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八年級英語下冊Unit 2《Travelling》Grammar

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Unit 2《Travelling》Grammar
A: Using have/has been and have/has gone.
(1) We use have/has been to express the idea that someone went to a place and has already come back. It refers o an experience.
Millie and Amy have been to South Hill. They want to go there again.
Sandy has never been to South Hill. She wants to go with them.
(2) We use have/has gone to express the idea that someone went to a place but has not yet returned.
Kitty and her family have gone to Hong Kong. They will come back next week. Suzy is not at home at the moment. She has gone to the bookshop.
辨析一 have/has been (to)
       have/has been in
       have/has gone (to)
have/has been (to)...“曾到過某地”(現(xiàn)在回來了),后接次數(shù)(how many times),表示“去過…多少次”
have/has been (in)...“在某地呆有多久”(在某地),后接for或since引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語(how long),表示“在某地多久”
have/has gone (to)...“已經(jīng)到某地去了”(現(xiàn)在不在說話處),不用于第一、二人稱,只用于第三人稱。
Where have you been?
Where has Jack gone?
She has been to Shanghai.
She has been in Shanghai for two years.
She has gone to Shanghai.
have/has gone to & have/has been to & have/has been in
1. The travelers ___________ here for three hours.
2. Mr. Webb isn't here. He ___________ Germany.
3. Where _______ you ________? I ___________ the school library.
have/has gone to & have/has been to & have/has been in
1. Where is Deming? I don't know. Maybe he ___________ home. Maybe he ___________ the headmaster's office.
2. Kate ___________ Guangzhou for ten years, so she knows it well.
3. I ___________ Hong Kong before.
About travels
A1: The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about their classmates and families. Help them complete the sentences with have/has been or have/has gone.
1. Millie isn't here. She ___________ to the library.
2. Peter and Simon _______ just _______ to the library. They borrowed some interesting books.
3. My cousin ___________ to Xi'an twice.
4. My parents ___________ to Xi'an and they'll stay there for a week.
5. Daniel won't be with us at the party. He ___________ to Shanghai.
A2: Daniel and Millie are chatting at a weekend. Complete their conversation with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Daniel: I haven't seen Mr Wu for days. Where (1)______ he ______(go)?
Millie: He (2)______(go) to Tianjin to attend a meeting.
Daniel: (3)______ you ______(be) anywhere recently?
Millie: Yes, I (4)______(be) to Hainan with my parents.
Daniel: Oh, that's great! (5)______ you ______(be) to Sanya?
Millie: Sure, we (6)______(be) to the beach there. Look at these photos.
Daniel: The beach is beautiful. I see Andy playing on the sand too.
Millie: Yes. We went there with his family.
Daniel: I see. By the way, shall we invite Andy to go for a picnic tomorrow?
Millie: Andy isn't here this weekend. He and his parents (7)______(go) to the countryside. They'll be back tomorrow afternoon.
B: Verbs with for and since
We use for when we talk about a period of time, and we use since when we talk about a time point in the past.
Mr Dong has lived here for many years.
Mr Dong has lived here since he was born.
Some verbs, such as come, go, buy and leave, can he used in the present perfect tense, but they cannot be used with for or since in positive statement.
  × He has left Beijing for a week.
  √ He has not left Beijing yet.
  √ He has been away from Beijing for a week.
  × He has bought a car since 2007.
  √ He has not bought any new car since 2007.
  √ He has had a car since 2007.
Have another try!
Exercise 3
1. Those teachers ______(sit) in this classroom since eight o'clock.
2. I ______(be) in this school since 11 o'clock.
3. She ______(live) in Guangzhou for ten years.
4. There ______(be) great changes in Yucai Middle School since I came to Guangzhou.
5. How many books ______ you ______(read) since last term?
for+一段時(shí)   since+時(shí)間點(diǎn)/從句(一般過去時(shí))
I haven't met him for two years. 我兩年沒有遇見他了。
1. have代替buy
My brother has had (不能用has bought) this bike for almost four years.
2. 用keep或have代替borrow
I have kept (不能用have borrowed) the book for quite a few days.
3. 用be替代become
How long has your sister been a teacher?
4. 用have a cold代替catch a cold
Tom has had a cold since the day before yesterday.
5. 用wear代替put on
I have worn the T-shirt for two days.
die — be dead               buy — have
return — be back            borrow — keep
open — be open              begin to study — study
leave — be away (from)      go to sleep — sleep
join — be in                catch a cold — have a cold
fall asleep — be asleep     get to know — know
短暫性動詞→be+形容詞/副詞   短暫性動詞→延續(xù)性動詞
Exercise 4:改寫句子
1. The factory opened 10 years ago. (for 10 years)
2. He has left China. (for 3 years)
3. My uncle joined the Party last year. (since last year)
4. His father died two years ago. (for two years)
If we want to express a continuous state, can use another way like this:
Verb Used for a continuous state Example
begin/start have/has been on The film has been on for 20 minutes.
finish/stop have/has been over The parade has been over for hours.
come/go/arrive have/has been in/at Kitty has been in Hong Kong for two days.
leave have/has been away She has been away from home since last Tuesday.
borrow have/has kept She has kept this book since last week.
join have/has been in
have/has been a member of
Simon has been a member of the Football Club since last year.
marry have/has been married They have been married for 15 years.
die have/has been dead The fish have been dead for some time.
More about Kitty's trip
Kitty is telling Millie about her holiday in Hong Kong on the phone. Complete what she says with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
My parents and I (1)__________(arrive) in Hong Kong on the first day of the winter holiday. We (2)__________(be) here for three days.
I (3)__________(borrow) a book about Hong Kong a week ago. It's very useful. I (4)__________(keep) it with me for a few days. It helps me learn more about Hong Kong.
Now it's noon and we're in Ocean Park. The first dolphin show (5)__________(begin) at 11:30 a.m. It (6)__________(be) on for about half an hour. The show is really exciting.






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