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八年級英語上冊Module 12 Unit 3《Language in use》

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《Language in use.》


Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
What are they doing?
They are hiding under a table.
What are they doing?
They are leaving the building quickly when the
ground stops shaking.
What are they doing?
They are running away from the sea and move quickly
to higher ground.
        Language practice
1.That could be harmful!
2.Betty,you must know!
3.Stay away from windows adn heavy furniture.
4.Don't stand near street lights or under power lines.
    Go and wash your hands.
      快去洗手  (命令)
    Be quiet,please.
       請安靜   (請求)
    Be kind to our sister.
      要對我們的妹妹友善   (勸告)
    Watch your steps.
       走路小心 (警告)
    No littering.  
    不要亂扔垃圾  (禁止)
    Don't forget to take an umbrella.
     不要忘了帶雨傘  (叮囑)
Please close the door.
Sit down,please.
Come to my office.
Hurry up!
Please don't do it.
Don't be late again.
Don't worry.Be happy.
Don't bring any food or drink into the lab next time.
Don't forget to turn off the lights.
Don't stand up.
Don't be careless.
Don't let them play with fire.
Let's go to school together.
Let him not go.
Just a minute,please!
一起來看看吧 !
Fill in the blanks.
1.It's an important meeting.Don't be(not,be)late.
2.Don't make(not,make)any noise!Your mother is sleeping.
3.Don' speak(not,speak)with your mouth full of food.
4.Dont talk(not,talk)and read(read) aloud.
5.Don't leave(not,leave)your homework for tomorrow,Larry.
6.Look(look)out!A car is coming.
7.Give(give)us ten years and just see what our country will
be like.
8.Don't let(not,let)the baby cry.

Complete the sentences with could,must or mustn't.
1.It's dangerous.You must keep out!
2.These stairs are not safe.You mustn't use them.
3.The rocks are falling down.You colud get hit.
4.The river is too deep.You mustn't swim in it.
5.Betty must know what to do because she did some
basic medical training.
Underline the correct words to complete the first aid
1.Get/Do not get medical help immediately.
2.Ask/Do not ask them where the pain is.
3.Lift/Do not lift them because you may drop them.
4.Keep/Do not keep them warm.

Complete the poster about earthquakes with the correct
form of the words and expressions in the box.
do not use    hide under    keep  leave    stay away
 When there is an earthquake...
1.Stay away from the windows.
2.Hide under a table.
3.Do not use the lift.
4.Leave the building quickly when the
ground stops shaking.
6.Keep calm.

Complete the conversatino with the words and
expressions in the box.
 chance Cover  in pain  in trouble   medical
Tony:Daming is traning hard for the big match.
Lingling:Yes,the team has a good(1)chance this year.
Tony:Oh,no,Daming's(2)in trouble.
He's down!
Lingling:It looks like he's(3)in pain.
Tony:Daming,what happened?
Daming:It's my leg.
Lingling:(4)Cover him with my coat.
Tony:But don't move him.Let's wait for
someone with(5)medical training.
Complete the news report with the correct form of the
words in the box.
  clear inside power rock trouble warn
Information is coming in that there could be(1)trouble
because of heavy rain in the north.The government is(2)
warning people about falling(3)rocks.Some roads have a
lot of rocks on them,but people are trying to(4)clear
them quickly.
In some places there is no(5)power.And people must stay(6)
inside to keep away from falling rocks.
Now read the report again and check(√)the true sentences.
1.There are problems everywhere because of rain.        (×)
2.The government is warning people about an earthquake. (×)
3.Some road in the mountains have a lot of rocks on them.(√)
4.People are trying to clear the rocks off the roads.    (√)
5.There is no problem with power.                       (×)

try to do sth
Warn sb about sth
Cau for help
be pround of
Listen and complete the sentences.
1.We were having dinner at home when the earthquake happened.
2.The room started to shake.
3.Father shouted to everyone of get under the kitchen table.
4.We could not get out of the room because the door would not open.
5.My father called for help on his mobile phone.
6.People came to help us and we left our flat.

Listen to the passage and answer the question.
Who saved one hundred other tourists in 2004?

A ten-year-old girl.
Read the passage and choose the correct answer.
1.What's the best title for this passage?
a)2004 Asian tsunami.
b)A girl saves tourists form tsunami.

c)Underwater earthquakes.
2.What did Tilly notice?
a)Water coming to the beach.
b)People watching the water.
c)Bubbles in the water.

     Around the world
  Special buildings in Japan
The Yokohama Landmark Tower.
       Special buildings in Japan
Earthquakes are very common in Japan.Many can cause a
lot of damage.But now there are new ways of constructing
buildings to make them safer and stronger during earthquakes.
The Yokohama Landmark Tower is one of the tallest buildings
in Japan.It is heavy and strong.It sits on rollers.This means
the earth can rise and fall beneath the building without shaking

     Module task:
Making a poster about preventing accidents at school
Make a list of accidents that can happen at school.

 School accidents

 How  Were

 Hurting hands/Knees/legs

 Running fast/Playing football  Playground
 Hitting your head  Climbring a tree  Garden

Work in groups.Choose an accident from the list in Activity
8 and give instructions about what to do.
Make a poster about preventing accidents at school using must/
mustn't and present your poster to the class.
1.-Sorry for being late again.
  -_A_here on time next time,or you'll be punished.
A.Be  B.Being  C.To be D.Been
2.-May I listen to  the music here,Mr.White?
  -Sorry,you'd better_B_it like that.
A.not to do B. not do C.don't do D.not do to
3.Boys and gils,_C_up your hands if you want to take
part in the summer camp(夏令營)。
A.putting B.to put C.put
4.When someone is in trouble,we must help him_B_trouble.
A.in B.out of C.into 
1.-My brother won the first prize in speech competition.
  -Conggratulations!You_B_be excited about that!【2012湖北宜昌】
A.need B.must C.would D.can
2.The lady in this photo_C_be over fifty!
She looks so young!【2012江蘇無錫】
A.mustn't B.must C.can't D.can
3.This toy Mickey Mouse_A_be Amy's.She's the only kid
at the picnic.【2012山東濟寧】
A.must B.can C.need D.can't
4.-You_D_be excited that you're going back to your hometown soon.
  -Yes,I can't wait any longer.【2012內(nèi)蒙古包頭】
A.shall B.can C.need D.must
5._A_ get off the bus before it stops.【2012湖南永州】
A.Don't B.Doesn't C.Didn't
6.Don't_A_up Englis.It's very important.【2012四川南充】
A.give B.hurry C.stay
  你覺得你的校園生活安全嗎?請你寫一篇題為“How to
Keep safe in school”的短文,談?wù)勀愕目捶ā?br> 1.描述一件發(fā)生在你身上或你身邊的校園安全事件。













































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