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八年級英語上冊Module 11 Unit 2《In England, you usually drink tea with milk.》

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 《In England ,you usually drink tea with milk.》
Look at the picture and fill in the blank.
You must drive on the left of the road in Britain.
You mustn't ride your bicycle on the pavement(人行道).
You mustn't make noise in the library.
            New  words
experience   stay    sandwich  
fish and chips  gentleman  shoulder
Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and talk about what you can
have afternoon tea   get on a bus
Listen to the passage and answer the questions.
1.When do people have afternoon tea in Britain?
At around 4 p.m.
2.What is the traditional food in England?
Fish and chips.
Choose the correct answer.
1.When you are talking to your friends,you may call them_a_.
a)by their first names  b)Mr or Ms
2.When you are invited for afternoon tea,you will have_b_.
a)tea   b)a light meal
3.Tea in England usually has_a_in it.
a)milk  b)sugar
4._b_is traditional food in England.
a)Steak and potatoes
b)Fish and chips
5.At the bus stop,it is important that you_a_.
a)wait in line
b)smile politely
Write answers to the questions.Use the words and expressions
in the box.
for the first time    meal    meet    something interesting 
stand in a line     take away
1.What did Wang Hui notice when he was in England?
He noticed something interesting with the English way of life.
2.What is one example of the English way of life?
You must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time.
3.What do you eat for afternoon tea?
Afternoon tea is a light meal and you eat sandwiches or a large
fruit cake,and drink tea with milk.
4.How can you eat fish and chips?
You can eat fish and chips in shops or take it away and eat it
with your fingers.
5.What do people do when they wait for the bus?
When people wait for the bus,they need to stand in a line and
wait for their turn.
   Language points
1.For example,you must say Mr and Mrs when you meet someone for
the first time.
 someone pron.某人;有人
e.g.I seem to hear someone knocking at the door.
for the first time表示“初次,第一次”。
e.g.I met him at the cinema for the first time.
2.Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm.
not just...but...表示“不僅僅.....而且......”。
e.g.He is not just a teacher butan inventor.
3...or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers!
take away在這里特指將餐館的食品帶走,而不是在餐館食用。
e.g.-Would you eat it here or take it away?
    -I'll take it away.
e.g.The restaurant provides takeaway service.
4.Once I noticesd a gentleman touch a young man on
the shoulder...
touch sb.on the shoulder表示“拍某人的肩膀”,是英語的慣用表達(dá),
pat sb.on the head  拍某人的頭
kick sb.in the leg  踢某人的腿
Answer the questions about ways of life in your home town.
1.What do you do when you meet people for the first time?
We may shake hands with or smile at each other when we meet
for the first time.
2.What must you say when you talk to older people?
We must use“nin”to show our respect.
3.What food and drink do you give to visitors when they come
to your home?
We will serve the visitors with tea,fruits and snacks.
4.What do you eat during the Spring Festival?
We will have a big meal with our family during the Spring
Festival.People may have lots of meat at the meal.
Write passage about ways of life in your home town.
 Use your answers in Activity 5 to help you.
 Possble answer
   People in my home town are friendly to each other.They may
shake hands with or smile at each other when they meet for
the first time.When they're introduced to someone older,they
usually use“nin”to show their respect,when there are vistors
at home,the host will serve them with tea,fruits and snacks.
   The Spring Festival is the biggest occasion in my home town.
People usually celebrate it by having a big meal with their
families.They'll have lots of meat.Children will enjoy the
fireworks and snacks.
You needn't wait.
to do sth.結(jié)構(gòu)。例如:
I need to clean my room immediately.
     had better的用法
had better表示勸告或建議,意為“最好......”。
You'd better speak in a low voice.
had better一般不用于疑問句中,但可用于否定句中,其否定形式
為:had better not.
You'd better not go out before you finish your homework.
1.It rained heavily,so we_B_stay at home
watching TV all day.
A.could B.had to C.must
2.-May I take the book out of the reading room?
  -No,you can't.You_A_read it here.It's  the rule.
A.must B.would C.may
3.-Dad,may I watch TV?
  -No.You_A_finish your homework first.
A.must B.can C.may
4.-Bob,shall we go and meet our new classmate?
  -Sorry.I'm busy now.But you_B_ask David to
go with you.He is free.
A.need B.may C.must

1.Susan's parents have bought a large house with a
swimming pool.It_A_be very expensive.(2013上海)
A.must  B.can  C.mustn't D.can't
2.You_D_go and ask Meimei.She__know the answer.(2013天津)
A.must;can  B.must;may  C.need;can  D.can;may
3.If you are in the zoo,remember not to touch or go near the
animals.Although some of the animals are cute,you_A_leave them
A.must  B.will  C.may  D.can

Write a passage to describe what you should do at
the bus stop.


































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