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八年級英語上冊《Revision module B》

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 《Revision module B.》
We were watching TV from seven to nine last night.
She was singing from 7:00 to 7:30 last night.
I got up at five the day before yesterday.
He was painting the lab the whole day.
last night(week,month,year),ago,the day
before yesterday,in 2003,just now,long,long ago等。
at this/that time yesterday,the whole evening,
all day yesterday等。
He introduced Tom to us just now.
She was doing some Washing all day yesterday.
1.Work in pairs.Say what you were doing last Sunday
and complete the table.

 Time  You  Your partner
 7am  having breakfast  sleeping
 9am  playing basketball  having a class
 11am   playing games  playing basketball
 2pm   having PE  singing a song
 6pm  having dinner  doing homewok
 9pm  sleeping  watching TV

2.Write sentences about what you and your partner
were doing last Sunday.
  At seven o'clock last Sunday morning,I was having
breakfast.Tom was sleeping at that time.At 9am I was
playing basketball and Tom was having a class. At 11am
I was playing games...

3.Work with another student.Ask and answer questions
about what you and your partner were doing last Sunday.
Use the table in Activity 1 to help you.
---What were you doing at seven o'clock last Sunday
---I was having breakfast.
---What was your partner doing at seven o'clock last Sunday
---He/She was sleeping.
---Were you having dinner at nine o'clock last Sunday evening?
---No,I wasn't.I was sleeping.

4.Complete the passage with the correct from of the words
in brackets.
  Yesterday we went(go)for a walk in the park.When we enjoyed(enjoy)
our walk,it began(begin)to rain.So we decided(decide)to go home.
  When we ran(run)to the bus stop,Alan fell(fall)over.He was(be)badly
hurt,so we called(call) 120.while we were waiting(wait),we
(cover)him with some clothes to keep him warm.After about ten minutes,
the doctors arrived and took him to hospital.

情態(tài)動(dòng)詞:Can,could,may,might,must,have to,need,情態(tài)動(dòng)詞無人稱和
Can...?回答用:yes,..can./with pleasure./
              can't 不可能
1.I can lift the stone.
2.You can borrow my bike tomorrow.
3.Can it be true?
4.He can be at home now.
5.The moon can't always be full.

   can和be able to的區(qū)別
be able to 有各種時(shí)態(tài);指某一次動(dòng)作;不可用于被動(dòng)語態(tài)。
1.He says he will be able to be home for Christmas.
2.I was able to help you yesterday.
3.This problem can be settled at once.
Could you speak English them?那時(shí)你能講英嗎?
He said he couldn't follow me.他說他跟不上我。
I could come earlier,if necessary.如果必要我可以早點(diǎn)來。
-Could you let me have your passport?
-Yes,here it is.
  表示許可時(shí),無甚區(qū)別,may較正式 ,can較口語化。
1.You may go home now,Susan.
2.You may not smoke in the classroom.
3.May I sit down?
   -Certainly./Yes,please./Why not?/Sure.
   -No,I am sorry./I'm afraid you can't.
4.I may borrow this book,mayn't I?
             may not 可能不

1.The story may or may not be true.
2.Can that be true?
  May that be true?
3.He can't know the truth.他不可能知道真相。
  He may not know the truth.他可能不知道真相。
更委婉的推測??赡苄砸哺?br> 四must的用法
1.必須、一定(主觀看法) mustn't不準(zhǔn),禁止
         no,...needn't/don't have to
1.You must get up much earlier.
2.You must not speak ill of others.
3.Must we wash the dishes at once/
   Yes,you must.
   No,you needn't./you don't have to.
It's 10 o'clock.My mother must be angry.
it can't be a dog.
We thought our teacher must be joking.
五have to 的用法
I missed the train,so I had to take a taxi.
在疑問句和否定句中,have to 多用助動(dòng)詞do構(gòu)成,
  Did he have to do it?
 You don't have to go there.
Need we return the magazines today?
   Yes,you must./No,you needn't.
  You need not do this.
need to do sth
5.Write sentences saying what may
happen to the things below:
1 the weather around the world
  The weather around the world may
get wrmer and warmer.
2 your life in five year's time
  Your life in five year's time may change
a lot.
3 your home town
Your home town may become more and more beautiful.
4 the Chinese team in the next
Olympic Games
 The Chinese team in the next
 Olympic Games may be the best.
5 your English in three year's time
  Your English in three year's time
  may improve a lot.

5 Complete the conversations with the
correct from of the words in box.
 could  might must mustn't  need  needn't
1.--Must you leave?
  --Yes,it's getting late.
2.--Shall I help you?
  --No,you needn't I can do it by myself.
3.--Do you want this book?
  --Yes,I need to use it this afternoon.
4.--Have you got some free time?
  --I might have some later.
5.--Could you help me with my homework?
  --Yes,after I finishi mine,I'll help you.
6.--Be quiet!You musn't talk in the library.

7 Complete the sentences with must,mustn't,
can or can't.
1.Don't open your present now!In China ,you
must wait and open it later.
2.--Can I clean the house on the first day of the
Spring Festival?
  --NO,you musn't.It's bad luck.
3.In America,you can open your present
immediately.You don't have to wait.
4.In Australia,you can't drive on the right.It's
against the law.
5.In Britain,you must be seventeen or over to drive a car.


