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八年級英語下冊Module 1《Feelings and impressions》Unit 3 Language in use

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《Feelings and impressions》

The chocolate cookies smell sweet.
He looks angry.
It tastes delicious.
The shirt feels soft.
The soup smells delicious.
The soup doesn't smell delicious.
--Does it smell delicious?
--How does the soup smell?
--It smells...
The flower look beautiful.
The flowers don't look beautiful.
--Do they look beautiful?
--How do the flowers...?
It tastes delicious.
It doesn't taste...
Does it...?Yes/No.
How does it feel/look/sound/taste/smell?

Step1 Look,guess and talk
How does he look?
He looks strong.
We use our _____ to look.
How does she feel(感覺)?
She _____ sad.
How does she feel(感覺)?
She feels _____.

Read,learn and match
look   smart,pretty,strong(強(qiáng)壯)
smell  sour,nice,delicious
feel   soft,hard,happy,sad,comfortable
sound  nice,quite,beautiful
taste  delicioud,strong,fresh,salty,sweet,sour
Now use these words to make some sentences.
For example:I like fish it tastes delicious.

看起來look:look smart
聽起來sound:sound noisy
嘗起來taste:taste delicious
摸起來feel:feel soft
聞起來smell:smell sweet

Complete the sentences with correct form of the words in the box.(主謂一致)
feel  look  seem  smell  sound  taste
1.The milk _______ fresh.
2.My sweater _____ comfortable.
3.The room _____ quiet.
4.These lanterns ______ beautiful!
5.You _____ angry.
6.She _____ nice.
7.You ______ happy.
8.This pizza _____ bad.
Look at the picture.Complete each sentences with two suitable words.
(Activity 3)
The party sound noisy.
1.The cookies _________.
2.The bananas ______.
3.The students ___________.
4.The flowers _______.
5.The teacher _______.
6.The juice ______.
7.The chair _______.
8.The music _______.

Work in pairs.Use the table in Activity 3 to ask and answer questions about these people.(Activity 4)
your mum
-What does your mum look like?
-She's tall and beautiful.
-What is your mum like?
-She's friendly.
1.your bad
2.your maths/Chinese/music teacher
3.youe uncle
4.your best friend

Complete the conversation with some of the words in Activity 4(Activity 5)
Jane:Hi Alex!How are you today?
Jane:You(1)_____ very happy!
Alex:Oh,yes.My mum made a cake for me.Here,have some.It really (2)_____ delicious!
Jane:Thanks.It(3)______ very pretty,too.Mum,you're right.It is nice.
Alex:And another good thing is,my frend Ben is coming to stay.
Jane:Oh,really?What(4)____ he like?
Alex:He's really friendly and kind.
Jane:What (5)_____ he look like?
Alex:Well,he's tall and thin.He's good at sport.Would you like to meet him?
Jane:Yes,I'd love to.

Complete the passage with the words in the box.(Activity 6)
close   friendly lool   meet   noisy  with
American usually shake hands with each other when they first _____.When two American are talking,they do mot stand too _____ to each other.If they meet some friends at a party while they are talking ______ someone else.they usually bring their their friends into the conversation.Americans _____ each other in the eye when they talk.They may be a bit _____ sometimes,but they are quite _____.

Play a game
Group work
One student describes something,the others guess what it is .(Activity 7)
a basketball     a cat       a flower      a hamburger
a lantern        a pizza     a plane       a rabbit
classical music      grass      the Sun
A:It looks beautiful.
B:Is it a flower?
A:No,it isn't.It's round and hot.
C:Is it a lantern?
A:No,it isn't.More information?It's much hotter and bigger than a lantern.
D:Is it the Sun?
A:Yes,you're right.

Lieten and complete the table.What is the speaker complaining about?
(Activity 8)

The music     terrible,too loud,sounds likes noise,not music
The room      too hot for dancing
The food      has too much salt
The drink     too cold
The people    not very friendly

Around the world
Polite expressions
In the West,people are quite open about their feelings.Many people hug each other when they meet.People are friendly and informal.They usually use given names,even at work.It is polite for people to say "thank you" very often,even their family members.

Moudle task:
Think about one of your classmates and write a description of him/her.
My friend is fourteen years old.He is tall and looks strong.He has short brown hair,big black eyes and a very friendly face.He plays football well and he loves reading comics.
1.What's wrong with you?(改為同義句)
What's ____ ____ with you?
2.To hear from you was great.(改為同義句)
___ was great ____ hear from you
3.I spend one hour finishing my homework.(改為同義句)
  It takes me one hour ____ ____ my homework.
4.When did you get to the airport?(改為同義句)
  When did you ______ _____ the airport?
5.I feel happy when I hear the good news.(畫線部分提問)
  ______ do you _____ when you hear the good news?





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