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七年級英語下冊Module 2 Unit 3 Our animal friends.(Listening, Grammar)

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《Man's best friends》Unit 3 Our animal friends.(Listening, Grammar)

Top dogs
Before you listen
David is interviewing people about their dogs on a radio programme.
Look at these three dogs.What do you think their jobs are?
A David is interviewing people about their dogs.Listen to the radio programme and fill in the blanks with the names of the speakers from the box.
Jane      Miss Brown     Office White
B Listen to the radio programme again complete the notes below .Write one world each blank.
Billy works at the airport.
Billy _______ people's bage to find dangerous things.
Sury is Jane's pet dog.She helped Jane a lot when she was _________.
David thinks Suzy is ______.
Winnte appears TV very often.
She cannot act when she is ______ or _______.

2.Grammar A
Reflexive pronouns
We use a reflexive pronoun as the object to refer back to the subject of a sentence.
He blames himself for the mistake.
She made herself a cup of tea.
We should not drink only of ourselves.
eg:My sister is too young to look after herself.
I said to my self,"never give up!"
We can also use a reflexive pronoun to emphasize that someone does something without help.
He did the homework himself.
We can clean the kitchen ourselves.
eg:He made his students themselves clean the classroom.
I myself cook supper in the kitchen every day.
eg:Myself cook supper in the kitchen every day.(×)
I myself cook supper in the kitchen every day.(√)

 We form reflexive pronouns like this:
 Subject pronoun  Reflexive pronoun
 I  myself
 you(singular)   yourself
 you(plural)  yourselves
 we  ourselves
 they  themselves
 he  himself
 she  herself
 it  itself
Work out the rule
Singular reflexive pronouns have the ending -self.
Plural reflexive pronouns have the ending -selves.
Grammar exercise
Look at the pictures below and fill in the blanks with the correct relexive pronouns.
We made it _________!No one helped us.
They should feel pround of _______.
Kids,help _____ to some food.
I made my lunch myself today.
Kitty made her lunch ________.
Tom is talking to himself.The cat is looking at ______ in the mirror.
Why are you talking to _____,Tom?
for oneself   獨自地          of oneself   自動地
in oneself    本身固有        by oneself   獨自
enjoy oneself   玩得高興
help oneself (to)    隨便用
hurt oneself    傷害自己
teach oneself   自學(xué)
get dressed oneself   自己穿衣
say to oneself   自言自語的說
leave sb.by oneself    把某人單獨留下
buy oneself sth   給自己買...東西
introduce oneself   介紹...自己
look after oneself/take care of oneself   照顧自己
反身代詞表示“某人自己”,不能表示“某人的東西”,因為它沒有所有格的形式。表達(dá)“某人自己的(東西)”時,須要用one's own.
(誤)I'm drawing with myself caryons.
(正)I'm drawing withe my own caryons.

5.Grammar B
Wrong sentence:I always like to sit next my best friend.
Mistake:sit next my best friend.
Why:next是形容詞,單用表示“下一個”。next to意為“緊靠...的旁邊”。next to的近義    詞有beside和by,他們都屬于方位介詞。
Correct sentence:I always like to sit next to my best friend.
We use prepositions of position to talk about where somebosy or something is.
Where is the mouse?
It is in a bowl.
It is on a shelf.
It is under a basket.
It is next to/beside an apple.
It is in front of a TV.
It is behind a vase.
It is between two books.
It is above a cat.
on   在...上面
in   在...里面
under  在...下面
behind 在...后面
near   在...旁邊
In front of   在...前面
over   在...上方
next to表示在旁邊緊挨著
in front of表示在物體范圍外的前面。
in the front of表示在某一范圍之內(nèi)的前部
on the left表示在左邊
on the right表示在右邊
across from表示在對面
in→out           on→under          at
over     under     above→below
before=in front of→behind
next to=beside
在...的前面          in front of
在...(兩者)之間      between...and...
在...的旁邊          next to
在地板上             on the floor
在河上               over the river
在門的對面           opposite the door
在老師的講臺上       on the teacher's desk
在床頭柜上           on the bedside table
在床和扶手椅之間     between the bed and the armchair
在架子上             on the shelf
在床的上方           above the bed
在床底下             under the bed
Jason is decribing his bedroom.Help him complete his description with correct prepositions.
My bedroom is a big room with a big window.There is a desk _______ the window.There is a computer _______ the desk and a box ______ the desk.There is a toy bear ________ the box and a pot of plant _______ the box.My bed is on the othre side of the desk.There are some pictures ________ the bed.My cat Gigi likes sleeping ______ the bed.I have a new carpet ______ the floor ______ my bed and the bookshelves.

2.抄寫單詞:act,aipmort,appear,programme 和radio





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