jokes.
  tell jokes講笑話
7.The main thing is to find a topic you are both interested in.
  be interested in對......感興趣
  eg:She is interested in maths.
8.No one wants to waste time talking to someone...
不定代詞no one,someone...等為不定代詞

_Make sure__ what _you are_ going to do.
Mary and I _are interested in_ playing the piano.
We should _try/do our best_ to be on time.
I will make friends with those who always _keep their promises__.

Let's Do It!
1.Some people are talking about ways to communicate well.Listen to the interview and match the names with their suggestions.

2.Here are some tips for good communication.Group them into the baskets below.

3.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
promise cancel proper passport
1)If you want to _concel___ the meeting,you must inform us a week before.
2)She could not find a _proper___ solution to this problem.
3)Zhang Jian plans to go abroad but he needs to get a _passport__ first.
4.I can't make a _promise___,but I'll try my best.





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