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八年級英語上冊Module 9 Unit 3《Language in use》

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《Language in use.》
Read the following sentences.
There is a policeman at the door.
There is a box in the room.The box is heavy.
I got a letter yesterday.The letter was from
may sister.
I met an old man at the gate.
This is the most interesting book I have ever
He comes from the United States of America.
   A horse is a useful animal.
   I have a new watch.
 A man is talking with your father outside the gate.
4)表示“每一”,相當(dāng)于every. 如:
I go to school five days a week.
 I have three books.I want to buy a fourth one.
6)用在某些固定詞組中:a lot (of)許多,大量;after a while 過一會兒
 Let me have a look at your book.
  New York is not the capital of America.
  The third dress that he bought is the most expensive in
this store.
  The Greens will move to Australia next year.
  The Sun is much bigger than the Earth.
  The rich should do something to help the poor.
  Dalian is in the north of China.
  Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?
  By the way,how is your sister?
  I found a book on the floor.I think the book is Tom's.
  My brother doesn't like playing the piano.
It is necessary to drink water after you do exercise.
My father and mother are both doctors.
This is my cat whose name is Mimi.
Tian'anmen Square is in the centre of Beijing.
We had supper after playing football yesterday.
This is Professor Liu,our English teacher.
English is an important subject.
I go to work by bus every day.

Write the words with a,an,no article(/)or in plural form.
1.There's no air or water on the moon.
2.The Yellow River is the second longest river in / China.
3.My mother bought me a very nice bike.I like the bike very much.
4.Xiao Ming likes playing / basketball,but he doesn't like playing
the piano.
5.The students don't have classes in the afternoon on / Saturday.
6.I often watch TV in the evening.
7.Let's go out for a walk.
8.What would you like for lunch,/ coffee or / milk?
9.You dropped a“u”and an “s”in this word.
10.There is a pen on the desk.The pen is mine.
11.I like playing × basketball,but I don't like playing
the piano.
12.He drove the car at the speed of eighty kilometers an hour.
13.I think English is a useful subject.
   Do you think so?
14.He had an apple and a glass of milk for × supper.
15.--Who is the boy?
   --He is my × best friend.
16.Does Bob come from the USA or × Australia?
17.Linda works in a hospital.Her sister works in
the same hospital.
18.How do you go to work,by × bus or on × foot?
Mina is an eighteen-year-old girl.She's got a brother
and a sister.Mina is the oldest child in the family.
She lives in a very big city.The population is more than
10 million.She has a job in a hotel.She hopes that one day
she will have a chance to go to / college.
1 Work in pairs.Match the countries with their populations.

2 Listen and check your answers.
3 Read the chart and answer the questions.
1.Which city had the largest popullation in 2000?
2.Which city's popullation will increase the most from 2000
to 2025?
3.Which city will have a larger increase in its population,
New York or Mexico City?
  Mexico City
4.Which city/cities do you think will have the biggest popullation
  Tokyo,because they have many environmental problems
4 Complete the passage with a,an or the where necessary.
Mina is(1)an eighteen-year-old girl.She has got(2)a brother
and (3)a sister.Mina is(4)the oldest child in(5)the family.
She lives in(6)a very big city.She has(7)a job in(8)a hotel.
She hopes that one day she will have(9)the chance to go to
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words
in the box.
    few good  much small
1.We believe the schools in Arnwick are very good,and we're
working to make them even better.
2.Their flat is too large for two people.They want to find
a smaller one.
3.Anna always talks about her ideas.I think she needs to
listen more.
4.There are a lot of parks in this city.I think there are
fewer parks in a lot of other cities.

6 Complete the diagram showing population problems.Use the
words in the box to help you.
air city countryside hospital
increase public service traffic water

 Problems of Arnwick
People move from countryside
People arrive in city
Problem:Population increases
Environmental problems:air,water
Health problems:hospital
Problems for the government:public services,a lot of traffic
7 Complete the passage with the words in the box.
  countryside pollution population space traffic
  Our word is facing many problems.Two of the biggest are the
increasing population and pollution.
  The(1)population of the world is increasing quickly.Why is
this happening?Because more babies are born every year and people
also live longer.Many people are leaving the(2)countryside to work
in the cities,but there is not enough(3)space for so many people.
  Another huge problem for the world is(4)pollution.There's so much
(5)traffic on the roa that in some cities the air is heavily polluted.
We must work harder to protect our world.
9 Listen and choose the best summary
a)It's cheaper to share a car than to have a personal car.
b)People in a car club do not often take buses,trains or the
c)There are no car clubs in the US.
d)Joining car clubs is good for you and for the city.

