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八年級英語下冊Unit 7《International charities》Reading

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Unit 7《International charities》Reading
An interview with an ORBIS doctor
Do you know the following charities around the world?
   WWF     unicef     Oxfam
How does this charity work?
It works to help the blind people in poor areas.
What does this logo stand for?
ORBIS即國際奧比斯組織。國際奧比斯組織(Project Orbis - ORBIS)是一個致力于為世界各國盲人和眼疾患者恢復光明的國際性慈善機構(gòu),它的宗旨是“使全球失明者重見光明”。
A special plane
     a flying eye hospital(空中眼科醫(yī)院)
ORBIS: treat(治療), cure(治愈) or prevent(預(yù)防) blindness
a blind man(a person who can't see)
How many people have eye problems around the world?
About 285 million people.
About 285 million people have eye problems around the world, mostly(主要地) in poor countries.
80 per cent of the cases(病例) of blindness can be cured or prevented.
Many people hava no money for the medical treatment(醫(yī)療).
=Many people cannot afford(支付得起,買得起) the medical treatment.
So there are many volunteer(志愿者) doctors.
   operate (n. 做手術(shù)) on sb
The doctors and nurses are proud(自豪的) to help the blind people.
Watch an interview carefully.
Q: What is needed to carry on with their work?
An interview with an ORBIS doctor
Interviewer: Dr Ma, please tell us something about blindness.
Dr Ma: About 285 million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, mostly in poor areas, and about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured. However, many people don't have money for medical treatment.
Interviewer: How does ORBIS help?
Dr Ma: ORBIS uses its Flying Eye Hospital to visit poor areas. On the plane, volunteer doctors do operations. The plane is also used as a training centre.
Interviewer: Why don't you work in a hospital?
Dr Ma: Many of our patients can't afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them. Also, local doctors and nurses are invited on board to learn about eye operations. We can teach them new skills. By training them, we hope to help more people.
Interwewer: How many operations do you do during a visit?
Dr Ma: During my last visit, 150 patients were operated on.
Interviewer: You're doing a really important job.
Dr Ma: Thank you. I'm proud to help people see again and improve their lives.
Interviewer: Is there anything else you'd like to say to our readers?
Dr Ma: Yes. Modern medicine is developing quickly and now most eye problems and diseases can be treated and cured. But more money is needed to carry on with our work. We hope more people will support us.
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time, Dr Ma.
True or False
1. About 285 million people around the world are blind and all of them can be cured.
2. ORBIS doctors usually do operations in a hospital.
3. Dr. Ma dislikes his work because it is too boring.
4. Dr. Ma hopes more people can support their work.
Lines 1-6
1. How many people does blindness affect around the world? Where are the mostly from?
2. How many of these cases can be cured or prevented?
3. Why don't some people receive medical treatment?
Lines 7-20
1. Why do ORBIS doctors prefer to work on a plane?
2. Is the plane only a place to perform operations?
3. How does Dr. Ma feel about his job?
Lines 21-26
1. What is needed to help blind people?
2. What can Dr. Ma hope?
Fill in the blanks:
ORBIS is an i______ c______ that helps b______ people. Most blindness can be ______ or ______. However, many people don't have enough money to go to ______. ORBIS uses a f______ eye hospital to visit p______ countries. On the plane, ORBIS doctors p______ operations ______ patients. They also teach local doctors and nurses new s______ and k______. The local doctors and nurses can come to the plane to learn about eye o______.
Now all ORBIS needs is enough m______ to c______ on with their work. So people should s______ their work.
B2: Amy wants to show how ORBIS helps people. She is making a chart. Help her fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
    doctors and nurses      eye operations       eye problems
    Flying Eye Hospital       new skills         see again
                          ORBIS, a charity
               uses its (1)_____________ to visit poor areas
                  treats people with (2)_____________
does (3)_________ on the plane     invites local (4)__________ on board
 helps people (5)___________           teaches them (6)___________
B3: Amy made some more notes of the interview. Help her put the sentences together. Write the correct letters in the blanks.
1. Many more people in poor areas  ______
2. Dr Ma thinks that most eye problems and diseases  ______
3. Many blind people do not get any treatment  ______
4. The ORBIS plane is used as  ______
5. One hundred and fifty patients  ______
6. More money is needed  ______
a. were operated on during Dr Ma's last visit.
b. a hospital and a training centre.
c. because they have no money to go to hospital.
d. to carry on with the work.
e. have eye problems.
f. can be prevented or cured.
Amy is writing an article about ORBIS for the school newsletter. Help her complete it with the correct forms of the words in the box.
   afford   board   cure  medicine   patient   proud  support   train
The ORBIS plane travels all around the world and helps people with eye problems in poor areas. Most of the people there cannot (1)______ to go to hospital, so ORBIS doctors go to them. Operations are done to help people with eye problems see again. The (2)______ do not have to pay because ORBIS is a charity. Local doctors and nurses are also invited on (3)______ to learn new skills. By (4)______ them, ORBIS doctors hope to help more people.
Dr Ma is a doctor on the ORBIS plane. He feels (5)______ to help people see again. Dr Ma thinks that modern (6)______ is developing quickly and now most eye problems can be treated and (7)______, but more money is needed to (8)______ their work.
Language points
1. interview (n. / v.)采訪;面試
   →采訪者interviewer (means reporter)
e.g. 這個采訪者正在采訪我們的校長。
  The interviewer is interviewing ourprincipal now.
= The interviewer is having an interview with our principal.
2. 瞎的(adj.) blind     失明(n.) blindness
e.g. 這個可憐的女孩天生失明的。
The poor girl was born blind at birth.
We shouldn't look down on(輕視) the blind.
Looking directly at the sun can cause blindness.
類似的構(gòu)詞有:kind   kindness      careless  carelessness
   ill/sick  illness/sickness      happy  happiness
3. About 285 million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, mostly in poor areas.
mostly  adv. 主要地,大部分地
  (means for the greatest part, mainly)
e.g. 我們星期日大多不在家。
     We are mostly out on Sunday.
     She spends her holiday mostly at home.
most (adv.)/(adj.)
①“最大程度地,嫉妒地”是much的最高級。the most beautiful girl
mostly (adv.) 主要地,大部分地
The boys in our class mostly like singing.
= Most of the boys in our class like singing.
1. The work is ____ done by myself.
   A. most   B. mostly   C. the most   D. hardly
2. Neil worked ____ slowly of the three.
   A. most   B. mostly   C. almost   D. at most
4. And about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.
case 可數(shù)名詞,病例,案例
80 per cent of these cases
80 per cent of ...  80%的…
a. 我們學校里百分之90%的教師是女教師。
   90 per cent of the teachers in our school are women teachers.
b. 地球的百分之六十被水覆蓋。
   60 per cent of the earth is covered with water.





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