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八年級英語下冊Module 2《Experiences》Unit 3 Language in use

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《Experiences》Unit 3 Language in use
Teaching aims

To summaries and consolidate the use of the present perfect
To be able carry out a survey using the present perfect.

Language practice
Have you ever won any peizes before?
I haven't travelles much.
They have been to many interesting places.

I have worked.
He/She has worked.
They have worked.
I have not worked.
He/She has not worked.
H/She has not worked.
They have not worked.

--Have you worked?
--Yes,I have.
--No,I have not/haven't
--Has he/she worked?
--Yes,he.she has.
--No,he/she has not.
--Have they worked?
--Yes,they have.
--No,they have not.
現(xiàn)在完成時中除第三人稱單數(shù)形式用“has/has not(hasn't)+動詞的過去分詞”以外,其他人稱都用“have/have not(haven't)+動詞的過去分詞”形式。大部分動詞過去分詞的變化方式是規(guī)則的,但是有有一部分動詞的變化是不規(guī)則的,同學們需要記住它們的不規(guī)則變化形式。例如:
be--was/were--been        find--found--found
do--did--done             have--had--had
eat--ate--eaten           make--made--made
go--went--gone            let--let--let
see--saw--seen            put--put--put
1.Write questions for the questionnaire with Have you ever...?
1.have a Western meal
2.live in another city
3.enter a singing competition
4.travel by train
5.travel to the seaside
6.try seafood
7.cook dinner for your parents
Complete the sentences about your partner and read them to the reat of the class.
1.He/She ______ a Western meal.
2.He/She ______ in another city.
3.He/She ______ a singing competition.
4.He/She ______ by train.
5.He/She ______ to the seaside.
6.He/She ______ seafood.
7.He/She ______ for his/her parents.
Dear David,
I am having a wonderful time in China.I've done so many things!
There's only one thing I haven't done:
I ______________
Bye for now,

Possible answer
Dear David,
I am having a wonderful time in China.I've done so many things!
I've done so many things.I've seen the Beijing Opera.I've eaten Beijing duck.I've visited the Palace Museum.
There's only one thing I haven't done:
I haven't climbed the Great Wall.
Bye for now,

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.You can use some of the words more than once.
afford    competition      pronounce    spell     tower
1.I wrote a story for a(n) _______ in my English class and I won a prize.
2.Alice can ________ very well,and what's more,she can write beautifully.
3.Some English words are difficult to __________.
4.We visited an ancient palace with a tall _______ and a beautiful garden.
5.Mary wants to visit the US,but the plane tickets are very expensive and she cannot ______ to go.

Listen and check(√)the country that the people have been to.
People      China        the US
Listen again and answer the questions.
1.How many times has Winnie been to the US?
2.Which country would Diana like to go again?
3.Which part of China has Diana tralled around?
4.How did Diana travel there?
5.Has Bob ever visited Germany?
Presenter:Today we've talking to Winnie,Diana and Bob about their travel           experiences.Welcome,everyone!Winnie,you've travelles a           lot,haven't you?
Winnie:Yes,I've been all over China.I've also been to the US.In fact,I've        flown to the US three times!
Presenter:What about you,Diana?Have you been to the US or China?
Diana:I've never been to the US,but I've been to China many times.I've       travelled all over South China by train.It was fantastic!I'd like to       go there again,and look around the country some more.
Presenter:And you,Bob?Where hace you been?
Bob:Well,I live in France.I've ben all over Europe,but I've never been to     Africa or Asia.I've never ben to the US either.

Complete the passage with the sentences in the box.There is one extra sentence
(a)Call today to find out more!
(b)Then we will send a gift box from you to your family or friend.
(c)A tree is also something special for a festival or a new baby.
(d)Have you ever been to a forest?
(e)Grow a tree near you!

Grow a Forest!
(1)_____ Have you ever wanted to save the trees in the forest?Do you love nature and want to keep forests sale?Now you can!Buy a tree--it is the perfect birthday or wedding present for someone in youe family or for a friend.(2)_____ Your tree will help our world and will last longer than toys,clohes or computers.The world needs more trees--buy one today,watch it grow bigger and feel proud!

Around the world
On the top of the world
The world witnesses one of the greatest climbing achievements in 1953,when Tenzing Norgay form Nepal and Edmund Hillary from New Zealand climbed Mount Qomolangma for the first time.After a long and difficult climb,troubles by heavy snow,freezing wind and the lack of oxygen,they finally reached the top at 11:30 am on 29th May.They could only spend about fifteen minutes on the summit before they had to come down.But they remained heroes around the world for the rest of their lives.

Module  task
Writing a questionnaire about experiences
Write a question about life experiences for each of the topics.Use Have you ever..?
Work in groups.Choose the best question for each topic in Activity 9 and prepare a questionnaire.
Go around the classroom and ask other students your questions.Write their answers in the questionnaire.

1.He _____taught here for 5years.
2.It sounds ______,let's do it.
3.We have visited Qingdao _______.
A.two months ago      B.before       C.now
4.Betty has _____ entered a competition,she wants to do it.
A.ever        B.never         C.just
5.Have you wanted to go to the USA?__________.
A.Yes,I do.    B.Yes,I have.    C.No,I hasn't.
6.The second ______ is two beautiful watches.
A.price       B.prize        C.place
7.What's the _______ of a train ticket to Shenzhen?
A.price        B.prize         C.place


make up     count down    dream   by train
improve     spell         ancient     write about
1.--How do you _______it?
2.It's interesting to ______ a story.
3.Mike went to Shanghai _______.
4.Every year.lots of people visit this _______ palave.
5.This little boy can ______ numbers from twenty to one.
6.They ____________ their life these years.
7.He travelled around Mexico and ______ his experiences.
Review what you have learned in this module and master them by heart.





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