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七年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 4 Save the trees.(Reading)

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《Man's best friends》Unit 4 Save the trees.(Reading)
1.Getting ready
In this unit,we are going to talk about another of man's best friends on Earth trees.

2.Background knowledge
How much do you know about trees?
Try the short quiz below.
(1)Write down the names of the parts of a tree.Use the words from the box help you.
branch     fruit     leaf     root
What's the use of the branches/leaves.roots/fruit of the trees?
Branches and leaves provide shade for people in summer.
Leaves can change carbon dioxide into pxygen.
Roots can talk in water from the soil.
They can also prevent the soil form being washed away.
People eat the fruit.
What do trees do for us?
Trees take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe.
Trees are major fighters against air pollution.
Look at the pictures on page 45.Then answer the question below.
(2)What do trees do for us?
a They help fight against pollution.
b They provide fight against pollution.
c They are home to birds and animals.
d All of the above.

3.Before you read
Look at the title of the interview on page 45.Then answer the question below.
Trees in our daily lives
1 What do you think the interview is about?
a The lives of trees.
b Why trees are important in our daily lives.
Trees in our daily lives
Rebecca wants to know more about trees and how they help us.
She is interviewing Dr Jones about trees.
Read the first part of the conversation and answer the following question.
Rebecca:How do trees help us,Dr Jones?
Dr Jones:They help us in many ways,They keep the air cool and clean.They take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe.They're major fighters against air pollution.
Why are trees major fighters against air pollution?
They keep the air and clean.
They take in harmful gases from the air.
They produce oxygen for us to breathe.
Read the second part of the conversation and answer the following question.
Rebecca:I know trees also make our lives more convenient.Many of the things in our daily lives come from trees.For example,paper and pencils.
Dr Jones:You're right,Rebecca.In fact,we get a lot more form trees.We get fruit and oil from them.Tea also comes from the leaves of trees.Look around this room.A lot of the furniture is made of wood.Trees are really important in our daily lives.
Read the third part of the conversation and answer the following question.
Rebecca: I can't imagine a world without trees.
Dr Jones:But we cut down millions of trees every year.We should stop doing this if we don't want a world without trees.
How many trees do people cut down every year?
People cut down millions of trees every year.
Trees in our daily lives
Trees are major fighters against air pollution.They
Keep the air cool and clean
take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen.
Trees make our lives more convenient
Mnay of things(e.g.paper and pencils)in our daily lives come from trees.
We also get fruit oil and tea from trees.
A lot of furniture is made of wood.

The words in italics are form the article on page 45.Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.
1.Harmful gases are ______ people's health.
a good for               b bad for
2.Trees produce oxygen.They ________ oxygen.
a take                   b make
3.Air pollution is a major problem in the city.This problem is ______.
a big and important          b not very important
4.Washing machines make our lives more convenient.With the help of them.,our   lives become ________.
a easier                 b richer
5.When you imagine a picture,you have it ________.
a on paper               b in your mind.
C2 Complete the poster below with the words from the box.
against      convenient       furniture       major      produce
All about trees
Did you know trees _______ oxygen?
Did you know trees help us fight _______ pollution?
Did you know the ______ in our lives very _________?
If you want to know more about trees,join our "All about trees"talk at 4 p.m.on 26 October(Tuesday).We will interview Dr Jones about the lives of trees and theif _________ uses.
Why does Rebecca say "I can't imagine a world without trees"?
A world without trees is terribe.The air will be hot and dirty.There will be too many harmful gases in the air.There won't be enough oxygen for us to breathe.People's lives will be less convenient because there will be no wood to make paper,pencil and furniture.We cannot get fruit,oil or tea from trees.

Read a paragraph about the importance of trees.Complete it with appropriate words.
Trees make our lives more c_______.For example,the w______ in your pencil,the paper in your botebook and the f________ in your house all c_______ from trees.Trees take in h_____ gases from the air and p______ oxygen,so they are very u_____.It is hard to i______ a world without trees.

 Topic sentences   Treees are really important in our daily lives.They help us in many ways.
 Useful trees  Products from trees  paper and pencils
 fruit and oil
 Trees in danger   Facts   People cut down millions of every year
 What to do ?  What should stop cutting down so many trees

In groups,talk about what you can do to save trees.
Our promises
I promise to write on both sides of the paper!
I promise not to cut down trees!
I promise to plant more trees in the future!
I promise not to use throwaway chopsticks!
Look at these two sentences.Do you know the meaning of "useful" and "harmful"?
Tres give us a lot of useful things.
Trees take in harmful gases from the air.
"Useful"and"harmful"both end in-ful.It is a suffix meaning "full of".
Can you guess the meanings of the following words?
hopeful      helpful
Can you give some more example?

Other suffixes
-less(表示“不”--without;not giving):

oxygen,produce,root,save,for example,millions of,take in,come from,in fact,
look around,(be)made of.





七年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 4 Save the trees.(Writing,More practice, Culture cornner)

七年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 4 Save the trees.(Listening Speaking)

七年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 4 Save the trees.(Grammar)


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