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八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Module 4《Seeing the doctor》Unit 2 We have played football for a year now.

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《Seeing the doctor》
Words and expressions

well      健康的
heart     心;心臟
active    積極的;活躍的
pet       寵物;寵畜
member    成員;會(huì)員
take part(in sth.)   參加,參與(某事)
condition     狀況;身體狀況
in excellent  身體狀況很好
sleepy     困得;想睡的
then       當(dāng)時(shí);那天
daily      每天的;天天的
weak       弱的;虛弱的
illness    病;疾病
exercise   運(yùn)動(dòng);鍛煉
awful      極討厭的;極壞的
feel awful 感到不舒服
all over   渾身;到處
perhaps    可能;也許

Ask and answer
A:What's the matter with...?
Make sentences:give advice
She should drink a lot of water.
She should see a dentist.
He should lie down and rest.
He should see a doctor.
How can we live healthily?
more fruit         more exercise
more water         good feeling
enough sleep       feed a pet dog
Describe the activities in the pictures.Which ones are healthy?
2.Read the passage and match the people with the pictures in Activity 1.There is one extra picture.
Healthy living
I was not feeling very well so the doctor checked my heart and said I needed more exercise.I have never been very active,and I do not like sports.I have always wanted a pet,so my parents gave me a dog for my birthday.
Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day.I have had him for three months now and I feel really healthy.--Anna.
Our teacher decides to start a girls' football team and I thought,"What a great idea!"I was the first member of the team,We have played football for a year now and we all feel very fit.Our teacher is the coach,and she also takes part in the training with us.She is in excekkent condition too.--Wang Wei.
For the last few years.I went to work on the underground.When I got to work.I always felt very sleepy and I was not happy.I bought a bike in January.Since then,it has become part of my life.Now I ride to wrk every day,It is my daily exercise .I arrive at work with a smile on my face.--Thomas
I was weak after a long illness.so I wanted to exercise more.Then a friend suggested,"Why don't we go for a run before school?"So we started running a week ago.But I do not enjoy running,and when I get to school,I feel awful.My legs hurt and I am hot all over.Perhaps I am too weak to do any exerise.What do you think?-Richard
注意join和join in的區(qū)別:
join in指參加活動(dòng),在口語(yǔ)中可與take part in通用。
We both joined the Labor Party.
They all join in singing the song.
Many students in our class ________ ________ ___ the school sports meeting last week.
My brother ________ a football club last year.
enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事
enjoy oneself 玩得高興;過(guò)得愉快
Most children ________ ______ computer games.
Did you enjoy ______ in the park last Sunday,children?
(1)當(dāng)句子的主語(yǔ)和動(dòng)詞不定式的主語(yǔ)不是同一主語(yǔ)時(shí),加for sb.即too...for sb. to do sth.
This box is too heavy for me to carry.
The water is too hot to drink.
The water is so hot that I can't drink it.
=The water is too hot to drink.
enough to結(jié)構(gòu)可與so...that結(jié)構(gòu)互換
The boy is strong enough to carry the bag.
=The boy is so strong that he can carry the bag.
(4)too...to結(jié)構(gòu)可與enough to結(jié)構(gòu)互相轉(zhuǎn)換,不過(guò)要改為反義的形容詞。如果一種肯定形式為肯定,另一種形式為否定,反之也一樣。
The box is too small to hold these things.
=The box isn't big enough to hold these things.

Learning to learn
When you write your advice,you can use you...,you should/should not...and sentences like Do ...or Do not...

Complete the note;
1.She was not feeling very ______.
2.She needed more ________.
3.She got a pet _______ from her parents and she takes hom for a ______ every day.
Wang Wei
4.She was the ____ member of the football team.
5.She has played football with the team for a ______ and all the members feel very ______.
6.He went to work on the ____ for several years.
7.He bought a _______ in January.
8.He arrives at work with a _______ on his face.
9.He started running a _______ ago.
10.He dose not _______ running.
11.He thinks he is perhaps too _______ to go for a run.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
active  awful  condition  daily  member  Perhaps
1.Tom runs six miles every morning,so he is very good _____;
2.Jill is a very ______ girl and plays lots of sports.
3.I had a very bad headache yeaterday,and I felt _______.
4.Ben is a(n)________ of the school football team.
5.You do not look very well._______ you should see a doctor.
6.I saw your grandfather taking his _______ walk thid morning.

Work in pairs.Look at the pictures of Colin.Write notes and explain:
What the problem was
eating junk food,too heavy,not very fit
What suggestions the doctor gave him
getting some exercise and eating healthy food
What happened next
doing exercise
how Colin feels now
feeling very well and happy
Now write four sentences to descibe what happened.

Possible answer:
1.I didn't feel very well.I was too heavy and I ate too much fast food.
2.My doctor said I should get some exercise and eat healthy food.
3.I went exercising.
4.Now I feel very well and happy.

Write a passage about healthy living.Use the sentences you wrote in Activity 5to help you.
Tips:You should write a complete passages.
There should be a topic and a conclusion in your passage.

Possible answer:
I didn't feel very well last summer.and I was too heavy.My doctor said  I ate too much fast food.She said I should get some exercise.eat different food and drink a lot of water.
I started to go exercising with two friends.At first I didn't like it,because it was tiring.My friends asid to me,"Don't stop!You can do it!"So I didn't give up.Later I began to enjoy exercising and now I feel and happy.My life is very different now!

1.take art in
2.in excellent condition
3.I arrived at work with a smile on my face.
4.Since then,it has become part of my life.
5.Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day.
6.Why don't we go for a run before school?

perhaps  awful  sleepy  weak  pet
1.That beer made me quite _______.
2.The film was ______.
3.The illness had left her feeling tired and ______.
4.____ the weather will change this evening.
5.They have many ______,including three cats.

用take part in,join in和join的適當(dāng)形式填空。
1.I hope that you'll all _____ the discussion this afternoon.
2.It is three months since he ______ the football club.
3.All the students ______ the activity of planting trees last week.
1.Jill has been in Ireland _______ Monday.
2.Mr.Jason has been in Paris ________ three days.
3.My aunt has lived in Australia _____ 15 days.
4.Margaret is in her office.She has been there ________ 7 o'clock.

(1)The doctor told Anna to _______ ______ ______,but she doesn't like sports.So her parents gave her a ________ ofr her birthday.Now she gets exercise by _________ ________ __________ ______ _____ every day.
(2)Wang Wei ______ _________ ________ the girl's football team in her school.They have played football _____ ______ _______ now they all feel very _____.Their teacher is also _______ _____ ________.
(3)Thomas felt very ______,but he bought a bike in January.______ _____,he has ridden to work.Now he is ________.
(4)Richard wanted to exercise more after _______ ______ _______.So he accepted his friend's suggestion to _______ ______ ________ _______ before school.But he feels ______,because he's too ______ to do any exercise.






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