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八年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 2《Experiences》Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.

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《Experiences》Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.

Have you ever entered the football competition?
Yes.I have./No,I haven't.
Have you ever entered the volleyball competition?
Yes.I have./No,I haven't.
Have you ever entered the bike competition?
Yes.I have./No,I haven't.
Have you ever entered the writing competition?
Yes.I have./No,I haven't.
Have you ever entered the basketball competition?
Yes.I have./No,I haven't.

New words
move 搬家,改變...的位置
e.g.We are preparing to move to our new house.我們正準(zhǔn)備搬新家。
Germany 德國(guó)     France  法國(guó)
tower 塔     Eiffel Tower  埃菲爾鐵塔
ancient 古代的,古老的
e.g.China is an ancient country with five-thousand-year history.
king 國(guó)王,君王         queen 女王,王后

Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.
1.Which interesting places in China have you visited?
2.Have you ever seen the Great Wall?
3.Have you ever visited another country?

Listen and answer the questions.
1.Where are Mike and Clare?
2.Is Arabic different from Ehglish?

Read the passage and answer the questions.
1.How long have the Robinsons been in Egypt?
2.Why do they live in Cairo?
3.What have they seen and done in Egypt?
4.What do Mike and Clare find difficult about Arabic?
5.Who do they miss in the US?
6.Are  they looking forward to going home?

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
ancient    count   example     king    mix    queen
Mike and Clare live in Egypt because their father works there.They have visited many places in Egypt.For(1)_______,they have seenn the pyramids,and they have visited the (2)______ palaces of the (3)_____ and (4)______ of Egypt.Mike and Clare have learnt a little Arabic,and when they speak it,they often (5)______ it with German,French and Chinese.Recently,their father's company has asked him to go back to the US.Mike and Clare are (6)_______ down the days.

Learning to learn
When you read a passage about travel,use a map to find out where the places are,and the names of the other countries,regions and cities nearby.

Language points
1....,and it has sent Peter to work in Germany,France and China before.
send sb.to do sth.表示“派遣某人去做某事”。
e.g.China send many people to work in Africa every year.
send sb.或send sth.to sb.意思是“送給某人某物”。
e.g.Jim sent me a book on my twelfth birthday.
e.g.Mary usually sends letters in the morning.
2.They have been to many interesting places.
have been to+地點(diǎn),表示“已經(jīng)去過某地”現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)回來。
e.g.Laura has never been to China before.
have gone to+地點(diǎn),表示“已經(jīng)去了某地”現(xiàn)在還沒有回來,此時(shí)可能在途中或已經(jīng)到了目的地。
e.g.--Hello.Can I speak to John,please?
    --Sorry,he's not in.He has gone to the park.
3.This language is different from English in many ways.
be different from,表示“與...不同”。
in many ways,表示“在許多方面”。
e.g.We can consider the problem in many ways.
Life in future will be different from life today.
4.They find it hard to spell ans pronounce the words.
find it hard to do sth.“發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事是難的”
e.g.I find it hard ro go up that high mountain.
5.So far they have learnt to speak German,French,Chinese and Arabic.
so far"到目前為止",是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的標(biāo)志。
e.g.Mike has read five famous books so far.
6.They have friends all over the world,but they also miss their friends in the US.
miss "思念"。
e.g.Dave misses his grandparents very much.大衛(wèi)非常想念他的爺爺奶奶。
miss "錯(cuò)過;沒做到",其后接動(dòng)詞時(shí),應(yīng)用動(dòng)詞-ing形式。
e.g.Mona was sad because she missed her train.
7.They are counting down the days.
cunt down,表示“倒數(shù),倒計(jì)時(shí)”
e.g.They are counting down,"ten,nine,eight,seven...".
e.g.Can you count from one to ten in French?
He put all the money in his bag wothout counting it.

Work in pairs .Think of a special trip.Write notes and explain.
Where you went
When you went there
Why it was special

When I was ten years old I went to Beijing with my parents.I went to meet my uncle,my aunt and my cousin.They moved to the city before I was born.
The city was wonderful and my uncle's family was very friendly.We saw a lot of interesting things and we went to an amazing market.I want to go back again soon.

They have seen the Pyramids.
He hasn't visited the France yet.
Have you ever seen the Great Wall?

They ________ Egypt and took many photos there.
The two horses are different ___________.
During the study I find it hard _______ English well.
______ Jane hasn't bought her gift for her father.
1.--Is Tom at home?
  --No,he _____ to town.
A.has been      B.has gone
C.goes          D.will go
2.He _____ for ten years.
A.has been married       B.married
C.got married            D.has married
3.Julie's father _____ to London last month.He _____ there there times.
A.went;had gone          B.has gone,has been
C.went;has been          D.has been;had gone
4.Julia isn't going to the conema with us because she _____ the film.
A.sees     B.saw       C.will see      D.has seen

Write a passage about your special trip,using the information of writing part.





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八年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 2《Experiences》Unit 3 Language in use


八年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 2《Experiences》Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.

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八年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 2《Experiences》Unit 1 I've also entered lots of speaking competitions

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