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八年級英語下冊Unit 6《Sunshine for all》Integrated skills

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Unit 6《Sunshine for all》Integrated skills
Judy is talking to Peter on the phone about her experience. Listen to their conversation and help Peter complete his notes.
School: a very (1) ______ school in a (2)______ area
        only (3)______ classrooms
Students: live in villages (4)______
          walk for more than (5)______ to get to school
Judy's life: teaches them Chinese, (6)______ and Maths
             teaches them (7)______ after class
             gives them a lot of (8)______
What she thinks: meaningful to learn more about (9)______ of China
                 helpful to (10)______ the children there
Peter is writing about Judy and the village school in his diary. Help him complete his diary entry with the information in Part A1 and A2.
My cousin Judy has taken part in a (1)____________ in her college. She works as a primary school (2)______ in North-west China for (3)______. The school is very (4)______. There are only (5)____________ in the school. Most of the students live (6)______ and they have to walk for more than (7)______ to get to school.
Judy works hard there. She teaches them Chinese, (8)______ and Maths. After class, she sometimes teaches them (9)______. She also gives them (10)____________ to read.
Judy thinks it is meaningful for college students to learn more about (11)____________ of China. It is also helpful of them to (12)______ the children there. In this way, they can help the local people improve their lives.
Speak up
As a middle school student, how can you help people in your daily life?
The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about how to help others in their daily lives. Let's listen to their conversation.
Work in pairs and talk about this topic. Use the conversation as a model.
Act your dialogue out!
Language points
1. in mountain area  在山區(qū)
e.g. Most children in city don't like to live in mountain area.
2. keep in touch  保持聯(lián)絡
e.g. Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please.
3. daily life  日常生活
   day (n.) -- daily (adj.)
e.g. 日常英語  daily English
     日報      daily newspaper
4. save our pocket money  儲存/節(jié)省我們的零花錢
e.g. If you save money now, you will be able to buy a car soon.
South-west  中國西南部
1. south-west作名詞,意為“西南方”
The village is in the south-west.
2. south-west作為形容詞,意為“西南方的”
The rain in south-west China lasts for two months.
3. south-west作為副詞“向西南方”
The man traveled south-west.
We can save our pocket money and donate it to those in need.
in need “有困難的”
1. She is going the ________(西北方) of China.
2. The local people hope to ________(提高) their lives.
3. We should help those people in need in our d________ life.
4. Simon d________ his pocket money to the disabled person yesterday.
5. These ________(組織) need plenty of volunteers.
   Why not ______ your pocket money ______ people ______ ______?
   It's ______ to ______ ______ a volunteer ______ community centre at the weekend.
We've learnt about groups of people who need our help in this unit. Can you tell me who these people are and how we can help them?
Other people who need our help
survivors of disasters
 n. 幸存者
children without families
people with a serious disease
                      n. 疾病
blood disease  白血病
Xiao Wei
(1) What is wrong with Xiao Wei?
    He has a serious blood disease.
(2) What kind of help do his family need?
    They need money for Xiao Wei's operation.
(3) How can we help Xiao Wei?
    We can donate money.
·What are the main parts of an article?
·How can we organize our ideas before writing?
Giving a helping hand
A: Peter has read an article about a middle school student in the newspaper. He wants to write a letter to ask for help. He is organizing his ideas first.
Introduction: Who needs help?
Main body: Information about the person or group in need
           What kind of help do they need?
           How can we help?
Conclusion: Thanks for help
Dear all,
A Grade 9 student at No. 2 Middle School needs our help!
The student's name is Xiao Wei. He has been ill in hospital since last month. The doctor says that he has a serious blood disease. An operation may save him, but it will cost over 300,000 yuan.
Xiao Wei's parents are both farmers. They do not have enough money for such an operation. However, it is important for Xiao Wei to have the operation as soon as possible. Otherwise, he may lose his life.
I am writing to ask for your help. Please donate money. Many hands make light work. If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well again soon.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Read and think
(1) How can we write a letter asking people to help?
(2) How does Perer write such a letter?
(3) What is the main idea of each paragraph in Peter's letter?
  Introduction  Paragraph 1: Xiao Wei needs our help.
   Main body  Paragraph 2: Information about Xiao Wei.
Paragraph 3: Xiao Wei's family need money.
Paragraph 4: We can donate money.
   Conclusion  Paragraph 5: Thanks for your help.
Before writing, it's necessary for us to organize our ideas first. When we write a letter for help, we need to tell others two points:
  who needs help
  how we can help
C: You also want to help people in need. Discuss in pairs who you want to help and what you can do. Use the ideas on the next page to help you.
·Someone with a serious disease
·People in poor areas
·Blind and deaf people
·The elderly
·Children without parents
·Earthquake survivors
Useful expressions
... need our help.
We must do something to help.
It will cost ... to ....
... do/does not have enough money for ....
It is important/dangerous/... for ... to ....
If all of us can give a helping hand, ... may ....
Thank you for your help/support.
Write a letter to ask for help. Use Peter's letter in Part B as a model.
1. Remember the words and phrases in the lesson.
2. Write a letter asking people to help. Use the useful expressions and sentences.





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