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八年級英語下冊Module 1《Feelings and impressions》Unit 2 I feel nervous When I speak Chinese

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《Feelings and impressions》

1.Main points
(1)Key words and expressions
(2)Key structures
She is tall with long hair.
Thanks for telling me about what you like doing.
I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.
2.Difficult points
Learn how to describe a person.

New words
nervous  緊張的,情緒不安的
glasses  眼鏡
jeans    牛仔褲
fair    金色的,淺褐色的
pretty  秀麗的,標(biāo)致的
proud   感到自豪的,感到驕傲的
be proud of 為...而感到驕傲
stranger   陌生人
message    電子郵件,信息,口信
sb.can't wait  某人等不及了
hobby      業(yè)余愛好
at school  在學(xué)校,上學(xué)
in         參加,加入,在...期間,按照
mark       分?jǐn)?shù)
love       (用于信尾)愛你的

Say some sentences about Unit1
1.That smells delicious!
2.It tastes too strong.
3.It feels very comfortable.
4.You look very smart.
5.She sounds really nice.
6.It sounds quite.
7.You both look very smart.
8.It doesn't smell fresh.

Activity 1
A:---What does...look like?
B:---She's tall with long hair.
A:---What is she like?
B:---She's friendly/strict/nice/well-behaves/polite...

Para.2 What does Sally look like?
jeans and a T-shirt(clothes)
a warm cost(carrying)

Who is it?
Descibe your classmates to us.Don't tell us his/her name.Use the words we learned to descibe what he/she like.The other students should guess who is it.
Descibe people

Sally is quite tall,with short fair hair,and she's wearing glasses.She's wearing a T-shirt and carrying a warm coat.
Now descibe the people.Use the sentences above to help you.
1.the girl in Picture B in Activity1
2.your classmates
She is short,with long black hair,and she's wearing a green dress and carrying a bag.
Activity 2
Listen and read Sally's letter and find out which is her photo.Why?
The first picture is Sally.Because she is quite tall,with short fair hair,and she wears glasses.
Match the questions with the paragraphs.
1.What are your hobbies?
2.How do you feel about coming to China?
3.What do you look like?
How does Sally when she ...?
When she...,she feels...
(1)gets bas marks at school? stupid
(2)leaves her mum and dad?   sad
(3)is with strangers?    shy
(4)speaks Chinese?    nervous
(5)does something wrong?   sorry
(6)travel by plane?   afraid
Learning to learn
Remember that talking to other people is not just speaking and understanding the language.It's how you look,how you sound and what you do.Watch people in films as they talk to others in English.Do you do the same when you talk in Chinese?

1.hear from 意為“收到...的來信”。
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.我期待著你的來信。
2.each other 表示“彼此;互相”。如:
We should help each other and learn from each other.
3.as well表示“也;還”,常用于肯定句句末。
She went as well.她也去了。
【拓展】as well as表示“同;和”。如:
It is important for you as well as for me.這件事對你我很重要。
as well as 還表示“像...一樣好”。如:
She sings as well as she plays.她彈得好,唱得也好。
4.be proud of表示“為....而驕傲”;為...而自豪。如:
We are proud of our motherland.我們?yōu)槲覀兊淖鎳械津湴痢?br> 【拓展】be proud about表示“感到自豪驕傲”,常用于貶義,表示自以為是。be proud to do sth.“做...而光榮/自豪”。如:
I have nothing to be proud about.我沒有什么值得驕傲的。
5.a bit 表示“有點(diǎn);稍微”,修飾形容或副詞。如:
I'm a bit tired tonight.今晚我有點(diǎn)疲倦。
a bit of 表示“一點(diǎn)兒;一些”,修飾名詞。如:
He knows a bit of English.他懂一點(diǎn)兒英語。
not a bit 表示“一點(diǎn)兒也不”
thanks for與thank you for
thanks for=thank you for 表示:因...而感謝某人。接動詞時要用動詞ing形式。
Thanks/Thank you for your pencil.
Thanks/Thank you for making us see sense.
This bus is allowed to carry 100 passengers.
I forgot to bring a pen,can I use yours?
Which cap would you like?
I will take the white one.
Please fetch me the documents in that room.
I'm always dorry when I don't know how to do things in the right way.
How to do it is still a question.(how to do 作主語)
I don't know where to go (where to go 做賓語)
The question is who to do it(who to do it作表語)
6.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
fair    hobby    mark     proud
Jenny is my classmate.She is pretty and has _____ hair.She always gets good ____ at school.She has lots of ______ like playing the piano and swimming.She is also in the school tennis team.She is good at evening.One day she sent me a _____.She asked me to help with her English homework because I am good at English sha wanted my help! I was ____ of myself.
7.Write a message to your pen friend and describe yourself.
I have short black hair and a round face.I am short and active.I like playing basketball and singing songs.I also like reading comics.I always like meeting new friends.I feel excited when I talk with them.

Do some ecpercises.Fill in the blanks with prep.Words.
1.Thanks _______ asking to your home.
2.I'm very proud ____ my mother.
3.He is a good student _____ school.
4.My father is afraid ______ driving.
5.My friend is short ____ long hair.
6.His uncle comes ______ China.
7.I like to play ____ you.
8.I'll wait ___ you over there.
9.He is very angry ______ me.
10.What _____ going there by bike?

be proud of;be afrad of; hear from;as well;be with
1.I haven't ___________ my parents for a month.
2.The litle girl ___________ going out at night.
3.All of us _____ Liu Xiang;
4.I feel nervous when I _____ my teachers.
5.My good friend loves music and enjoys sports _____.

Change the following sentences.
1.He has been to school(on foot)(對括號內(nèi)提問)
2.Mr.Wang likes Jiaozi (because it's delicious)(對括號內(nèi)提問)
3.Zhang peng was born (in 1996)(對括號內(nèi)提問)
4.Liu Mei lives (in Dalian)(對括號內(nèi)提問)
5.My son likes pears.He likes apples better(同義句)

Write a short passage to decible your father.






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