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八年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 6《Hobbies》Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.

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《Hobbies》Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.
Check the new words

person 人       interesting  興趣,愛好
activity 活動(dòng)    skill 技能
sailing  航海;航行     result 結(jié)果;后果
pleasure 愉快;快樂     success  成功;成就

Work in pairs and talk about your hobbies.
A:What's your hobby?
B:My hobby is ...It is...
playing the violin      mountain biking
playing basketball      watching TV
reading                 dancing
growing vegetables      playing volleyball

Careful reading
Task1.Read the passage and choose T for F.
1.Hobbies can develop your interests and help you learn new skills.(   )
2.Riding is one of David Smith's hobbies.(   )
3.It took David 4 weeks at a summer camp in 2000.(   )
4.He finished writing a book in 2010.(   )
5.David is a football player on his school team.(   )
Task2.Read the passage again and answer the questions.
1.What advantages can hobbies bring to young people.
2.What hobboes does does David have?
3.When did David become a successful writer?
4.Will David's new books be successful?
Task3.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
activity   pleasure   result   skill    success
1.What ______ do you enjoy doing?
2.What new ______ have you learnt through your hobbies?
3.Has any of your hobbies brought you ______ and _____?
4.Have you made new friends as a(n)______ of your hobby?

Many students have hobbies,___ ____ reading,painting,growing vegetables and _____ _____ animals,Some hobbies are _____ and others are _____.Hobbies can make you ____ _____ _____ ____,______ _____ _____ and help you ____ ___ ____.
David Smith is a student,and one of his ____ ____ writing,____ ____ ____ of 2010,he _____ four weeks at a _____ _____._____ _____ ____ the usual activities,such as sailing and climbing.there awas a writing class."The teacher was a writer,and she asked us ____ ____ _____ our lives and tell interesting stories.Then she _____ _____ _____ write about our ____ at the camp".
Back at school.David _____ _____ about ____ ____ boy,and it ____ as a book in 2012.Many young people love his book,and _____ ___ ____,David ____ ____ a successful young writer.
David has been very lucky because his hobby has _____ him _____ and ____.But writing is not his only hobby.He is also ____ ___ ____ _____ things."I like ______ volleyball too,"says David."I ____ some of my _____ time ____ volleyball ____ my school team.Maybe I'll write about my volleyball team in my _____ books."

Language points
1.Many students have hobbies,such as reading,painting,growing vegetables and looking after animals.
such as 表示“例如”,等于for example。
He learns many subjects,such as English,math and Chinese.
2.Hobbies can make you grow as aperson,develop your interests and help you learn new skills.
grow as a person,表示“長大成人”。
develop one's interests,表示“發(fā)展某人的興趣”。develop表示“發(fā)展,提高”。
e.g.The course can help you develop you speaking skills.
3.As well as the usual activities,such as sailing and climbing,there was a writing class.
as well as 表示“也,還,而且”。后面加名詞或動(dòng)詞ing形式。
We all want to c=visit Beijing as well as Shanghai.
4.Back at school,David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy,and it came out as a book in 2012.
come out表示“出版,發(fā)行”。還表示“顯露”。例如:
The bok came out at his early age.
At last the truth came out.
5....,and as a result,David has become a successful young writer.
as a result表示“結(jié)果”。后面用逗號(hào)隔開。
The girl kept studying hard,as a rusult,she got good marks in the final exam.
The girl kept studying hard,so she got good marks in the final exam.
6.I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team.
spend time (in)doing sth.表示“花費(fèi)時(shí)間做某事”。介詞in可以省略;如果表示“在某物上花費(fèi)時(shí)間”,要用spend time on sth.例如:
I spend one hour (in) reading every evening.


 主語  系動(dòng)詞    表語    狀語
 are   interesting  
 Tom   is    very happy   today
 主語  謂語  狀語
 The first
 came out  in 2009
 The rain   has stopped  
 狀語  主語  謂語  賓語  狀語
   loves  pictures of
 breakfast  for me.
 Back at
 he  wrote  a story.
 主語  謂語  間接賓語  直接賓語  狀語
 him  enjoyment.  
 brought  me  a very good
 on my
 主語  謂語  賓語  賓語補(bǔ)足語  狀語
 We  can help  you  develop new
 step by
 I   do not want   you  to work too
 made  ever-
 There  be  主語  狀語
 There  are  many books  in his schoolbag.
 There  is  a very nice cup  on the table.
Now rewrite the following sentences using as well as,such as or as a result.
1 Some hobbies,for example,reading and painting,are very relaxing.
  Some hobbies,such as,reading and painting,are very relaxing.
2 David likes writing.He also likes playing volleyball.
  David likes writing.He as well as likes playing volleyball.
3 Many young people love David's book,and so his hobby has brought him   success.
  Many young people love David's book,and as a result his hobby has     brought him success.

1.Collecting fans can help you _____ your interests and open your eyes.
A.Talk       B.write
C.love       D.develop
2._______ writing,he also loves singing.
A.As              B.As well
C.As well as      D.With
3.Moyan's books _____ yesterday,I want to buy one.
A.come out        B.came out
C.go out          D.went out
4.The film brings us ______ and I hope you can enjoy it.
A.success         B.pleasure          C.interested





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八年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 6《Hobbies》Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.

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