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        八年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 3《Journey to space》Unit 1 Has it arrived yet?

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        《Journey to space》
        New words

        earth 地球         moon  月亮;月球
        news  新聞;消息   planet  行星
        astronaut  宇航員  space travel  航天旅行

        Listening and vocabulary
        1.Listen and number the words as you hear them.
        earth (  )    land (  )     message (  )
        moon  (  )    news (  )     planet  (  )
        reach (  )    scientist (  )
        2.Listen again and complete the notes.
        news about the trip to (1)__________
        journey of (2) _______ months
        has not sent back any (3) _________ yet
        hope to find (4) ________on Mars

        Listen and read
        I __________ a model spaceship for our school project.
        Scientists ______ spaceship to Mars.
        The journey ________ several months.
        Astronauts ______________ the moon.
        You can _________ to _________ information.
        3.Now answer the questions.
        1.What school project have Daming and Tony got?
        2.How does Daming feel about the school project?
        3.What news has Tony heard?
        4.Has anyone been to Mars?Why?
        4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
        On today's news,Tony has heard that scientists have (1) _____ a spaceship to Mars and it has (2)________ on the (3)_____ after a journey of several months from the earth.Scientists have not (4) _______ life on Mars (5)____.And no astronaut has ever been to Mars because it is very far away.

        Lannguage points
        1.What are you up to? 你在做什么呢?
        up to表示“正在干,從事著”。常用在非正式場(chǎng)合中。
        e.g.What's he up to with all those books on the floor?
        on the floor?
        What were you up to yesterday? You didn't answer my phone.
        2.I've just made this model of the space station.這是我剛做的宇宙空間站的模型。
        e.g.We've just watched the film.  我們剛看了電影。
        3.I haven't started it yet. 我還沒有開始做呢。
        e.g.We haven't finished our homework yet.我們還沒有完成作業(yè)。
        4.That's why it's on the news.這就是它為什么出現(xiàn)在新聞報(bào)道的原因。
          That's why...這就是為什么......
        e.g.That's why they didn't like the music. 這就是為什么他們不喜歡這個(gè)音樂。
        on prep.在(播放)中;關(guān)于...
        e.g.What's on the TV?  電視正在播放什么節(jié)目?
        6.So have they discovered life on Mars? 所以他們?cè)诨鹦巧习l(fā)現(xiàn)生命了嗎?
        discover v.發(fā)現(xiàn);找到
        e.g.The fact is that he did not discover it.事實(shí)上他沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)它。
        7.Astronauts have already been to the moon.宇航員已經(jīng)去過月球了。
        e.g.Jack has already finished his homework.
        have/has heen to 表示曾經(jīng)去過某地,但現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)回到他的生活所在地。
        e.g.They've already been to Suzhou teice.  他們已經(jīng)去過蘇州兩次了。
        have been to 表示“去過某地”,但現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)回來了;
        have gone to 表示“去了某地”,現(xiàn)在不再這里(說話人所在地)。

        Pronunciation and speaking
        5.Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.
        1.I've just made a model spaceship for our school project.
        2.I haven't started yet because I'm not sure how to make it.
        3.Has it arrived yet?
        4.Astronauts have already been to the moon.
        Make lists of what we have and have not done in space travel.
        We have
        We have not...
        Work in pairs.
        7.Talk about space travel with the lists in Activity 6.
        --Have we sent a spaceship to Mars?
        --Yes,we have.But...
        1.--Where's Ben?
          --He _____ to the teachers' office.
        A.go            B.has gone          C.has been
        2.--Will you please go to see the movie Guanyinshan with me?
          --No,I won't.I ______ it already.
        A.saw           B.have been
        C.see           D.will see
        3.She isn't at the cinema now because she ______ the library.
        A.has been to      B.have been to
        C.have gone to     D.has gone to
        4.--Jim isn't in the classroom.Where is he?
          --He _____ to the teacher's office.
        A.will go          B.has gone
        C.had gone         D.is going
        5.--I'd like you to tell me something about Shen Nongjia.
          --I'm sorry,but neither Jack nor I _____ there.
        A.have been        B.has been
        C.have gone        D.has gone

        complete the sentences.
        We __________ Shanghai.
        He _________ this model.
        What ______ this girl ______?
          --_____you ______ Hong Kong?
          --Yes,I _____.
        Have they ______?





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