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四年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)Unit 6《I'm tall.》(Lesson 36)

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Unit 6《I'm tall.》(Lesson 36)
Fun story
Monkey: Hello, Mimi. Let's act.
Cat: OK!
Monkey: Look at my ears.
Cat: Wow! They're so big!
Cat: Look at my long ears.
Monkey: I have a long nose.
Rabbit: I'm a rabbit. I have a short tail.
Cat: But I have a long tail!
Elephant: I'm an elephant. I have a short tail.
Monkey: But I have a long tail.
Cat: Hi! I'm Mimi.
Monkey: Hi! I'm Micky.
Let's check
Listen and number.
1. I have a ruler. It's short.
2. I have a ruler, too. It's long.
3. Look! I'm short.
4. I'm tall.
5. I have a red balloon. It's big.
6. Look! I have a big egg.
Language Focus
Look at the elephant.
It has big ears.
A rabbit has long ears and a short tail.
I'm tall.
You're short.
I'm strong.
You're thin.
Happy new year!
big  small  long  tall  short
strong  thin  new  old  happy
big  大的
small  小的
long  長(zhǎng)的
short  短的
tall  高的
short  矮的
fat  胖的;肥的
strong  強(qiáng)壯的
thin  瘦的
happy  幸福的;快樂的
new  新的
old  舊的;老的
1、分角色表演Fun story。
2、完成Let's check。
3、結(jié)合Language Focus復(fù)習(xí)本單元主要語言知識(shí)。




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