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四年級英語上冊Module 3 Unit 8《At the shop》(Period 2)

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《At the shop》(Period 2)
Quick response

carrot     carrots
tomato     tomatoes
potato     potatoes

Think and say
What would you like?
I'd like some...

Read and answer
At the shop
Kitty and here mum go to a shop.The shop is small but nice.There is much food at the shop.Mum would like some meat.Kitty would like some fish.There is no rice at home,so Mum buys some rice too.They have a good time at the shop.
1.Who are they?
2.Where are they?
3.What's at the shop?

Look and say
S1:What would you like?
S2:I'd like some...

Look and learn
fish     meat
Smell the fish.
Smell the fish.
Fish and meat.
Taste the fish.
Taste the meat.
Fish and meat.

Read,complete and say
Fish,meat,rice and soup.
What would you like?
What would you like?
I'd like some fish,
I'd like some rice.
I'd like fish and rice.
I'd like some ______.
I'd like some _____.
I'd like ______ and _____.

Say and act
Can I help you?
We'd like some...
How much are these?
Here you are.
Thank you.

Look and say
fish     carrot     rice
potato     meat     tomato

Ask and answer
Happy Shop
Shopping List
some fish        some meat
some milk        some rice
some carrots     some orange juice
some potatoes    some apples
some tomatoes    some candy
S1:What sould you like,Joe?
S2:I'd like some fish,some meat,some milk,some rice,some carrots,some orange juice,some potatoes,some apples,some tomatoes and some candy.

Learn the sounds
dog   shop
Bonnie has a dog.
The dog is hot.
The dog is in the shop.

Culture corner
In some Asian countries,people eat with chopsticks.
In Western countries,people eat with knives and forks.

Listen and match
a orange juice       b bread
c milk               d eggs
e tomatoes           f apples
g carrots

1.Mum would like some potatoes for soup.
2.Mum would like some fish,meat and rice too.
3.Joe would like some fruit.
4.Joe would like some orange juice and peach juice too.
5.Mum and Joe are in a shop.

Listen and tick
1.Alice ,what would you like?
  I'd like some tomatoes.
2.What do you have?
  I have some carrots.
3.Is there any fish on the plate?
  No,there isn't.There's some meat.
4.Have some soup,Tom.
  Thank you,Aunt Susan.
5.What would you like,Danny?
  I'd like some juice,I'm thirsty.
6.Are youo hungry,Kitty?
  Yes,I'm hungry.
  What would you like?
  I'd like some rice.
Listen and match
1.--Good morning.Mr Wang.What would you like?
  --Good morning.I'd like some eggs,some tomatoes and some carots.I can make     some soup.
  --Here you are.
  --Thank you.
2.--Good evening.What would you like,Mrs Li?
  --I'd like some bread,some apples and some orange juice.
  --Here you are.
  --Oh,I'd like some milk too.
  --All right,Here's your milk.
  --Thank you very much.

Listen and circle
Joe:What would you like,Mum?
Mum:Let me see.I'd like some potatoes.We can have potato soup for dinner.I'd like some fish and meat too.
Joe:Would you like some rice?
Mum:Oh,yes,I'd like some rice.What would you like,Joe?
Joe:I'd like some apples and pears.And I'd like some bananas too.
Mum:OK,would you liek some drinks?
Joe:Yes,I'd like some orange juice and some peach juice.
Mum:All right.Let's go and get them.






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