10 Listen again and choose the correct answer.
1.Joining a car club is cheaper/more.
2.People in car clubs pay for/do not pay for a car when
they drive.
3.People in car clubs sometimes/never talk a bus or ride a
4.People in car clubs probably are/are not healthier.
  Work in pairs and discuss this question.
Do you think car clubs would be popular in China?
Why/Why not?

Around the world
  world population and water
  With more and more people in the world,more and more
water is used.In fact,water use is growing more than
twice as fast as the world's popullation!As a result,
getting good,clean water is becoming a problem in many
places.A lot of water is polluted and in many areas people
have to walk a long way to get clean water fordaily use.
More than 3.4 million people die each from drinking and
washing with polluted water.So let's do everything we can
to stop the pollution and save water.
 Read and answer.
 What a problem are there in many places with water?
  Getting good,clean water is becoming a problem in
many places.
  True(T)or false(F)according to Population and water。
(T)1.Clean water is becoming a problem in many places.
(F)2.Water use is growing as fast as the world's population.
(T)3.Many areas people have to walk a long way to get clean
(F)4.More than 3.4 billion people die from drinking and washing
with dirty water each year.
(T)5.In fact,world population and pollution are problems that cause
the shortage of good clean water.
  Module task
Making a graph
Work in groups.Choose a topic for your graph.
Choose a country or town which interests you.It could be your home town.
Decide the time you want to look at-for example,now,10 years ago and 10
years from now.
Research the population of your place in those years.Write your notes carefully.
13.Make your graph.
Decide how you want to make your graph.
Draw it and colour it.You can also make it on the computer.
Label it clearly.
(B)1.Cindy is __amazing singer.
She has lots of fans.(2010.河北省)
A.a B.an C.the D.不填
(B)2.-Why do you like Mary?
-Because she is__honest girl.(2010湖南省婁底)
A.a B.an C.the
(A)3.Jenny is__American.She works in__company
in China now.(2010四川省內(nèi)江)
A.an;a B.an;the C.a;an
(B)4.-What would you like for__breakfast,Mr.Green?
-Two pieces of bread and__cup of tea,please.(2010四川省自貢)
A.a;the B./;a C./;the
(A)5.Avatar(阿凡達)is such__wonderful science fiction movie that
I want to see it__second time.(2010山東省濰坊)
A.a,a B.a,the C./,the D./,a
(A)6.There is__local shop for people to buy daily things in the
small village.(2010江蘇省南京)
A.a B.an C.the D.不填
(C)7.Many people think that 2012 is one of__most successful films.
A.a B.an C.the D.不填
(A)8.If you go by train,you can have quite__comfortable journey,but make
sure you take__fast one.(2010江蘇省無錫)
A.a;a B.the;a C.the;the D.不填;a
(B)9.This is__story-book.It was written by Yang Hongying.
A.the B.a C.an
(A)10.-Be careful!There is__dog lying on the ground.
-Thanks a lot.(2012貴州銅仁)
A.a B.an C.the D./
(B)11.Bill likes playing__basketball,but he doesn't like playing__
A.the,the B./,the C.the,/
(D)12.__Greens are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day.(2012廣東)
A./B.A C.An D.The
(B)13.__new bridge has been built over__Changjiang River in
A.The;a B.A;the C.A;\ D.An;the
(B)14.There is__old bridge near my house.(2012湖南永州)
A.a B.an C.the
(C)15.Mary was born in 1998 and she began to play__guitar at the age of
A.a B.不填 C.the
(C)16.A:I enjoyed the performance very much.
      B:Yes,it was really good.I think__boy in white was the best actor.
A.a B.an C.the D./

Write a paragraph to describe your city.

















































































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八年級英語上冊Module 9 Unit 1《The population of China is about 1.37 billion.》

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