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八年級英語上冊《Revision module A》

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《Revision module A.》
1.How/What about doing sth?
2.Would you like to do sth?
3.Let's do sth?
4.Why don't you do sth?
5.Why not do sth?
6.You should/shouldn't do sth?
7.It's a good idea to do sth?
常用的回答是:That's a good/great idea.
              OK./All right.
1 Write advice about learning English.
Eg:write down new words in groups
You should write down new words in groups.
1.read an English newspaper.
2.write down your mistakes in your notebook.
3.speak English in class.
4.listen to the radio in English.
5.write new words in your vocabulary book.
6.look up new words in a dictionary.
      Are you right
1.You should read an English newspaper.
2.You should write down your mistakes in
your notebook.
3.It's a good idea to speak English in class.
4.It's good idea to listen to the radio in English.
5.You should write new words in your vocabulary book.
6.You should look up new words in a dictionary.

2.Complete the sentences.Use the sentences in
Activity 1 to help you.
Eg:Remember to write down new words in groups.
1.How about reading an English newspaper.
2.Try to listen to the radio in English.
3.Don't forget to speak English in class.
4.Why not listen to the radio in English.
5.Why don't you look up new words in a dictionary.
It's a good idea to
               write down your mistakes in your notebook.
Work in pairs.Ask for and give advice about
learning English.
--How can I learn new words?
--You should write down new words in groups.
--How can I practise my English listening?
--Try to listen to the radio in English.
--How can I improve my English grammar?
--You should write down your mistakes in
your notebook.
--What's the best way to improve speaking?
--You should speak English in class.

How/What about doing sth
Let's do sth
Why not do sth
Why don't you do sth
You should/shouldn't do sth
Try to do sth
It's a good idea to do sth
1)She plays the piano badly.
2)I'm really tired after last night's tennis match.
3)The teacher speaks very slowly and carefully.
1)The teacher speaks carefully.
2)The teacher is careful.

careful+ly - carefully
quick+ly -quickly
safe+ly -safely
busy+ly -busily
heavy+ly -heavily

4 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in brackets.
1.You can easily(easy)buy a ticket.
2.You need to write carefully(careful).
3.He got there safely(safe).
4.I spoke slowly(slow) because my English
was poor.
5.She did her homework carelessly(careless),
so there were a lot of mistakes.
6.I did badly(bad) in my homework.
7.I am going to study hard(hard).

small  smaller   smallest
old     older     oldest
large larger  largest
fine  finer    finest
big  bigger  biggest  
hot  hotter  hottest
busy   busier  busiest
easy   easier  easiest

good/well   better  best
bad/ill/badly  worse  worst
many/much  more  most
little  less  least
far  farther/further farthest/furthest
1.I had to call a taxi because the box was _
than I'd expected.(2012蘇州)
A.heavy   B.heavier
C.the heavier  D.the heaviest

2.She sany a song “I believe I can fly”YangZhou
English Classics Reading Contest.I have never heard
a _ voice than that before.(2012楊州)
A.good  B.well
C.better  D.best

5.Complete the conversations with the correct form
of the words in box.You need to use some of the words
more than once.
   cold  dangerous  difficult  popular relaxing
1.--Are lions the most dangerous cats?
  --No,I think tigers are more dangerous than lions.
2.--Is Beijing the coldest city in China?
  --I don't think so.Harbin is colder than Beijing.
3.--Are pandas the most popular animal in China?
  --I think so.Everyone loves pandas.
4.--Is plane the most relaxing way of travelling?
  --No,I think travelling by train is a lot more relaxing.
5.--Is this exercise the most difficult in this lesson?
  --I'm not sure.What do you think?
      動詞不定式   用法
性質(zhì),其本身可以帶賓語或狀語 等附加成分(不定式和其附加成分稱為
She asked him to come to the party.
She wants me to go with her.
to do 前加not,構(gòu)成not to do 的形式。例如:
Mr Han told us not to make too much noise.
Jackie told me not to touch anything!
I'll have Tony show you around the school.
His words made everyone laugh.

