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八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Module 10 Unit 2《The weather is fine all year round.》

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《The weather is fine all year round.》
 What do they mean?
  Look and say
It might be sunny in the morning.
It may be rainy on Monday.
It may be cloudy on Friday.
There may be a heavy shower on Saturday.
It may be snowy on Tuesday.
---How many seasons are there in a year in
China?And what are they?
---There are four seasons.They are...
March April May
June July August
September  October November
December January February
In our country,


   Words and expressions
mile                 n.英里
northwest            n.西北
umbrella             n.雨傘
southeast            n.東南;
from time to time    有時(shí);間或

  Warming up
When's the best time to visit your town or country?
S1:When is the best time to visit your town/city?
S2:I think September is the best time.
S2:Because it's not too hot or cold at that time.
  Have you been to America?
1.How many places are mentioned in the passage?
2.What are they?

New York     Washington D.C     New England

California    Seattle     Alaska      Texas

   Read and answer the questions
1.When is the best time to visit the USA?
Any time you like!
2.When is the best time to visit New England?
In September.
3.When is the best time to visit Alaska?
In summer.
New York or Washington DC in winter
New York    Washington DC
New York and Washington DC are good places to
visit in May or October,but in winter there's a lot
of snow.
 New England
   The best time to visit New England is in September.
The weather gets cooler,and the green leaves start to
turn gold,then brown.Bring your camera so you can take
photos of autumn trees.
   In California,the weather is fine all year round.Take
your swimming clothes because you might want to go swimming
in the sea,even in December.


 In Seattle,in the northwest,it isn't very cold but it rains
a lot,so bring an umbrella.
  In Alaska the days are long and warm in summer,but may be cool in
the evening,so bring a warm sweater.Don't go in winter.It'll be very
In Texas and the southeast,it's usually very hot and sunny compared
to other places.There are storms from time to time in summer and

 from time to time =sometimes
   Complete the table

 Place Weather  Best time to visit 
 New York


a lot of snow

In May or October
 New England  It gets cooler in September  In September

 Place  Weather  Best time to visit
 California  Fine all year round  All year

 Summer:warm day,cool night

 Winter:very cold

 In summer

4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the
  brown   mile   storm   sweater   umbrella
1.In autumn the leaves turn gold and then brown.
2.It is about 3,000 miles from the east coast to the west coast.
3.You migth need a sweater in the evening.
4.Sometimes there are storms in summer and autumn on the southeast
5.You will need a (n)umbrella in Seattle because it rains a lot.
1.The best time to visit New England is in September.
這里的New England(新英格蘭)指的是美國(guó)東北部的一個(gè)地區(qū),它包括六個(gè)州:
緬因州(Maine)、新罕布什爾州(New Hampshire)、佛蒙特州(Vermont)、
(John Smith)給這個(gè)地方起名為新英格蘭。
2.Bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees.
take photos of...的意思是“給......拍照”。例如:
I took a photo of Linda.
She took a lot of photos of the kids.
3.In Texas and the southeast,it's usually very hot and sunny compared
to other places.
compared to 意為“和.....比較”,表示此意也可以用compared with。
Compared to our small house,Bill's house seemed like a palace.
This road is very busy compared to/with ours.
4.There are storms from time to time in summer and autumn.
from time to time 表示“有時(shí),間或”。
例如:He has moved to another city,but we write to each other
from time to time.他移居到了另外一座城市,但我們會(huì)時(shí)不時(shí)通通信。
They are now living in different cities,but they still talk on
the phone from time to time.
5.You'd better go in summer.
had better...“最好做...”其后要用動(dòng)詞原形。
如:It often rains in England you'd better take an umberlla.
6.Don't forget to bring a warm sweater with you.
forget to do sth/doing sth
forget to do sth忘記做某事(還沒(méi)有做)
forget to do sth忘記做某事(做了但是忘記了)
如:Don't forget to close the door.
I always forgeting locking the door.
1.My father bought a camera(照相機(jī))for me on my birthday.
2.It's raining and you should take an umbrella(雨傘)with you.
3.It will get cooler and cooler when autumn/fall(秋天)comes.
4.Bring your swimming clothes(游泳衣)because you might go swimming
in the sea.

(it's a good idea to...)
It's a good idea to keep an English diary every day.
(compared to...)
Hainan is very warm in winter compared to other cities.
(take photos of...)
I took several photos of monkeys in the zoo yesterday.
4.在昆明,一年到頭都很溫暖。(all year round)
It's very warm in Kunming all year round.
(from time to time)
There are storms on the sea from time to time,so
you must be very careful.
  Complete the sentences
1.Bring a map because you may want(want)to travel around.
2.They are good places to visit(visit)in China.
3.In winter,there is a lot of snow(snow)
4.The best(good)time to visit
5.I want to go swimming(swim)
 Choose the best answer
1.When is__time to visit Beijing?
A.best B.the best C.better
2.It is about 10__from my home to school.
A.miles B.mile C.mile's
3.The best time visit here is __winter.
A.wiht B.in C.at
4.I want to go swimming__the sea.
A.wiht B.in  C.at
5.It is raining outside,please take__umbrella.
A.a B.the C.an
6.It is hot at noon,but it may__cold in the evening.
A.be B.isC.was
7.Don't froget_a sweater_you.
A.to take,with
B.to bring,with
8.don't compare your children_others.
A.with B.at C.about
9.-When is the best time to visit China?
  -_time you like.
A.Some B.Any C.Sometimes
10.Alaska can_very cold in winter.
A.is B.be  C./
Match the two parts.

Write some advice for visiting your home town and give reasons.Use because,so and but.
The best time to visit my home town is in...because the weather is...
When's the best time to visit our city?
spring summer aurumn  winter

  Good   Bad advice 
 spring Warm,pleasant fly kies   often rains windy  bring an umbrella...
 summer  sunny swim...  hot...  wear a pair of sunglasses...
 autumn  cool red tree leaves...  dry...  drink more water...
 winter snowy make a snow man...   cold...  wear some warm clothes...

It is the best time to visit...in...,but... So it's a good idea to...
The best time to visit...is in___.
Because there is a lot to do and see.When you come here it's a good
idea to___,because you may want to___.You might___,because___,but___,so___....
I wish you to have a good time.
My American friend is coming to China,and he wants to visit somewhere
interesting in China.Please give her some advice.
Where  can she go?
When is the best time?
What should  she bring?
























































































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