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八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit 4《A good read》Grammar

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Unit 4《A good read》Grammar
New words
hand  v. 交;遞,給
hand in  上交,遞交
review  n. 評(píng)論
return  v. 歸還
on time  準(zhǔn)時(shí)
renew  v. 續(xù)借;更新
Andy doesn't know what to wear.
Millie can't decide which book to buy.
They don't know how to go to the station.
A: We can use a question word with a to-infinitive after a verb.
  Millie has decided what to read.
  Daniel did not say who to talk to about this book.
  Simon forgot when to meet his friends.
  Kitty cannot decide which to choose first.
  Sandy is wondering where to ask for help.
  Amy does not know how to write the report.
1. Gulliver did not know where he could find other people.
   Gulliver did not know ______ ______ ______ other people.
2. Gulliver decided when he should leave Liliput.
   Gulliver decided ______ ______ ______ Liliput.
3. Gulliver did not know how he could break the ropes.
   Gulliver did not know ______ ______ ______ the ropes.
All question words can be used in this way, except why.
× Suzy will explain why to recommend this book.
√ Suzy will explain why she recommend this book.
We can use a verb + object before a question word with a to-infinitive.
  advise, ask, decide, discuss
  find out, forget, know, learn
  remember, say, show, teach
  think, understand, wonder
Mr Wu advised us which to choose as after-school activities.
The students asked their teacher when to hand in their work.
Millie showed us what to do next.
Daniel taught himself how to use a computer to draw.
Don't forget to tell your mum where to meet you.
We can use a noun after what, which, whose, how many and how much.
e.g. They are discussing which color to paint the walls.
     You can ask your parents how much money to take with you.
We can also use an adjective like sure or clear before a question word.
e.g. Suzy was not sure who to ask for help.
     Are you clear when to meet at the gate tomorrow?
疑問(wèn)詞+動(dòng)詞不定式做動(dòng)詞的賓語(yǔ)。疑問(wèn)詞也包括疑問(wèn)代詞what,which,who和疑問(wèn)副詞how,when,where。常和此結(jié)構(gòu)連用的動(dòng)詞及動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ)有:know, learn, see, hear, ask, tell, decide, explain, find out, forget, remember, understand等。
e.g. I don't know what to say next.
     I can't decide which to take.
     Please tell me how to go there.
e.g. How to deal with the problem is most important to us.
     The problem is when to leave the place.
e.g. I don't know what to do.
    =I do not know what I should do.
Amy and Daniel are talking about their Reading Week. Complete their conversation. Use the correct question words and to-infinitives.
   how, what, ask for, find
   when, where, hand in, read
   which, who, speak, travel, write about
Amy: Mr Wu has recommended so many interesting books. Have you decided (1)____________ first, Daniel?
Daniel: Yes. I want to read Black Beauty first. But I don't know (2)____________ the book.
Amy: You can try our school library or Sunshine Library. Oh, did you know Peter is reading Around the World in Eighty Days? He wants to find out (3)____________ around the world in such a short time.
Daniel: Wow, that's amazing! By the way, can you tell me (4)____________ our book report?
Amy: Before next Friday. I'm still not sure (5)____________ in the report.
Daniel: You can write anything about your book - what the book is about, what you think of it and so on. You should read some reviews about the book before writing.
Amy: Thank you. Anyway, I know (6)____________ help with writing. Mr Wu is always there to help us.
must & have to用法
We use must and have to to say that it is necessary to do something.
We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary.
e.g. "I must run away from them," Gulliver thought.
We use have to when the situation makes something necessary.
e.g. I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge.
     She has to take her daughter from school in the afternoon.
We use must not to say that something is not allowed.
e.g. You must not smoke in the library.
We use do not have to to say that it is not necessary to do something.
e.g. We do not have to go to school at weekends.
e.g. You must finish your homework today. 你今天必須完成家庭作業(yè)。
must的否定形式must not表示禁止,“不能,不行”。
e.g. You must not smoke here. 你不能在這里抽煙。
have to表一種客觀的需要,“不得不”。
have to有人稱和數(shù)的變化。
e.g. It is getting dark. He has to go home now.
have to的否定形式do not have to,相當(dāng)于need not。
e.g. They do not have to buy a computer at the moment.
e.g. He does not have to go.
e.g. You must be hungry after all that walking.
     That can't be Lucy. She has gone to American.
Amy is telling her cousin Shirley some library rules. Complete what she says with must, must not, have to or don't have to.
  You (1)______ keep quiet in the library.
  You (2)______ keep the books clean and tidy.
  You (3)______ draw or write on the books.
  You (4)______ eat or drink in the library.
  You (5)______ return the books on time.
  If you want to keep them longer, you (6)______ renew them.
  You (7)__________ bring your student card every time you go to the library, but remember to bring your library card.
Integrated skills
The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about what they have read recently. Listen to them and match each student with the type and name of the book they have read (Part A1).
  Student      Type of book        Name of the book
   Kitty           novel           Three men in a boat
  Millie          history          Notes from a Small Island
  Daniel          science          Moment in Peking
   Simon           travel          Flags of Our Fathers
   Sandy                           A Brief History of Time
A2: Who is she?
J.K. Rowling
A British writer
Date of birth (1)31 July 1965
As a child    often wrote (2)stories and read them to her sister
In 1990       got the idea for the first Harry Potter story on a (3)train trip to London
In (4)1995    finished the first Harry Potter book
In 2007       finished the (5)seventh/last book of the series.
Harry Potter series
At first      all the British publishing houses refused to publish it
A year later  a small publishing house in (6)London accepted it
So far        a great success
              has been translated into about (7)70 languages
Sales         over (8)450 million copies in over (9)200 countries and areas
A3: Millie made some notes of the Harry Potter series. However, she has made some mistakes. Listen to Suzy again. Help Millie underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correct words in the blanks.
1. J.K. Rowling is a Canadian writer. ________
2. Rowling's birthday is on 30 July. ________
3. When she was a child, Rowling often shared toys with her sister. ________
4. The eighth Harry Potter book is the last one of the series. ________
5. The first Harry Potter book was a great success in the very beginning. ________
6. The Harry Potter series is popular only in Britain. ________






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