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八年級英語下冊Module 3《Journey to space》Unit 3 Language in use

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《Journey to space》Unit 3 Language in use

1.To practise the use of present perfect tense with just,yet,already
2.To learn the learning strategy of word map.

Are you familiar with there sentences?They are all from this module.
1.I've just made a model spaceship.
2.Have it arrives yet?
3.Astronauts have already been to the moon.
4.We have not found life on any other planets yet.
Guessing game
1.to text your sense of observation
2.to test your ability of short-term memory
3.to test your ability of inductive method.
1.I _____ ______ ______(make)a model spaceship.
2._____ it _____ (arrive) _____?
3.Astronauts _____ ____ _____ (be) to the moon.
4.We _____ _____ _____ (not find) life on any other planets _____.
5.But no one _____ _____ _____ (be)to Mars ____.
6.Scientists _____ _____ ____ (not discover)life on Mars ____.
7.I _____ _____ _____ _____(not start)because I'm not sure how to make it.
8.They _____ _____ _____(receive) a message from one of our spaceships.

肯定句    否定句    疑問句
I/We/You/They have done...   I/We/You/They have not(haven't)done..Have you/they done..?
He/She has done...   He/She has not(hasn't)done... Has he/she done...?
1.I have just heard the news. 我剛剛聽到消息。
2.Astronauts have already been to the moon.宇航員已經去過月球了。
3.We have just started to explore other planets.我們才剛剛開始探索其他行星。
The scientists have not heard from it yet.科學家還沒收到他發(fā)出的信息。
Man has discovered any life in space yet.人類尚未在太空中發(fā)現(xiàn)生命。
A:Have you...?
(using already,just,never,ever,yet,never)
I have just been to London.I went there last month.
I have already finished my homework.
I finished it an hour ago.

A:Where have you put my book?I can't find it.
B:I put it on your desk yesterday.

1.Complete the news with already,just and yet.
Astronauts have(1)______ been to the moon but they have not been to any other plants.However,a spaceship has (2)_____ arrived o Mars and it has(3)_____ sent back photos of the red plants.Is there life on Mars?We do not know (4)_____.
2.Now choose the corect answer.
(1)Astronauts have been/gone to the moon and resturned.
(2)The spaceship has been/gone into space.It will travel for ten days.
(3)The sratonaut has been/gone to the space station.He will come back tomorrow.
(4)The spaceship has heen/gone to the space station.It brought back two astronauts.
3.Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Nicky:I've just (1)_____ (watch) a great TV programmer about space.Did you       know thet scientists bave (2) _____ (discover)water on Mars?
Bill: Yes,I did.And scientists (3)_____ (try)to find life on Mars now.
Nicky:Yes,theyy're looking for but they _____ (not find)anything yet.
Bill: There were some new photos of Mars in the newspaper today.(5)_____       you _____(see) them yet?
Nicky:Yes.They're amazing!
4.Complete the email with the words in the box.
been  just  met  never   read  written  yet
Form:Liu Dan
To:Li Fang
Subject:I've found a great book.
Dear Lifang,
I've (1)_____ finishes reading a great book at school.I haven't(2)_____ anything as good as that for a long time!It's a story about the solar system.In the book,the writter imagines that astronauts bave (3)____ to Mars.I've (4)_____ thought about theat before and I think it's very interesting.
I haven't(5)_____ anyone famous in my life but I hope one day I can meet an astronaut.
I've(6) _____ to a Chinese astronaut for more information about space and hies experence of space travel.I hope he will write back.He hasn't(7)_____.Maybe he is too busy.I'm still waiting.
Best wishes,
Liu Dan.
5.Listen and complete the notes.
(1)The satronaut joines CNSA ____ years ago.
(2)He has flown in a spaceship _____ times
(3)He felt ____ When he was in the spaceship.
(4)He has been to the space station _____.
6.Add the words and expressions to the word map.
astronaut   Mars   spaceship   sace station
the earth   the moon    the sun

Around the world
Names of the days of the weeks
Many Europen languages use the of the heavenly bodies for the days of the week.For example,in English,Saturday is named after the planet Saturn,the six planet from the Sun.Sunday is the day of the Sun.a traditional day of rest.Monday gets its name from the moon and is the day of the moon.

Moudle task
Task 1.假設你是一位記者,非常有幸在航天員費俊龍和聶海勝駕駛神舟六號飛船返回地面后,去采訪他們在太空中的所見所聞。請設計幾個問題,并把采訪結果整理出來。
e.g.--Have you ever seen...?
    --Have you ever felt..?

1.-Peter,have youfinishes your homework?
  -Yes,Miss Lin.I've just finishes it.
2.-What are you going to do this Sunday?
  -I hacen't decided ____.
3.-Shall I tell Sally about it?
  -No,you needn't.I've told her _____.
1.-Where's Uncle Black? I can't find him.
  -He _____ (go) to Sichuan to help people in a disaster area(災區(qū))
2.-_____ you ever _____(eat)Beijing roast duck?
  -Yes.It's delicious.
3.-I have _____ _____(not read)Water Margin(《水滸》)。
  -Readlly? I _____(read)it yesterday.
4.-How long _____ you _____ (work) in the factory?
  -For five weeks till now.
5.Shenzhen _____ (be)a small town fifty years ago.Now it _____ _____(became) a large city.
6.The child _____ _____ (name) after its father.
Review the use of present perfect tense with just,yet,already. 





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