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八年級英語下冊Module 4《Seeing the doctor》Unit 3 Language in use

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《Seeing the doctor》
Language practice
I haven't done much exercise since I got my computer last year.
I have had him for three months now.
Since then,it has become part of my life.

He has studied English for five years.
He has studied English since 1999.
He has been here for five weeks.=He has been here since five weeks ago.
He has taught here since he came to China.
We have been friend since we met in school.
1.It is (has been)+時(shí)間段+since+時(shí)間狀語或從句
It is four days since last Friday.
It has been two years since Jim came to Beijing.
2.This is the first(second...)time that+從句
This is the first time that Jenny and Danny have been to China.
This is the third time that I have seen Karen,
I have bought this computer since four years ago.(×)
I have had this computer since four years ago.(√)
I haven't bought anything fot two months.(√)
I haven't heard from him for 3weeks.(√)

leave-be away       borrow-keep
buy-have            begin/start-be on
die-be dead         finish--be over
open sth-keep sth open       fall ill-be ill
get up-be up         come here-be here
join-be on+組織機(jī)構(gòu)/be a member of+組織機(jī)構(gòu)
go there-be there       become-be
come back-be back       fall asleep-be asleep
get to/arrive/reach-be(in)
leave-be away from
get to know-know
go (get)out-tie out
put on-wear
catch a cold-have a cold
get married-be married

The old man died 4 years ago.
-The old man has been dead for 4 years.
It is 4 years since theold man died.
-Four years has passed since the old man died.
He joined the Party 2 years ago.
-He has been in the Party 2 years ago.
He has been in the Party for 2 years.
I bought the book 5 days ago.
-I have bad the book for 5 days.
(7)二者引出的時(shí)間狀語往往用how long提問。
-How long have you had this book?
-For a week./Since a week ago.
1.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.
-How long have you had your bike?
-I've had it for about two years.
(1)How long bave you studied at this school?
(2)How long have you studied English?
(3)How long have you known yur best friend?
(4)How long have you lived in this place?
(5)How long have you used this book?
2.Complete the questionnaire about healthy living.Use since or for where necessary.
Healthy Living Questionnaire
(1)What kind of exercise do you do?
(2)How long have you done this kind of exercise?
(3)Do you play in a school sports team?
(4)If yes,how long have you played in the team?
(5)Do you have a healthy diet?
(6)If yes,when did you start having a healthy diet?
3.Complete the sentences.
(1)--I feel ill two days ago.
   --So you're ____ ill for two days?
   --That's right.
(2)--I saw the doctor three days ago.
   --So you haven't _______ her in the last three days?
(3)--I'll walk to school for the first time tomorrow.
   --So you've never ______ to school before?
(4)--I came into hospital two days ago.
   --So you've already _______in hospital foar two days?
(5)--How long ____ you ______a headache?
  --Oh,it began about two hours ago.
4.Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box.
cold   coughs    exercise      fast food
stomach ache     weak        well
For a long time John did not feel(1)____.He often had (2)______ and colds.He went to see a doctor.The doctor told him to take more (3)________ and stop eating (4)_______.So he started riding a bike to school.At first,he felt tired and (5)______.Then he got fitter and started enjoying it.Since he started riding a bike,he has not had a(n)(6)_______ and he has not had a(n)(7)__________ since he stopped eating fast food.
5.Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box.
Can I help you?
How long have you been like this?
That's it.
What's wrong with me?
  Bill:Well.I've got a pain in my back.
  Bill:For about two weeks.
Doctor:Let me have a look.Where do you work?
  Bill:I work in an office.
Doctor:Do you play computer games?
  Bill:Yes,a lot.I usually play computer games late at night.
Doctor:Well,you spend too much time in front of the computer.
  Bill:What can I do?
Doctor:Stand up and do some exercise from time to time.Don't play computer        games too much.
Now work in pairs.Read out the conversation.
6.Read the passage and match the problems with advice.
What can I do ?
I would like to take more exercise,but I have mpt found a favouite sport.The coach has not chosen me to play in the football team because I am not fit,and I am not a good player.I went running inthe park to get fit.but I felt lonely and sad.What can I do?-Alan
I went to school by bus in the past,and I did not feelfit.So last month I decided to take more exercise and started walking to school.I have a wolked to school for three weeks now.I am getting a lot fitter and I feel healthier.The problem is,all my friends take the bus to school and I do not have anyone to talk with on the way!What can I do ?-Barbara
I love playing computer games with my friends.I also watch TV and eat fast food.I know it is not healthy and sometimes I get a stomachache.The problem is,I do not know how to stop and become fitter and healthier.I do not want to spend all my life sitting in a chair.What can I do ?-John

Have you tired this?
(a)Walking has helped you get fitter,so why not ask a friend to walk to school with you?
(b)How about asking a friend to go running eith you?Have you practised to improve your football skills?
(c)Why not turn off the computer and TV and join a sports club?Go with your friends so that you will still spend time together.And how about choosing some healthy food to eat?
Alan-b; Barbara-a; John-c
7.Listen and complete the passage.
The man feels (1)_____.He is hot and (2)_________.He has been like this for about (3)______.He has got a temperature and a (4)________but has not got a (5)_________ or a cough.The doctor suggests he should(6)________ and take the medicine (7)________ a day.And he should (8)_______ until he feel better.

Around the  world
The World Health Organization
The World Health Organization(WHO)was set up in 1948 to help ordinay people all over the world,especially in developing countries.
It sures,prevents and controls serious diseases such as malaria,and educates people about how to protect their halth.The WHO has helped millions of people by training doctors and nurses,and by teaching mothers how to take better care of their children.

Moudle task
Doing a survey to find the most suitable exercise
8.Work in groups.Do a survey to find what exercise your group members do and the effects
What exercise do you often do?
When did yu begin doing it?
How often do you do it?
Is it good for you?
How do you feel after you do the exercise?
9.Decide what exercise is the most suitable for you.
10.Talk about your decision and your reasons with the reat of the class.

1.We have worked in his this company since we ______ to this city.
A.move       B.have moved
C.moved      D.are moving
2.________ have you stayed in the garden?
A.How often        B.How long
C.How far          D.How many
3.He has taught at this school _____2005.
A.since    B.in    C.for    D.on
4.The dog ______for seven days.
A.died                 B.has died
C.has been dead        D.dies
5.Lucy ________ after her grandma since two years ago.
A.looks                B.looked
C.will look            D.has looked
1.I have been here ________ five months ago.
2.He has been a soldier ______ bout two months.
3.Great changes have taken place ______ you left.
4.His grandpa has been dead _____ ten years.
5.I have studied English _______ I was 12 years old.
6.It is two years ________ I became a postgraduate student.
三、Rewrite the sentences using for or since.
1.Jim is in Japan.He arrived there three days ago.
2.They are very hungry.Their last meal was ten hours ago.
3.I have a camera.I ought it in 2009.
4.I know Anna.I first met her three years ago.
5.Linda is ill.She became ill on Monday.






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