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四年級英語上冊Module 2《Revision 2 and Project 2》

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《Revision 2 & Project 2》
see      看見         bottle   瓶子
drink    喝           any 任何的
cousin   表兄弟;表姐妹;堂兄弟;堂姐妹
family   家庭          parent   父親;母親
son      兒子          grandfather(grandpa)(外)祖父;爺爺;外公
grandmother   (外)祖母,奶奶;外婆
uncle    叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨夫;
aunt     姑媽;姨媽;伯母;嬸嬸;舅媽
that     那個
nurse    護士        fireman   消防員;
teacher  老師        doctor   醫(yī)生
bus driver   公共汽車        kid   小孩
so   如此;很;所以;        fire   火;火災
People   人;人們            job   工作;職業(yè)
play with   玩...            school   學校
office   辦公室              busy   忙碌的;繁忙的
computer   計算機;          many   許多
shop   商店            tomato   番茄;西紅柿
soup   湯              potato   土豆
carrot   胡蘿卜        thirty   三十
fish   魚;魚肉        meat  肉
rice   大米;米飯       glasses   眼鏡
want   想要            together   一起
magic  神奇的;有魔力的     need   需要
where   哪里           In   在...里面

Say a rhyme
Who's that? Who's that?
Who's that boy?
In the white T-shirt?

Who's that? Who's that?
Who's that man
In the white T-shirt?

He's my cousin.
He's my cousin.
He's a student.
He's my cousin.

He's my uncle.
He's my uncle.
He's a teacher.
He's my uncle.

Talk about your family
I have a big/small family.
There are ...people in it.
They are...
This is my...
He/she is...(tall/short/thin)
He/she has...(colthes)
He/she is a ...(job)
He/She can...
but he/she can't...
I love my family.

Ask and answer in Pairs.
What does your father/mother do?
Do you have brothers/sisters?
Do you have any uncles/aunts?
What does he/she do?

Ask about one of your classmate's family
What does your father/mother do?
Do you have any...?
What does he/she do?

Introduce one of your friends' family.
...'s father/mother is a/an...
...has a brother/uncle.He is a/an...
...has a sister/aunt.She is a/an..

Write about your family
This is my...
He/she is...(tall/short/thin)
He/she has...(colthes)
He/she is a ...(job)
He/She can...
but he/she can't...
I love my ....

Look and read
Hello,I'm Jill.I have a big family.
They're my parents and my grandparents.
What do your parents do,Peter?
My father is a teacher.
Is your mother a teacher too?
No,she isn't.She's a doctor.

Read and complete
Jill has a big family.There are eight people in her family.They are her parents and her grandparents,Uncle John,Aunt Liily,her cousin,Dan ,and Jill.
Jill's father is a fireman.He is brave.Jill's mother is nurse.She is kind.John is a teacher.And Dan is a student.He is eleven years old.

Let's revise(I)
Do you have any cousins/aunts/uncle?
Yes,I have one/two cousin/aunt/uncles.
No,I don't have any cousins.
What does your father/mother do?He's/She's a doctor/teacher.

Do you have any cousins?
Yes,I have one cousin.
No,I don't have any cousins.
Do you have any aunts?
Yes,I have one aunt.
Do you have any cousins?
Yes,I have two uncles.

What does your father do?
He's a doctor.
What does your mother do?
She's a teacher.

S1:Do you have any aunts?
S2:Yes,I have one aunt.
S1:What does your aunt do?
S2:She's a teacher.

S1:Do you have any uncles?
S2:Yes,I have one uncle.
S1:What does your uncle do?
S2:He's a bus driver.

S1:Do you have any cousins?
S2:Yes,I have one cousin.
S1:What does your cousin do?
S2:He's a fireman.

Ask and answer
1.Do you have any uncles?
Yes,I do./No,I don't.
2.Do you have brothers and sisters?
Yes,I have...
No,I don't have any...
3.What does your mother do?
She's a/an...
4.Do you have any aunts?
5.Is your father a bus driver?

Look and read
I have two friends.
They are Peter and his sister Sally.
Peter has an orange T-shirt.
He can ride a bike.
Sally has a red skirt.
She can fly a kite.

This is Tom.He is my friends.
He is tall and thin.
He has a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts.
He can skate.

Let's revise(II)
He/She has a /a pair of green/yellow/red and blue T-shirt/shorts

Read and write
Have or has?
1.Mary has a book.
2.A rabbit has long ears.
3.Shirley has a new bicycle.
4.Robin has six pencils.
5.I have many friends.
6.We have a big house.
7.Grandpa has a pet cat.
8.Do you have a balloon?
9.This butterfly has beautiful wings.

He has a gerrn T-shirt.
He has a pair of yellow shorts.
She has a yellow T-shirt.
She sha a pair of red and blue shorts.

Listen and sounds
Ken and Ben have ten red pens.
Ten red pens from their friends.

I like my bike.
Mike likes his kite.
My bike is nice.
Mike's kite is high.

Jim has a pig.
Hispig is big.
His pig is pink.
The big pig is laying with a stick.

Think and circle
My work in Moudle 2






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