Go and wash your hands
快去洗手   (命令)
Be quiet,please.
請安靜      (請求)
Be kind to our sister.
Watch your steps.
走路小心。  (警告)
No littering.
不要亂扔垃圾。 (禁止)
Don't forget to take an umbrella.
  Please close the door.
  Sit down,please.
    Let's go to school together.
    Let him not go.
     Just a minute,please!
Fill in the blanks.
1.It's an immportant meeting.Don't be(not,be)late.
2.Don't make(not,make)any noise!Your mother is sleeping.
3.Don't speak(not,speak)with your mouth full of food.
4.Don't talk(not,talk)and read(read)aloud.
5.Don't leave(not,leave)your homework for
6.Look(look)out!A car is coming.
7.Give(give)us ten years and just see
what our country will be like.
8.Don't let(not,let)the baby cry.
Complete the poster about earthquakes with the correct
form of the words and expressions in the box.
 do not use  hide under  keep   leave  stay away
When there is an earthquake...
1.Stay away from the windows.
2.Hide under a table.
3.Do not use the lift.
4.Leave the building quickly.
6.Keep calm.
8.Make a list of what you should and
shouldn't do in a fire.
1 Do not use the lift.
2 Phone 119 for help.
3 Stay away from the fire.
4 Leave the fire place quickly.
5 Do not take the things,run away qickly.
6 Keep calm.
9.Complete the sentences with the words in
the box.
lift medical noise stairs umbrella
1.Don't make any noise,You are in the reading room.
2.Remember to take your umbrella.It might rain.
3.Do not use the lift when there is a fire.
4.Be carful on the stairs,or you might fall.
5.Get medical help when there is an accident.
10.Complete the sentences with the correct
of the words in the box.
appear bite danger hurt medicine show snake
1.The snake came into the country in a box of bananas.
2.I hurt my leg when I was playing football.
3.A dog bit her leg,and she showed me the place.
4.I will give you some medicine to stop your pain.
5.When you work with wild animals,you may be in danger.
6.The snake appeared round the corner.
11. Complete the passage with the expressions in the box.
any time, just in time, pay attention to, raise money,
ahake hands
Let me tell you about yesterday's talk.I arrived
just in time
to see the visitor walk to the front of the room and
shake hands
with the head teacher.Next she gave us her talk.“I hope you will
pay attention to what I say.We want to raise money to pay for
our‘Stop an accident'programme.More than a third of you may see
or be in an accident while you are at school.Accidents can happen to
anyone at any time.”I thought a lot about her talk,and I decided to
do everyting I can to help the programme.
12. Underline the correct words.
   The weather is not very good anywhere today.In the north,the
temperature will be very low and it will snow.It will stay
for the next few days.In the west, there will be a few
.It will rainy/rain for two more days,then the sun will come out on
Saturday.It will be hot/snow in the south but rainy/showers will
arrive in the afternoon.
13 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
governmend increase pollution public report
1.This is a(n)public park.Anyone may visit it.
2.You should report crimes to the police.
3.There will be a(n)increase in noise when the new
airport opens.
4.We should do what we can to stop air and water
5.The government is spending more money on schools and hospitals.

14. Work in pairs.Look at the ple chart and make sentences
about world population.
Asia has a population of 4.089 billion.
Africa has a population of 990 million.
The population of Asia is much larger than
that of Africa.
South America has a population of 392 million.
North America has a population of 534 million.
The population of South America is smaller than
that of North America.
Europe has a population of 728 million.
Africa has a population of 990 million.
The population of Africa is larger than
that of Europe.

Pairwork:Work in pairs and make up a
conversation like this:
---What is the population of Asia?
---The population of Asia is 4.089 billion.
---Does Asia have the largest population
in the world?
---How about Africa?
---It has...
15.Listen and complete the sentences.
Peter Pan lives on the island of Neverlan.
He believes in magic and he never wants to grow up.
One day he meets some children in London and they
go to the island with him.
They meet Captain Hook,a very bad man.
Peter fell Captain Hook over the side of a ship.
The children cheered loudly.
In the end,Wendy misses her family,and is worried
about getting back.
Wendy and her brother leave Peter Pan and go back home.
16. Listen and chant.Notice the rhyme.
When the wind is in the east,
Then the fish bite the least;
When the wind is in the west,
Then the fish bite the best;
When the wind is in the north,
Then the fish do come forth;
When the wind is in the south,
It blows the bait in the fish's mouth.

Read and complete the passage with the sentences in the box.
A.Poor Lily had to go to the party with dirty clothes.
B.A few days ago,something very bad happened to my friend Lily.
C.They were playing football in th park.
D.The boys and girls stopped playing to see if Lily
was all right.


  Work in pairs and think of ideas for a story.
  What happened?
  When and where did it happen?
  What was the weather like?
  What happened first?
  What happened next?
  What happened in the end?

Now plan four paragraphs to tell the story.
Paragraph A:Write about what happened,the time,
the place and the weather.
Paragraph B:Write about what happened first.
Paragraph C:Write about what happened next.
Paragraph D:Write about what happened in the end.

  it was sunny last Sunday.After I finished my
homework,I went to the supermarket to buy something
to eat.When I got to the supermarket,I found a small
boy crying in the corner.
  I watched him for a while. He was looking for his
mother.Then I walked to him and told him I could help
him find his mother.I asked his mother's phone number
and called his mother.After a few minutes,his mother came.
She thanked me a lot.I felt very happy for helping others.
I bought some fruit and cakes and went back home.

According to the information in activity 18,write a story that
happened to you.






























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