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八年級英語下冊Module 6《Hobbies》Unit 3 Language in use

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Module 6《Hobbies》Unit 3 Language in use
Languages practice

1.David Smith is a student.
2.It came out as a book in 2012.
3.David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy.
4.Hobbies can make you grow as a person.
5.I'll show you my stamps too.
6.There was a writing class.
Read the sentences and pay attention to their structures.
Write new sentences.
1.In my spare time,I read.
  In my spare time,I ______.
2.My hobby is reading
  My bobby _____________.
3.My mother likes reading too.
4.Mymother bought us a lot of books.
5.Reading can make you clever.
6.There are many interesting facts in books.
Work in pairs,Look at the picture.
Ask and answer the questions about the activities in it.
1.Which activity do you think is the most interesting?
2.Which skills do you have?
3.Which skill do you want to learn most?Why?
4.Which skill do you think would be the most useful for young people?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or expressions in the box.
activity   as a result   come out    pleasure     success
1.I got lots of ______ from my bobbies.
2.I like doing outdoor ______ best.
3.I hope David will have great_____ in the future.
4.The Harry Potter stories are very popular.
  _______,the writer of the books.
5.I buy the magazines when they ______ each month.

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words or expressions in the box.
as a result    fan      hobby     interesting     model
stmap    such as    ticket     tidy up
When I was (1)_____ my room yesterday,I found an old box of my father's,He gave it to me two years ago.It was really(2)______ to discover something about my father's life as a child.He once told me about his (3)_____as a child.He wrote to people from all over the world,and they sent him letters back.(4)_______,he had a bok of interesting (5)_____.People also gave him things from different countries,(6)_____ a silk(7) ______from China.a little model car from Germany and a small(8)_____ship from Ausrtrlia.My father even kept the(9)_______ ffroom his first football match.The box made me think about my hobby.I want to keep my old picture books and magazines for a long time too.

Put the words and expressions in the boxes into the correct columns.
camping      climbing      growing vegetables
looking after animals      painting      swimming     taking photos
Now make at least five sentences about your hobbies.
Sports    Collections     Others
climbing   fans           camping
swimming   models         growing vegetables
tennis     stamps         looking after animals
volleyball tickets        take photos
For enample:
My hobby is swimming.
Swimming can make me strong and healthy.
Listen and complete the diagram.
What hobbies do they have?
singing   playing table tennis   dancing
playing football    watching football
Now listen again and answer the question.
Why is it good to have hobbies?
Do you like sailing?
Seb Clover of the IsIe of Wight,England,was the youngest to have sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
Listen to the passage and answer the questions.
1.How old id Seb?
2.Is it difficult to cook something to eat on a boat?
3.Who would Seb like to go sailing with?

Read the passage and complete the notes.
At twelve years old,Seb started to (1)________.
At fifteen years old,Seb sailed (2)________ across the Atlantic Ocean.

The best thing was seeing (3)_____________ swimming close to the boat.
The worst part of the journey was when he ran out of (4)_______.
In the future,he would like to (5)______.

Living history
A popular hobby in American and some other countries is to live in the way that people lived long ago,Groups of people find out about the past.At the weekend,they dress in the clothes which people wore in the past and live in the way that people did then.They not only enjoy the weekend,but also learn a lot about life in the old days.

Module task:
Making a survey of hobbies
Work in pairs.Plan your survey on hobbies.
Decide the questions you want to ask.
Think about what kind of information might be interesting-- if people in the same family have the same hobbies,which hobbies your classmates all like,ect.
Look up new words.

Write your survey.
Make sure that the sentences are clear and easy to understand.
Ask your teacher or your classmates to check the survey when you have finished.

Possible answers:
Questions                                      Answers
1.What are your three favourite hobbies?
2.What hobbies would you recommend for lacal teenager?
3.Are hobbies importane to you in choosing a friend?
4.Do you have the same hobby as anyone else in your family?
5.Do your parents think you bave good hobbies?
6.Are your hobbies educational?
7.What perventage of your pocket money is spent on your hobbies?
8.Do you collect anything?

1.I hope Kangkang will make great _____ in this term.
A.pleasure        B.month         C.success
2.China Daily _____ every day,and you can buy it every day.
A.comes out       B.goes out      C.prints out
3.He swims each day,_____,it makes him strong and healthy.
A.and             B.so           C.as a result         D.but
4.Harry is busy tidying _______ his rom now.
A.up     B.down      C.of          D.over





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