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六年級英語上冊Review Module Unit 1

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六年級英語上冊Review Module Unit 1

This is my favourite town.There are about eight thousand people.There is a long wall around the town.There are lots of tall buildings.There are some shops and restaurants.There is also a library and a big theatre.The town has got many wide streets and four bus stations.There is a river in the town.It's about ten kilometres long,and you can row a boat on it.The town has got a beautiful park.You can ride your bike there.You can have your picnic there.Or you can go swimming there.

There is a library in the town.
There is a restaurant in the town.
There is a theater in tghe town.
There is a park in the town.
There is a river in the town.
There is four bus stations in the town.
There are four bus stations in the town.

Look and say.
Library!There are lots of books in the library.
We will go to the library tomorrow.
I have some stamps.
I like collecting stamps.
This is a large ship.
We are dancing now.
We are very happy.
Pen pal!
I have a new pen pal.
She likes singing.
This is a big city.
The water is very clean.
We only drink clean water!
Look!The little frog is very surprise.
This is San Mao.
He is very poor,and he is very hungry.
It's very hot.
This girl is very thirsty.
It's a sunny day.
Let's have a picnic in the park.
It's spring now.
Look!There are thousands of the flowers in the tree.
The record was a big hit and sold a million copies.
Skating is very difficult for me.
But my friend can skate very well.
This is the address of my pen pal.
This is Michael Jordan.
He is a famous basketball player.
He is from America.
Have you got any atamps from Canada?

Listen again.Then close your books and play a memory game.
There is a theater in the towm.
There are four bus stations in the town.

Look at the answers.Then ask questions about the town.
A:How many people are there in the town?
B:There are about eight thousand people.
There are about eighty thousand people.
There is a library.
The river is about ten kilometres long.
There are four bus stations.
A:How many library is there in the town?
B:There is a library.
A:How long is the river?
B:The river is about ten kilometres long.
A:How many bus stations are there in the town?
B:There are four bus stations.

Look and write.Then ask and answer.
A:Has your pen friend got a red cap?
B:No,he hasn't.He has got a yellow cap.
A:Has your pen friend got red hair?
B:No,she hasn't.She has got black hair.
A:Has your pen friend got a green and yellow kite?
B:Yes,he has.
A:Has your pen friend got a green bike?
B:Yes,she has.
Have you got a stamp from China?
Do you collect dolls?
What do you do at the Spring Festival?
Do you want to visit Houston?
Can you speak English?
Have you got a computer?
Have you got a stamp from China?Yes,I have.
What do you do at the Spring Festival?
I have a big family dinner.
Do you want to visit Houston?
Yes,I do.
Can you speak English?Yes,I can.
Have you got a computer?
Yes,I have.

What did you do?
一般過去時(simple past tense)
Ten years ago,Mr Zhang was a teacher.
He taught Chinese.他教語文。
Li lei was in his class.
He was a good pupil.
He studied very hard.

Let's practice
1、What did he do yesterday?
   He _watched TV_____.
2、What did she do last night?
   She _wrote a letter_____.
3、What did he do last week?
   He _went to the zoo______.
4、What did she doyesterday?
   She _ate an ice cream_______.
5、What did he do last Sunday?
   He _played basketball____.
6、What did they do after school?
   They _played football________.





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