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八年級英語下冊Unit 7《International charities》Passive voice

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Unit 7《International charities》Passive voice
1. About 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.
2. The plane is also used as a training centre.
3. Also, local doctors and nurses are invited on board to learn about eye operations.
4. 150 patients were operated on.
Active voice主動語態(tài): We call the boy Tom.
Passive voice被動語態(tài):The boy is called Tom.
We clean the classroom every day.
The classroom is cleaned (by us) every day.
Active or Passive
1. The lights were turned off by Tom.
2. The windows are cleaned every week.
3. Millie's closed the door.
4. The TV was turned on.
5. The boy made a model plane.
6. A total(總數(shù)) of 8 questions are answered.
Underline the passive voice in the following sentences.
1. The cake was eaten by Daniel.
2. Nancy bought a book yesterday.
3. The little dog is looked after very well by Simon.
4. He is reading English.
5. The computer is bought by my uncle.
6. I am woken up by my father every morning.
Passive Voice 被動語態(tài)
    Be done
一般現(xiàn)在時 am done
           is done
           are done
一般過去時 was done
           were done
1. None of the books was taken away.
2. The toy is designed for children.
3. My bike was repaired.
4. The problem was talked about just now.
5. Mr Wu is liked by all of his students.
He was born in Nanjing.
The mobile phone was made in China.
1. English ________(speak) by many people.
2. The trees ________(plant) by them.
3. That building ________(build) two years ago.
4. This kind of computer ________(make) in China.
5. The games ________(sell) in may shops.
(1) ______ your room ______(clean) every day?
(2) Our classroom ______(not clean) yesterday.
(3) Both of the two books ______(lose) last Sunday.
(4) The students ______(ask) to hand in their homework on time every day.
(5) --When ______ this kind of computer ______(make) in Hong kong?
    --In 2000.
  trees, plant, in March
The trees are planted in March every year.
  computers, use widely, young people
The computers are widely used by young people.
  buildings, build, last year
The tall buildings were built last year.
  the thief, catch, yesterday
The thief was caught by the police yesterday.
What they do every year
1. Charity activities ______________(plan/to help the poor).
2. Leaflets ______________(hand out/to people in the street/volunteers).
3. Toys and CDs ______________(sell/to raise money).
What they did last week
4. New books ______________(send/to children in poor areas/the Class 1, Grade 8 students).
5. Warm clothes ______________(collect/for poor peopre).
6. A charity show ______________(hold/the Students' Union).
Amy and Daniel are talking about charities. Complete their conversation with the words in brackets using the passive voice.
Amy: I'm reading a book about Oxfam.
Daniel: Really? Please tell me about it.
Amy: OK. Oxfam ________(set up) in the UK in 1942, and the first Oxfam shop ________(open) in 1948. Now it has about 15,000 shops all over the world. A lot of things ________(sell) in Oxfam shops, including books. The money ________(use) by Oxfam to help poor people.
Daniel: That's good. There are also some charity projects in China. One of them ________(call) Project Hope. It ________(start) in 1989. With its help, millions of poor children all over the country ________(give) basic education.
Amy: Yes. Many schools ________(build) in poor areas each year.
a. 感官動詞
see, hear, etc    sb be seen/heard to do sth
b. 使役動詞
let, make, etc    sb be let/made to do sth
·The boss made the workers work all day.
  The workers were made to work all day.
·I often hear her sing in the room.
  She is often heard to sing in the room.
·We saw some boys playing football.
  Some boys were seen playing foodball.






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