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八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit 8《A green world》Integrated skills

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Unit 8《A green world》Integrated skills
Translate the phrases and sentences.
1、被扔進(jìn)湖里  be thrown into lakes
2、被裝滿(mǎn)  be filled with
3、使人們生病  make people ill/sick
4、將來(lái)  in the future
5、清理  clean up
6、和……一樣  as well as
7、土地和水污染  land and water pollution
8、采取行動(dòng)做某事  take action to do sth.
9、有機(jī)會(huì)做某事  have chance to do sth.
10、考慮  think about
    The show will be held at the school hall.
    Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world.
Warming up
·How can we live a green life?
·What can we do to protect the environment in our daily lives?
  turn off the tap when brushing teeth
  taking short showers
  using both sides of the paper
  recycle empty bottles
  turn off the lights when we leave a room
  take our own bags to the supermarket
The Class 1, Grade 8 students want to do a survey to get some ideas for their presentation on how to go green. Listen to the conversation between Daniel and Sandy and write the correct information in the table below.
A survey on students' daily habits
Time: Survey (1) 4 p.m. this Wednesday
      Daniel and Sandy meet: (2) 3:40 p.m. this Wednesday
Place: (3) Room 201
Number of students: (4) 50
                    Boys: (5) 25
                    Girls: (6) 25
Number of questions: (7) 6
Daniel and Sandy are talking about the results of the survey. Listen carefully and then complete the table below.
Daily habits Number of students
Turn off the tap when brushing teeth 35
Take showers for less than 10 minutes 20
Use both sides of the paper 40
Recycle empty bottles 15
Turn off the lights when they leave a room 41
Take their own bags to the supermarket 9
Sandy is writing a note to Mr Wu about the survey she and Daniel have done. Help her complete the note. Use Parts A1 and A2 to help you.
Dear Mr Wu,
Daniel and I did a survey this (1)________. Students were asked about their (2)________.
Here are the results of the survey. Only (3)________ students usually take showers for less than 10 minutes, but (4)________ students turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. Only 15 students recycle (5)________, but (6)________ students use both sides of the paper.
It is great that most students remember to (7)________ the lights when they leave a room, but few students take their own (8)________ to the supermarket.
The survey shows that students are doing a lot to help protect the environment, but there are still many more things they can do.
1. There is a ______(調(diào)查) on learning English.
2. He joined an English club to improve his ______(日常的) English.
3. Smoking is a kind of bad ______(習(xí)慣).
4. Some of the waste material can be reworked for ______(再利用).
Going green
The Class 1, Grade 8 students are going to give a presentation on how to go green. Here are Millie's ideas. Read her notes and find out:
What can we do to save water?
·Take shorter showers.
·Turn off the tap when we brush teeth.
·Reuse water if possible.
What can we do to save power?
·Turn off the lights when we leave a room.
·Turn off the power when our TV or computer is not in use.
What can we do to reduce pollution?
·Do not use plastic bags. Take our own bags when shopping.
·Separate waste into different group.
What else can we do to live a green life?
·Do more exercise and watch less TV.
·Plant some flowers at home.
Millie is writing the script for the presentation. Help her complete her script. Use the information on page 118 to help you.
Our environment is changing for the worse, so it is time for us to (1)__________. Here are some simple steps to take.
We can save water by taking (2)__________ and turning off (3)__________ when we brush our teeth. We should also (4)__________ if possible. In order to save power, we should (5)__________ when we leave a room. We should also turn off the power when our TV or computer is (6)__________. Some other good habits can help reduce pollution too. We should not use (7)__________. Instead, we should take (8)__________ when shopping.
Recycling is also a good way to help reduce pollution. We should separate (9)__________ into different groups so that it can be ecycled.
Moreover, it is important for us to develop a green lifestyle. We should (10)__________ and watch less TV and it is good to (11)__________ at home. Follow these small steps, and you can make a big difference to the Earth!
Language Points
Here are some simple steps to take.
take some steps  采取一些措施
e.g. We should take some simple steps to save water.
We've read Millie's script. Now it's your turn to give a presentation on how to go green. Discuss this in groups of four and write down your notes.
Useful expressions
1. It is time for us to ....
2. We can save water by ....
3. We should use/take ....
4. ... is a good way to ....
5. It is important for us to ....
6. It is good to ....
7. Moreover, ....
1. The waste can ________(separate) into different groups to recycle.
2. Take your own bags when ________(shop).
3. You should do more exercise and watch ________(little) TV.
4. We can save water by ________(take) shorter showers.
5. You need to check your homework after finishing ________(write).






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