We don't want to lose tigers,elephants or any other
animals,so the WWF is working hard to save them all.
Dylan trained hard to improve his basketball skills.
To improve his basketball skills,Dylan trained hard.
Answer the questions with the words and expressions in
Eg:Why did you come to Lao She Teahouse?
(see/an opera)
I came to Lao She Teahouse to see an opera.
1.Why are you watching
(find out/the score of the match)
   I am watching TV to find out the score of the match.
2.Why did the government build the National Stadium?
(hold/the Olympic Games)
The government built the National Stadium to hold the
Olympic Games.
3.Why do you go running every morning.(stay/healthy)
I go running every morning to say healthy.
4. What did Robert ask?
(you/give him fifty yuan)
Robert asked you to give him fifty yuan.
5.What did you hear?(some children/sing in the room)
I heard some children singing in the room.
6.What did you see?
(a lot of birds/fly over our heads)
I saw a lot of birds flying over our heads.
7.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in the box.
help  sell speak  understand watch
1.Kate is from England and she can teach me to speak English.
2.He took me to watch an opera last night.
3.The man in the market wanted to sell us some vegetables.
4.I tried to understand her,but I could not.She spoke too fast.
5.Mary offered to help me with my English homework yesterday.
8 Complete the passage with the words in the box.
    danger peace protect raise stop  wild
All around the world many wild animals are in danger.We may
lose them all.We need to do something to stop this.People should
protect the earth,and let animals raise their babies and live in peace.
9 Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.
1.“I”ll take you to the shopping centre,”she said.
She offered/hoped to take me to the shopping centre.
2.“Shall we play tennis or table tennis?”“Let's play
They decided/hoped to play tennis.
3.“I'd like to watch the football match,”he said.
He planned/wanted to watch the football match.
4.“It would be great to go to the Great Wall.”
She hoped/decided to go to the GreatWall.
5.“I can't go shopping with you because I'm going to the cinema,”she said.
She hoped/planned to go the cinema.
10 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions
in the box.
  beat careful  chance coach  early fan score warm up win
It was the day of the big match against the city's best school team.
Our coach said we could win,but it would not be easy.We warmed up before
the match,but we did not speak very much.It was very important for
us to beat the other team.
  In the early part of the match,everything went badly.We made some
mistakes,and we were not careful enough with the ball.At half time the
coach told us,“you're faster than them,and you've got a good chance.Try
your best and you will win.”in the second half,we heard our fans cheer,and it
made us even harder.In the end,we scored and we won the match!

11.Listen and complete the sentences.
  Tony's visit to New York
        1 Buiding
 They went to the top of the Empire State
Building.It is not the tallest building in the world
now,but it is still very tall.
        2 Play
 They went to the theatre and saw a play.It was one of
the most popular plays in New Your.
        3 Brooklyn Bridge
 They walked over the Brooklyn Bridge.it is one of the
best places to visit in New York.
        4 Hotel
 They stayed in one of the most expensive hotels in the city.
12.Listen and chant.Notice the rhyme.
       The fastest way to go
Travlling fast of travelling slow,
Which is the fastest way to go?

Over the land or over the seas,
Which is the fastest?Tell me,please!

Running on two legs over the ground,
Or riding my bicycle,wheels going round?
Galloping fast on a galloping horse,
That's faster than on my bike,of course.

But if you have to travel afar,
You're faster again in a motocar.

And very much faster when riding a train,
But the fastest of all in an aeroplane!

Flying so high right up in the sky.
Looking at all the clouds go by.

Faster than bicycle,car or train,
The fastest of all is an aeroplane!

13.Read the passage and choose the correct answer.
1.Where were the penguins when the scientist
found them?
A.Far from home. B.In the water C.On a plane.
2.Why were the penguins far away from home?
A.They swam there.  B.Scientists took them there. 
C.Maybe the warm water carried them there.
3.Where did the scientists bring the penguins?
A.To the south coast. B.To the sea.  C.To
lots of different places.
4.What did the scientists want to do?
A.They wanted to take the penguins all back to Brazil.
B.They wanted to help the penguins get home.
C.They wanted to make the penguins swim all the way home.
5.What did people do as the penguins started swimming
in the sea?
A.They swam behind them.
B.They cried.
C.They cheered.
6.How did the younger penguins get
back home at last?
A.They swam behind the older ones.
B.They went by plane.
C.They swam in front of the older ones.
  Write a report about your English study this term.
   What you are good at
   What you can improve
   Three things you are going to do over the next two months

    I like English and I am good at listening English.
I often read an English newspaper and listen to the radio in
English.When I make mistakes, I write down the mistakes in my
notebook,I am not good at writing,so I will try my best to
remember more new words and speak English in class.If I meet
new words,I will look them up in the dictionary. I decide to make
a pen friend from England,and try to her every week.I think I
can improve my English a lot.

Write a report about your English study this term.
What you are good at
What you can improve
Three things you are going to do over the next two months.











































































































































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