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四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Unit 4《How's the weather today?》(Lesson 24)

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Unit 4《How's the weather today?》(Lesson 24)
Fun story
Cat: Hi, Micky! How's the weather today?
Monkey: Oh! It's so hot!
Cat: How's the weather today?
Monkey: Oh! It's so cold!
Cat: How's the weather today?
Monkey: Oh! It's rainy!
Monkey: What? It's sunny!
Monkey: Oh, no! It's snowy!
Cat: Ha, ha! Micky, how's the weather today?
Let's check
1. It's cold today.
2. How's the weather today? It's windy.
3. How's the weather today? It's cloudy.
4. It's rainy.
5. How's the weather today? It's sunny.
Language Focus
It's fine today.
It's warm today.
It's hot today.
How's the weather today? It's sunny.
How's the weather today? It's windy.
fine  nice
warm  cool
hot  cold
sunny  cloudy
windy  rainy
It's fine today.
It's warm today.
It's hot today.
How's the weather today? It's sunny.
How's the weather today? It's windy.
Sing the song
  How is the weather?
How is the weather? It's a fine day.
How is the weather? It's a cloudy day.
How is the weather? It's raining.
How is the weather? It's snowing.
fine  nice  warm  cool  hot  cold
sunny  cloudy  windy  rainy  snowy
It's fine today. Let's play football.
It's fine today. Let's play basketball.
It's fine today. Let's ride a bike.
It's nice today. Let's go to the park.
It's nice today. Let's go to the zoo.
1、It's (   )(溫暖的) today.
   Let's go to the (   ).(動(dòng)物園)
2、It's (   )(涼爽的) today.
   Let's go to the (   ).(公園)
3、It's (   )(溫暖的) today.
   Let's (             ).(放風(fēng)箏)
4、It's (   )(涼爽的) today.
   Let's (             ).(踢足球)
5、It's (   )(晴朗的) today.
   Let's (             ).(騎自行車)
6、It's (   )(涼爽的) today.
   Let's (             ).(讀書(shū))
It's warm today. Let's play football.
It's cool today. Let's go to the zoo.
It's fine today. Let's play with the kite.
It's nice today. Let's go to the park.
How's the weather today? It's sunny.   √
How's the weather today? It's fine.    ×
How's the weather today? It's warm.    ×
How's the weather today? It's cold.    √
How's the weather today? It's cool.    ×
1、分角色表演Fun story。
2、完成Let's check。
3、結(jié)合Language Focus復(fù)習(xí)本單元主要語(yǔ)言知識(shí)。




高級(jí)教師,名師,骨干教師 ,學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人,多次榮獲省市優(yōu)質(zhì)課一等獎(jiǎng)。

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四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Unit 4《How's the weather today?》(Lesson 24)

四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Unit 4《How's the weather today?》(Lesson 23)

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