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六年級英語下冊Module 2《Changes》Unit 6 Seasonal changes(3)(老版)

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《Changes》Seasonal changes(3)
Look and say

What season is it?
spring     summer     autumn     winter
Read and match
1.Many people like drinkin hot drinks.
2.Many people wear sunglasses.
3.Many people like playing at the beach.
4.Many people wear gloves.
5.We can see plenty of flowers in the garden.
6.Many students wear thick uniforms.
7.Not many students like playing football in the playground.
8.There are not many flowers in the garden.

Listen and say
School life in summer
1.In the school garden
Many flowers grow in the garden.Many bees and butterflies fly around.
2.In the playground
Not many students like playing in the playground because it is very hot.
3.In the library
Many students like studying in the library.It is air-conditioned.
4.In the canteen
Many students like having ice cream and soft drinks after lunch.

Let's learn
take a photograph:拍一張照片
take some photographs:拍一些照片
Peter and Kitty have taken some photographs of their school life in summer.
school life:學校生活
life n.不可數(shù);生活;可數(shù);生命
city life:城市生活
save children's lives:救了孩子們的生命
life v.生活
The farmer and his wife live happily in their hut and they enjoy their happy life very much.
School life in summer
1.In the school garden在學?;▓@里
Many flowers grow in the garden.Many bees and butterflies fly around.
2.In the playground在操場上
Not many students like playing in the playground because it is very hot.
3.In the library在圖書館里
Many students like studying in the library.It is air-conditioned.
air-conditioned有空調的        air-conditioner:空調
There is an air-conditioner in the school library.
4.In the canteen在餐廳
Many students like having ice cream and soft drinks after lunch.

Ask and answer
With a classmate,talk about your school life in summer like this:
S1:What can you see in the garden/playground/library/canteen?
S2:We can see...
S1:What do many students like doing in summer?
S2:Many students like...
S1:Why do many students like..?

S1:What can you see in the garden?
S2:We can see many flowers,bees and butterflies.
S1:What do many students like doing in summer?
S2:Many students like studying in the library.
S1:Why do many students like studying in the library?
S2:Because it is air-conditioned.

S1:What can you see in the canteen?
S2:We can see many students.
S1:What do many students like doing in summer?
S2:Many students like having ice-cream and soft drinks after lunch.
S1:Why do many students like having ice-cream and soft drinks after lunch?
S2:Because these things can keep them cool.

Look and complete
Many _____ grow in the garden.Many _____ and ______ fly around.
Not many students like _____ in the playground because it is very _____.
Many students like _____ in the library.It is _______.
Many students like having _____ and ____ after lunch.

Let's read
Peter and Kitty have taken some photographs of their school life in summer.
School life in summer
1.In the school garden
Many flowers grow in the garden.Many bees and butterflies fly around.
2.In the playground
Not many students like playing in the playground because it is very hot.
3.In the library
Many students like studying in the library.It is air-conditioned.
4.In the canteen
Many students like having ice cream and soft drinks after lunch.

Look and retell
Can you retell the school life in summer by using the following notes?
Garden:many flowers/grow/bees and butterflies/fly
Playground:not many students/play
Library:many students/study
Canteen:many students/have

同學們,請根據(jù)提示內容,以A day at school為題,寫幾句話。
6.00  a.m.     get up
7.00  a.m.     go to school
8.00  a.m.     have an English lesson
10.00 a.m.     have a Maths lesson
11.00 a.m.     have lunch
12.30 p.m.     play in the playground
1.00  p.m.     go to the school library
2.00  p.m.     have a P.E.lesson
4.30. p.m.     go home
A Day at school
In the morning,I get up at six o'clock.At seven o'clock,I go to school.I have an English lesson at eight o'clock.I have a Maths lesson at ten o'clock.I have lunch at eleven forty.
In the afternoon,I play in the playground at half past twelve.At one o'clock.I go to the school library.I have a P.E.lesson at two o'clock.At half past four,I go home.
I like staying indoors in summer because it is air-conditioned.
Look and write
1.Kitty:I like walking in the garden in spring because there are many         flowers.
2.Joe:I like eating ice cream in summer because it is nice and cold.
3.Ben:I like flying a/my kite in autumn because the weather is nice.

·Workbook 6B,page 36 and 37.
·Recite "Listen and say".





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