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四年級英語下冊Unit 3《What subject do you like best?》(Lesson 16)

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Unit 3《What subject do you like best?》(Lesson 16)
Key points
Do you like drama?
No, I don't.
I like science.
Just talk
Do you study science?
Yes, we do. And I like science best.
Do you like English?
Yes, I do. I like it best.
Just read and write
Do you like drama?
No, I don't. I like science.
   science   drama
Can you write them?
   science   lesson
Look and Say
-- Do you study (    )? 科學
-- Yes, I do. I like it best.
-- Do you study (    )? 戲劇
-- Yes, I do. I like it best.
-- What (    ) do you have? 課
-- We have English.
Let's do a survey
What's your name? What subjects do you like?

PE Maths Chinese English Science Art Music 
Kate    √
Gao Wei
Li Yan
Peter  √
My name is Kate. I like Chinese and English.
                 I like Art and Music.
My name is Gao Wei. I like PE and Maths.
                    I like English and Science.
My name is Lisa. I like Chinese and English.
                 I like Art and Music.
My name is Li Yan. I like Maths and English.
                   I like Science and Art.
My name is Peter. I like PE and English.
                  I like Science and Music.
  Do you like ...? I like ... best.
3、調查問卷:What subject do you like?




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