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九年級英語Unit 8《Culture Shapes Us》Lesson 45 Different Manners

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九年級英語Unit 8《Culture Shapes Us》Lesson 45 Different Manners

New words:
1.manner n.禮儀;習(xí)俗;禮貌
2.though conj.雖然;盡管;即使;然而
3.modest adj.謙虛的,謙恭的
4.virtue n.美德  
5.praise v/n.稱贊;贊揚
6.private adj.私人的;私有的
7.elderly adj.上了年紀的;較老的
8.guest  n.客人
9.extra adj.額外的;另外的
10.waiter n.男服務(wù)員
11.tip   v.給小費

1.In your opinion,what are good manners?
2.Do you think cultures shape manners?

   My name is Wu Zhou.I have lived in Canada for twenty-three years.In Canada,I call myself Joe Wu.Joe is an English name that sounds like Zhou.
   _Though_ I have lived here for a long time,I still don't feel Canadian.This is probably because North American manners and Chinese manners are so different.
   In China,being _modest____ is a _virtue___.If someone _praises___ you and says that your English is excellent,you should be modest and say,"No,no.My English is still poor."But in North America,this is usually a sign of being weak and not confident.You should just say,"Thank you."
   In Canada,people only ask children about thier age.It's not polite to ask an adult's age.They think it is _private____.But this is common in many places in China.
   In both China and North America,it is polite to offer an _elderly__ person a seat on the bus.In North America,however,an elderly person may feel embarrassed about being offered a seat.
   When Chinese people eat out in restaurants,they may _take turns__ paying for the meal.In Canada,you pass food to _guests___,but you don't usually put food on their plates.
   In China,people seldom give _extra___ money to _waiters____,waitresses,taxi drivers or hotel workers.In North America,this is always done.It is called "_tipping___".
   It's interesting to experience two different cultures.I think understanding cultural differences really helps us to understand each other,live together and work together.

Language notes:
1.In Canada,I call myself Joe Wu.
  拓展:teach oneself,learn by oneself,enjoy oneself,help oneself to,come to oneself,hurt oneself
2.Joe is an English name _that sounds like Zhou__畫線部分是定語從句
  sound like聽起來  拓展:look like,feel like,smell like
3.Though I have lived here for ......
  eg:Though he is in poor health,he works hard.
     He is in poor health,but he works hard.
4.If someone praises you and says ......
  praise sb.for sth.因......而贊揚某人
  eg:The teacher praised him for cleaning the classroom.
5.They think it is private.
  in private 私下地;秘密地
  拓展:neither... nor...,either... or...,not only...but also...
7.offer sb sth=offer sth to sb
8.......,they may take turns paying for meal.
(1)take turns doing sth
eg:We always take turns cleaning our classroom.
9.pass sb sth=pass sth to sb

Let's do it.
1.Read the lesson and match the behaviours with the correct countries.

2.Match and complete the sentences.

3.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box.
pay for   praise   take turns    modest     private
1.We should _praise____ little Debbie for her courage.
2.It's a long way.We can _take turns__ driving.
3.They asked him to _pay for__ the damage,but he refused.
4.Don't talk about other people's _private___ things.It's not polite.
5.Jack is a _modest____ man who is admired by many people.

Finish the exercises of Lesson 45.





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