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八年級英語下冊Module 5《Cartoons》Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.

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Everyone likes cartoon stories when he/she is a child.We can see many cartoon heroes in the books and movies.
Let's look at the following pictures bout a=cartoon stories and talk about them.
Mickey Mouse Club 米奇妙妙屋
The Adventures of Tintin
The monkey king
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf
Answer the questions about the cartoon characters.
1.Which of them do you  know?
2.Which of them do you like?Why?
Do you know where they are from?
Nemo    America
Shrek   America
Snoopy  America
Monkey King    China
Tintin     Belgium
We'll read a passage about the cartoon heroes to get more information.
Read the passage and match the paragraphys with the main ideas.
Paragraph 1         (a)The Monkey King
Paragraph 2         (b)Snoopy
Paragraph 3         (c)Nemo and Shrek
Paragraph 4&5       (d)Tintin

Listen to the passage and choose the sentence that best summaries it.
a.Cartoons heres are popular all over the world,and some are more than eighty years old.Some have been popuar for many years.
b.The most popualr cartoons come out as books and not as films.
c.Many children read cartoons today.
d.Many foreign cartoons have become very popular in China.

1.Who is Nemo?
He is called Nemo.He is a cute orange-and-hite(橙白相間)fish.
First,he lives in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia,and next he was sold to a dentist clinic in Sydney.
2.Who is Shrek?
He is called Shrek.He is a huge green monster(怪物).He is from America.
We can see him in Monster-Shrek(怪物史瑞克)。
Read Paragraph2 and complete the sentences:
The story is called ___________ rules the heaven.
He is called the Monkey King.He _____ a group of monkeys _______ the rule of the Emperor in _________.
He flies into a peach garden and eats as many peaches as he likes.
He also _________ in each room in heaven.
Now"Havoc in heaven"(大鬧天宮) becomes a common expression used by a parent or boss or office and see a mess.

Read Paragraph 3 carefully.finish the information form about Tintin.
Information about Tintin
Cartoonist                         Herge
When was it invented               1929
When was it published in China     1984
How long has Tintin been popular?  for over eighty years
What does Tintin look like?
He is Tintin,He is a reporter.
He's from Belgium(比利時(shí))
He is a Belgian(比利時(shí)人)
He has traveled to many places.such as jungles,the backstreets(后街)of Shanghai.
He has also travelles to the surface(表面)of the moon.
He is from America.We can see him in Complete Collection of Snoopy(史努比全集).
It was written by the late(遲的,晚的,已故的)Charles Schultz(查爾斯 舒爾茨)
He is cartoonist(卡通畫家),creator(創(chuàng)造者)of Snoopy.

Read the passage again and complete the notes.
Nemo and Shrek
1.Nemo is a _____  orange-and-hite fishand Shark is an ______ green animal.
2.Both Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of ______ people all over the world.
Monkey King
3.He is the_____ of a story called Havoc in Heaven.
4.He keads a group of _______ against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.
5.He has _____ hair and a small dog.
6.He works for a _____ and has lots of ______ experiences.
7.He lives in his own _______ world and finds real life ______ to understand.
8.Charles Schulz drew the cartoons to satisfy _____ people as well as children.

Why do cartoon heroes win the hearts of both children and adults?
Garfield     Calabash Brothers
Conan        Superman

Language points
1.Nemo,...Shrek...have won the hearts of youn g people.
win the heart of sb.意思是“贏得某人的心/愛”,也可以說win sb's heart.如:
KFC wins the heart of the children in China.
The lady won the young man's heart in that event.
2....popular cartoons are everywhere,on offoce desks...
I can't find my pen though I've looked everywhere.
His dog follows him everywhere he goes.
3.He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor in heaven...
lead作動(dòng)詞時(shí),意為“帶領(lǐng)”,它還有“通向”的意思。leader是名詞,意為“領(lǐng)導(dǎo);領(lǐng)袖?!比纾?br> The guide led us to the river.
All roads lead to Rome.
Mr Lee will be the leader of our football team next year.
4.He has been popular for over eighty years,ever since the artist Herge invented him in 1929.
ever since意為“從...開始”,主句一般用________時(shí),從句用_______,表示從某個(gè)動(dòng)作發(fā)生后在現(xiàn)在“一直...”。常放在句_____,后面可以接時(shí)間點(diǎn)或時(shí)間段+ago或ever since+主+動(dòng)詞簡單過去。
例:I have known him ever since he was a child.
這種用法同since差不多,不過ever since比since用得少。
再如:We have lived in Shanghai ever since we came to China.
He left school five years ago and has worked as a doctor ever since.(句末)
ever since 也可作為副詞,解釋“此后”(就一直...)
He left home last year and has been away ever since.
他去年離家出走了,此后一直在外面。(has+been away)
invent 作動(dòng)詞,意為“發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造”。強(qiáng)調(diào)運(yùn)用想象力創(chuàng)造出以前從來未有的事物(機(jī)器、設(shè)備、方法、材料等),是及物動(dòng)詞,接名詞或代詞作賓語,可用于被動(dòng)結(jié)構(gòu)。如:
Can you tell me who invented the telephone?
He always tries to incent something new.
invent,discover,find,find out,look for
這組詞(組)都有“發(fā)明”“發(fā)現(xiàn)”的意思。discover指發(fā)現(xiàn)或偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)原來就存在但一直未被認(rèn)識的東西;look for作“尋找”解時(shí),指尋找的動(dòng)作和過程;find指尋找的結(jié)果,即“找到”,是非延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,不如discover正式;find out指經(jīng)過觀察、調(diào)查把某事、某物查出來,搞清楚,弄明白,多用于復(fù)雜為不易直接查出的情況;
Whilhelm Roentgen discovered X rays.
He was amazed to find her there.
Let's try and find out what's at the back of this problems.
Whatt invented the steam engine.
She ran across some old letters when she was looking for something else.
I _______ under the bed in the end.
My father ________ his passport everywhere.
We must ________.
Do you know when Coulumbus ________America?
Edison __________ the light bulb.

Write down the name of your favouite cartoon.Then abswer the questions.
1.What is it about?
2.Who is in it?
3.Why do you like it?
Write a passage using your answers.

My favorite cartoon
My favorite cartoon is “Kung Fu Panda”because it's vety funny and interesting.The story is great and the background is beautiful,In this cartoon,the character who I most like is the panda Po because it is not only unusual but cute and annoys the human to like,moreover is this cartoon's lead.
But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection,for example Tigress,Viper,Mantis,Crane and Monkey.I have learned a lot from the cartoon.Each people has the merit and the shortcoming;perhaps you only know your shortcoming.If you work hard,you will also discover that oneself will have merit.

Write a short passage about your favourite cartoons.






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