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八年級英語下冊Unit 1《Past and present》(2)

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Unit 1《Past and present》(2)
Times have changed
Free Talk
1. Where is your hometown?
2. Has it changed a lot?
People used to live in old houses.
Now they live in new tall flats.
Old houses have turned into new tall flats.
People used to buy things at market stalls.
Now they go to shopping malls instead.
Market stalls have turned into shopping malls.
People used to see films in old cinemas.
Now they go to nice theatres.
Old cinemas have turned into nice theatres.
People used to play Chinese chess in the street.
Now people can play chess on the Internet.
Has Beijing Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years?
Listen to the tape, answer the question:
An interview
What's the main idea of this interview?
The main idea of this interview is about _______________________.
對話:Times have changed
Millie: Do you know Sunshine Town very well, Mr Chen?
Mr Chen: Sure. I've lived here since I was born.
Millie: Have you ever moved house?
Mr Chen: Yes. I first lived in the northern part of town with my parents. When I got married in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and we've lived in this area since then.
Millie: Has the town changed a lot over the years?
Mr Chen: Yes! We only had some small restaurants and shops years ago. And we had a post office and a cinema in the town centre. Now the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park. We have a new theatre and a large shopping mall too.
Millie: Was pollution a problem then?
Mr Chen: Yes, it was. There was once a steel factory near the Sunshine River. They often put the waste into the river. Later the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation. Now the river is much cleaner.
Millie: Do you think life is better now?
Mr Chen: Well, in some ways it is. It's really nice to have a beautiful modern town. However, most of my old friends have moved away. It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before. We used to play cards and Chinese chess together. Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time. Anyway, it's good to see the amazing changes in the town.
1. Where is Sunshine River?
2. What killed fish and plants and polluted the river?
(1) When did Mr Chen's family move to Sunshine Town?
(2) Where did Mr Chen live before 1965?
(3) How many people lived in Sunshine Town in the past?
(4) Why did Mr Chen move last year?
(5) Were there any shops in Sunshine Town in the past?
(6) What did people say about the shoe factory?
(7) Does Mr Chen think life is better now? Why?
1、非常了解…  know ... very well
2、自我出生以來  since I was born
3、住在城鎮(zhèn)的北部  live in the northern part of town
4、結(jié)婚  get married
5、搬到兩個(gè)街區(qū)以外  move two blocks away
6、從那以后  since then
7、改變許多  change a lot
8、在這些年期間  over the years
9、在鎮(zhèn)中心  in the town centre
10、把…變成…  turn...into...
11、一家鋼鐵廠  a steel factory
12、把廢料扔進(jìn)河里  put the waste into the river
13、采取行動(dòng)改善情況  take action to improve the situation
14、干凈的多  much cleaner
15、某些方面來說是的  in some ways it is
16、擁有一個(gè)美麗現(xiàn)代化的城鎮(zhèn)  have a beautiful modern town
17、我的大多數(shù)老朋友  most of my old friends
18、搬走  move away
19、和過去一樣頻繁的見到彼此  see each other as often as before
20、打牌  play cards
21、下象棋  play Chinese chess
22、有時(shí)感到有點(diǎn)孤單  feel a bit lonely from time to time
23、令人驚奇的改變  the amazing changes
24、采訪某人  have an interview with sb.
25、一生  all one's life
B1 Learn some new words
1. married ____             a. sometimes
2. block ____               b. know or understand something that you did not know before
3. factory ____             c. make something better
4. realize ____             d. a place where things are made by machines
5. improve ____             e. not happy because of being alone
6. lonely ____              f. having a husband or wife
7. from time to time ____   g. a group of buildings with streets on all sides
B2 Millie is telling Sandy more about her interview with Mr. Chen. Help Sandy check if she has got the information right. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.
1. Mr Chen knows little about Sunshine Town. ____
2. Mr Chen moved away from his parents when he got married. ____
3. There is a large shopping mall in Sunshine Town now. ____
4. The steel factory once put its waste into the Sunshine River. ____
5. It is easy for Mr Chen to see his old friends now. ____
6. Amazing changes have taken place in Sunshine Town. ____
B3 Sandy wants to learn more about he history of Sunshine Town. She is asking Millie some questions. Work in pairs. Complete their conversation.
Sandy: Tell me more about your interview with Mr. Chen, Millie. Has he lived in Sunshine Town all his life?
Millie: Yes. He first lived with his parents in the (1)______ part of town, and then moved to another flat two (2)______ away.
Sandy: What was the town like in the past?
Millie: There were some small (3)______ and shops.
Sandy: What did Mr Chen say about the town centre?
Millie: Years ago, there was a (4)______ and a (5)______. Now there's a new park, a new (6)______ and a large (7)______.
Sandy: Were there any factories in Sunshine Town?
Millie: Yes. There was once a (8)______ near the Sunshine River.
B4 Millie is going to write about the changes in Sunshine Town for her history project. She has made some notes. Help her complete the sentences with the information on pages 8 and 9.
Sunshine Town (1)__________ over the years.
People now have a (2)__________ town.
The (3)__________ from the steel factory was once a problem.
Luckily, the government took action to improve the (4)__________ later.
Old people used to (5)__________ together.
Old people sometimes (6)__________ because they cannot (7)__________ as often as before.
People think it is good to see (8)__________.






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